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Dharma/Antoine/Eyes To See...

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Dear Dharma,


At 12:17 AM 4/17/99 -0500, you wrote:

>It means going beyond the mind entirely. You are looking for something

>else to envision, to meditate on. Try leaving the mind behind... try

>meditating without meditating _on_ anything.


I do. There are mindful meditations, and then there are the type of

meditations you describe. I practice both. I find both to be of value.

Your mileage may vary.

>Just maintain your integral

>focus of consciousness... in silence and peace... resting... be

>receptive... open to seeing or hearing, but not seeking it... let that

>replace thinking... let the thinking go on far below you... withdraw your

>attention from it.


There is another type as well besides "no-mind" and mindful meditations...

Zen Shikantaza simply involves sitting and watching thought as it goes by,

like watching a river flow downstream, not trying to affect anything at

all. Just watching. This I have done as well, but it's very subtle and

not easy to practice.

>It is the clear light of the All... not something to envision. Meditating

>on white light might tend to draw you towards the right direction... but

>it is better not to meditate on anything... Drop the mind and rise above

>it like a balloon with no ropes holding it down. :))


Thank you for the hints... I find the best way for me is to meditate both

ways - both using a visualization, and the type where the mind is quieted

and transcended. Both have their place, and depending on my particular

mood at the time I tend to choose one or the other. Sometimes I meditate

just chanting the mantram "Om" (a couple times out loud, then internally).

This can have a powerful effect.


I'm a strong advocate of experimentation in meditative practice. The only

meditation that's "not a good" meditation is if you fall asleep 5 minutes

into it :-)


With Love,







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