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[K-list] I pray for bombing.

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>From where comes that 'surface' that keeps things boiling under, that

make someone go crazy and go in and shot up a church or school?

> Gloria:

> Good question, it is in the mass consciousness at some deep level,

> normally as a group conscious people we are not ready to go to war. So the

> evolution energies have brought the masses to at least the belief that it

> is possible to get along. We did go through the Civil War in the US to learn

> that every person had rights...we had to fight about that though didn't we?


Others have before, french revolution and else, others still did not

have to, nothing unique about the Civil War, a pill for some a reason to

live for others, nothing much more than a normal miraculous day in this

world to others...

> That was a spiritual war in the sense that it was about our moral belief

> about class and station.

> But we also have to see there are different pockets of group

> consciousness...I don't know where you are from,


Canada, my father Haiti (a mix of Congo black African blood and Native

Indian from Haiti), my grand grand father on my mother sides from

Ireland, before that i don't know, maybe aliens :) . Why do you ask the



but the folks in Russia or

> Kosovo don't live on the same stage ad those of us in the USr and many

> democratic nations.


???? You will have to explain that one to me...


Have you forgotten so fast when drinking alcohol was forbidden in the

US, not even a generation ago, and all the social implications it had?

Have you forgotten already, Nixon the president saying that all person

having a record of Paul Roberson, a black singer, signing for the

liberty of the men according to civil rights, that all such people

having such a record, should be declared a communist and put to prison?

For that single stupid reason of having a music record at home. He said

that on tv on an official anouncement to the population...

Do you know than in less than ten years the kind of job that will be

employing the greater percentage of population in the United States is

being an agent of security?


Why need so many security agents to protect Civil rights acquired from

the civil war?


It's an illusion you have Gloria, a nice reassuring illusion, about the

US reflecting civil rights to the world and within it's country.


I can say i can walk in all place of Canada, as a man, at all time,

without having to fear for my life one second. As a woman, they may be

some place at night i would not go alone, but still they are much few to

places in the United States i would not go walk alone, for reason of

race, money, sex or others.


Yet i know, that even that peace of mind Canada gives, (maybe it has a

link to the way it integrate's it's immigrants, poor, and else...) I

know that all that peace is temporary, a grace. I won't sit on the

solidity of the peace here to go judge that elsewhere.


Even the poor in the US have access to food, and

> shelter...even when their rights have been stepped upon, the chances are

> that someone along the line will advocate for them.


If i can compare the way we treat the poor here and in the States, a

major difference i can see in degree, is that when we give them money to

by a shelter, and survive in a bit more dignity, we don't make then fell

as much that they have to feel less for that in a 'subconscious' way.


Yet it generates another problem, a part of the poor don't want to work,

once they have tasted this free money. Nothing is perfect...


I am a foster parent, my

> husband and I are advocates for the children and then ultimately for their

> families since our job is to get them back in their home if at all possible.


They should be more people like you.

> In essence the human qualities are at work in every nation, we certainly

> can see hatred in the skin heads...


Why? Where does it come from? Did you ever tried to put yourself in

place of one, to really understand him or her? Or do you say this hatred

they have has nothing to do with yourself or who you represent at



so it is not really possible to determine

> the chain of events that can lead to ultimate break down on the mass level.

> It is hard for us to imagine a situation here in the US where an evil

> President would take over the government and then go about eliminating a

> population of people. Right now...it is pretty hard to even imagine this,

> don't you agree?


The States in the cold war in Nixon times, declared almost 10% of it

population evil, by giving them the name of communist. It's a more

sophisticated way of treating peoples than Hitler did, or Stalin, but

yet effective.


Are you blind? I'm not saying you have to see only black in the world.

But you seem to me to make your world all white, as a US citizen.


But, who knows how the chain of break down could occur

> which would change the whole function flow of the system. I do know that the

> Black Population had to go through a great deal in order for whites to

> understand that they are exactly the same, with exactly the same rights. Our

> American Indians have had to stand up for rights as well, now we have many

> Mexican Americans who are increasing in numbers in areas of the country,

> where once again the country and attitudes of the population is going to be

> tested.


Sending a bomb to tease you. Ever thought that the genes from mulattos

(mix) of species, gives a superior genetically structure than those of

it's parents? Shhutttt.... Don't say it to to others...

> So yes the elements of madness do exist...and I suppose if the Serb

> people stood up and took the power out of the hand of the corrupt leaders

> perhaps that would be where it would stop and bring change.


The same that applies to the serbs applies to you and me Gloria. We bomb

the serbs on one side. The albanians are pushed out faster from our

actions. On the other side we feed them as poor peoples to give

ourselves a conscious. We only act as a catalyst (accelerating the

process). We act from a place of "separateness" in front of our tv or

computer screen.


As for acting, e.g. in a simple act as buying coffee, i look from where

it comes from and what percentage the family, who cultivated it makes,

on it. Is it 0.5 % or 50 %, it's all the difference a single choice make

daily can do. My consciousness does not feel better for this act, i was

simply there making that act.


The truth is

> that like the one thread running through out the labyinth, we are one thread

> running through the chain of humanity...if we can look into the faces of

> people from Kosovo and feel nothing...then we look away again and open the

> door to more misuse and suffering. This isn't just about life on this one

> level...it is about life on the spiritual plane, this is just the

> reflection.


Yes, just wanted to remind you, in the way i read you, that you do

sometimes reflect from a cultural background that is tied to a limited

percentage of the population on this planet. I do find peaceful the

reflection of an infinite horizon.


Maybe you can say that you touched the 'surface' in me that keeps things

boiling under, that make someone go crazy and go in and shot up a church

or school.


Maybe not...


Who knows?




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