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Sutra 20

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>From The Sky of The Heart; Jewels of Wisdom From Nityananda:



Sutra 20


Awaken the kundalini Shakti


Through the breath.


For when it is roused, liberation is possible.


Faith holds the rope of vital breath--


And onto this rope you must hold tightly!


Bind faith with the rope of


One-pointed concentration,


For what is perfect concentration but faith?


Keep your attention constantly on it.


Join steadfast faith to perfect concentration and


Faith will fill every nerve of your body.



For one with perfect concentration,


There is no separate thing called "Maya."


The mind itself is Maya.


The mind creates all forms.


All matter, all relationships, all cause and effect,


Light, the universe--


All arise from the mind, from Maya.


The moment this is realized,


All fear of Maya disappears.


In meditation, remember your real form.


Stabilize the mind in the practice of meditation


And concentrate consciousness in


The sky of the heart.


This is liberation!



The path to liberation is not far from the Self.


Sin and merit are as close as is the eye to the ear.


It is not beyond the higher mind,


Not beyond subtle discernment


Where pleasure and pain are one.


The way of Buddhi leads to liberation.


To steady the mind in one's self,


To be one-minded,


This is liberation.



All wisdom is in the Self.


In the beginning,


Wisdom is something to be known.


Later, wisdom dissolves in the Self where there is


Nothing to be said and


Nothing to be heard.


It is the state of Nothingness,


The state called "Shunya."


The subtle breath is like a rope;


Whether it is moving in or moving out,


The movement is the same--


Indivisible and umaffected by time.


Only when entangled with the physical nature


Are there differences.


Only when engrossed in the different properties


of the world


Does one forget his true nature.


With the help of the higher mind


A person can take an upward course!


Steadied by the rope of faith,


The subtle breath turns upward toward liberation,


Toward freedom from sense-objects.


Then comes peace.



Reach for that peace!


Live in this world and in the next world.


This is Being-Consciousness-Bliss--




Such a person is eternally free,


Free of attachment to the results of work,


Free of bondage,


Eternally one-minded.


Until the ego-sense of separeteness


Is dissolved,


Liberation is indeed far off.


Without the sense of One,


There is no yoga, there is no freedom.


Only in union and in oneness is there real yoga,


Free of all desires and all delusion.


This is the path to liberation.


Doubt will not disappear until you realize


Oneness within.


If you see something you do not like,


You call it madness--


But if you like it,


you do not call it madness...



The mind is like a piece of cotton whipped


By the wind;


Devotion is like water poured on the cotton


To steady it.


So is the mind steadied.


Wetted with the water of wisdom.


Consciousness is fixed.


This is liberation.


It is possible to meditate on the Self


Even while doing other things


Because the objects of the senses are


Outside us, not inside.


It is possible to keep the higher mind separate--


But if the driver takes his hands off


The wheel, the car runs anywhere


And creates danger.


Fix the mind in the Buddhi--


Do not let it wander.


Practice inner meditation and


Develop the power of introspection.


O mind, enter the sky of consciousness!


Develop subtle discernment and fill every


Nerve of the body with it.


O mind, always be content--


And not deluded by shadows!*



*Scholars differ about the correct translation fo shunya.

While the common translation is "nothingness" or "void,"

some prefer the percision of "the absence of subject-

object relation." In either case, it is simply another word,

usually associated with Buddhism, to describe the super-

conscious state.

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