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Many thanks to all who have contributed their perspectives on Karma.

Thanks to Linda, to Marsha, to Melody, to Marcus, to Tim, to Jerry, to Gene

Poole, to Jan, and to any other I may have forgotten to mention. All of

your postings are valuble and informative. Seeing how Karma operates is

more important than either believing or arguing about it.


The Sanskrit word Karma I think literally means "action." Not a specific

kind of action but action as such. Action is the stuff of living in a

material world: action is the energy that drives the cosmos. Karma

operates on every level of duality. Yet the real sense of Karma seems to

be equilibrium: opposites manifest and neutralize their oppositeness.

Another way to express it: the universe has a built-in gravitation to

Nirvana. For every complex evolution there is a Black Hole, so to speak.


If I am "way out on a limb" here, then surely Karma will function and

gravity will prevail.



.... Phil ...


"Consciousness Unbound" <http://www.austintx.net/pbek/index.html>

"Uma_verse" <//Uma_verse>

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Trika Shaivism offers a slightly different explanation of karma which you

may find interesting.


According to Trika, there are 3 types of karma.



The first is what you bring into this life from lives before. These are

psychic impressions. These are called samskaras. Samskaras are stored in

the karmic storehouse called the San Chitta.


The San Chitta lines the mystic etheric sushumna canal. These samskaras are

burned away with the expansion of the prana shakti (kundalini) in an




The second type of karma is called kriyamon (sp?) karma. This is the karma

of action which accumulates from good and bad actions.


Accumulatation of either good or bad merit and one returns. Good merit

improves ones life situation with each lifetime, bad merit the reverse.


In the infinite game, both good and bad merit are undesirable because both

keep one bound into the finite game. The key is to accumulate no new merits

and while dissolving the old.


In order to not accumulate good and bad merit, actions must be either

performed without doership, or the action must be offered up to the

absolute prior to performing it.


The third type of karma is called parabdha karma. This is the karma of the

individual body. Each body has it's parabdha karma to fulfill.


This third type of karma also explains why no two saints or sages act or

teach alike, even though the same degree of consciousness lies within.


Each must fulfill their parabdha karma of their individual body.


The Bhagwan Nityananda had terrible arthritis when he was older. Couldn't

even bend his fingers.


It is said that just prior to leaving the body and taking mahasamadhi, his

entire body relaxed and all the joints were able to be moved. His parabdha

karma had been fulfilled.


So you see, karma is slightly more complex than just good and bad actions.


Samskaras are like seeds. Given the proper situation and context, they

sprout. It is endless until all the seeds are all burned by Svatantrya

shakti, or Grace and no new seeds are accumulated.


Hey.... No one ever said it would be easy. :)



Warmest regards,



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