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Antoine / Eyes To See...

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At 12:44 PM 4/17/99 -0400, you wrote:

>Antoine <carrea


>That would be the ultimate goal - perhaps the "coin" becomes a "sphere"

>or something of that nature.


>Antoine: Yes you can use that image, it was that image i projected in my

>mind writing this paragraph, about the coin with no sides.


I do like to envision "Ultimate Reality" as being something like a sphere.

Ancient literature always seems to liken it to a vast ocean of some sort,

but an ocean must have a shore, so I'm not terribly fond of that analogy.

I like to think that the perceived universe consists of the "surface" of

the sphere (or, if there are other universes as well, perhaps a continent).

The "surface" of the sphere is "maya" - the perceived duality. The

"inside" consists of pure Brahman or Ultimate Reality, the substance

creating the known universe(s). Perhaps the "membrane" separating the

surface from the inside is US... our egos. Without ego, maybe the membrane

would be gone, the surface would "sink into" the sphere and vanish (as

would we), and the sphere be perfectly whole, with no surface discernable

from the "inside." Kinda like a sphere of glowing light, or liquid


>As Dharma says i was waking up away from the mind, in 'nothing', the

>mind was not there. Opening my eyes, called back a form of mind

>associated to them. But even then there was no projector (my eyes) and

>no wall on which the film was projected (matter, my room). I was more

>like space holding the stars, this textured white dust light, no

>perceiver no receiver, a dream simply. A balloon of dream, out of

>nowhere... A sphere with no surface and center. Or something like



I had a rather nice experience in meditation last night, perceiving first

that everything is *absolutely perfect* as it IS, then realizing that

everything is made out of the same substance. The perceived differences...

chair, computer, bed, stove... are all the same substance taking on

different forms and perceived properties. At the root, they are all of the

same composition, as are all the "elements" - after all, is everything not

composed of protons, neutrons and electrons in various perceived

combinations? Also, I realized that space and time are illusions, and that

when we "take a walk," we do so mentally. The "big bang" was a


in the mind of "God," nothing is separated from anything else... either by

time or by distance.


>I would not underestimate the ability of the 'screen' becoming itself a



I guess you're right, upon considering the fact that the "screen" is

actually of the same substance as the "light" being projected upon it!

Actually, perhaps the projector/screen analogy is somewhat fallacious... if

anything, the "screen" might be likened to a "large TV screen" with the

projection happening from "behind" it rather than onto it from an

"external" source. Perhaps this is a closer analogy to what is actually

occurring. This would indicate that there is no "us" at all... only the

"tv set" with images being projected onto the "back" of the screen by

Reality. Perhaps the only person there to watch TV is our egos.


With Love,





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Tim Gerchmez wrote:

> Tim Gerchmez <fewtch


> At 12:44 PM 4/17/99 -0400, you wrote:

> >Antoine <carrea


> >Tim:

> >That would be the ultimate goal - perhaps the "coin" becomes a "sphere"

> >or something of that nature.

> >



Funny you should say this Tim... here is an essay that I wrote some time



The notion that Yin becomes Yang and visa versa is not valid but does

not exclude the existence of each. At what point does Yin become Yang?

At what point does the masculine become the feminine? At what point does

future become the past? Can we say that a direct experience that has

happened has not? And if we can then are we not saying that it is

future? Can Yin be Yang and still Yin? No.


Yin and Yang are perpetual motion best demonstrated in the I Ching. The

sign of Yin, a broken line, and the sign of Yang, a continuous line,

will be used for demonstration. Please accept my representation with

arrows (can't get the picture here)so that I may demonstrate the

"motion" of Yin and Yang.


Yang is a continuous line that pulls apart to become Yin and Yin is two lines


come together to try to become Yang" Sorry best I could do hope the

explaination is still clear without the picture. If not I will send you

a gif.



Now picture these moving in a flat, two dimensional circle like a coin laying


Away from one another then they meet

and pull apart simultaneously. One does not and can not become the other

because the instant the line is continuous it is yang which, at the same

moment pulls apart and becomes Yin. However, never becoming the other.


So what of the moment of impact? This is Tao; as best I can explain it.

It creates the necessary amount of energy to propel and attract the

lines used to represent Yin and Yang. In the instantaneous moment of

contact and repulsion Yin is not Yin and Yang is Not Yang. Yin does not

become Yang nor does Yang become Yin. This is the moment of creation or

pure potentiality.


What it does create however is perpetual motion. Each contact broadens

and generates at least the amount of energy to repel and attract

however, each time the moment of contact is experienced, the energy

required is greater for an equal impact would only stop the perpetual

motion. We would need greater energy released to stop and send in the

other direction. The is the eternal Tao. It can not be named because in

the very moment it is named it is greater than it was.


Another example is the connection between future, past, and the moment.

There is always future. There is always past. But, try as you might, you

can never do better than this moment. If one where to consider the idea

of becoming a light be-ing you would see that, when the light of a

flashlight is moved in a circle slowly on the wall, it is one point of

light. However, when the light is moved quickly enough it forms a

circle. Do we believe that we see a circle? Yes. But we know that it is

merely a point of light.


Future/Past, Yin/Yang, this/that are nothing more than perpetual motion

creating this moment and no others. What makes this "reality" solid, is

the speed at which the perpetual motion is happening. Ever noticed that

as you get older life seems to be moving faster? Here some others.


We say the earth is approximately round. On this we all agree. We also

agree that the earth revolves once every 24 hours (or

so…thinking of everyone here) have you ever asked yourself: In relation

to what? In the context of a universe, however big or small or old you

may think it is how long is 24 hours? How far is one rotation? The

answer is in this question that brings it back to size. How far is a

mile to an ant? A snail?


Could it be that the earth WAS flat and as perpetual motion increased so

did the spin on the axis? This is best demonstrated by a spinning coin.

Spin a coin on edge. Does it not look solid? What if, rather than

slowing down the coin continued to speed up the revolution with the pepetual


created by Yin aad Yang. At what

point would our perception say that it is round? Perhaps the shifting

plates represent weaknesses in the original design of the coin? Then why

doesn't it blow apart? Because light does not spin, it is cyclic as in

the Yin and Yang demonstration above.


I have since grasped it better but unfortuately... my words do not do the

concept justice.




Tim Harris





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