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I wouldn't dream of defending Gurdjieff one way or the other.

His work stands on it's own. Although personally I don't

believe there was much he didn't understand or was afraid of.


But now I have become quite interested in the subject of

Kundalini and the question of reception of energies from

the higher centers in distinction from energy rising up from

the lower centers. I don't even know if that makes sense.

I believe I have experienced both. And in both cases my

personality made more out of it than was necessary for my

personal work. In the former it was as if my body didn't

exist at all really or was not separate from my surroundings.

In the latter the experience was almost all physical. It was

a total body experience. The thought occurs to me that

perhaps I was running sex energy through all the centers.

I am not sure at all about this. I could even be deluding

myself that it was even a Kundalini experience.

This is Gurdjieffian terminology. I just

don't have the words for the framework you are using.

A friend of mine came to a 4th Way Chat Room and I asked

him afterwards what he thought. His comment was..."You

guys talk funny." :-) And I will add that is why I only posted

the article to the nonduality salon and not this list as I felt I

might be stepping on two many toes in my ignorance here.


Gemini wrote:

> Marcia, The opinions you quoted were from those who are ignorant

> of Kundalini. One must experience the Divine, it cannot be described.

> When experienced, it does not need to be described. Kundalini Shakti

> rests in the Muludhara as contracted Divine Shakti. When the

> individual is ready, it begins its ascent, cleansing and purifying as

> it travels through the five houses along the spine. This cleansing

> includes the parts of you that you would rather forget. It brings this

> to the surface and dispels it forever. The initial process can be

> terrifying, but the only other option is to remain in

> ignorance. Rejoice in the negative emotions that voil to the surface!

> Rejoice in the pain and confusion! Know it to be a cleansing

> process. Writers such as you have described lacked the courage to face

> the worst enemy--the one within. Kundalini is the power of God. It

> rises to merge with the illumation of God in the sahasrara. Once

> there, the individual expands to the original state of Divine

> fullness. This is what Nityananda of Ganeshpuri, the master ever in

> samadhi, has said about the Divine Kundalini: Seeing all equally is

> the upward breath at the Time of death. Equal-sightedness is the

> divine sight: Indivisible, full of delight, subtle, eternal. Yoga is

> balancing the incoming and outgoing breaths. With the guru's grace,

> cultivate this balance-- Meditate in the head, Meditate on the ocean

> of eternal delight, Meditate on the ida, the pingala, and the Sushumna

> channels. Arise, kundalini-delight! The match is in the box, the

> light is in the match. Stike the match and light the fire! Ignorance

> is darkness, knowledge is light-- But kundalini is the eternal

> delight. Kundalini is the eternal delight in the heart, The "light of

> Brahma" Ablaze with the light of a million suns. Sunlight is the

> subtle light, The solar nerve is the sushumna channel, The lunar nerve

> is the sushumna channel, The lunar nerve is the ida, and The stellar

> nerve is the pingala. The essence of the third eye is spiritual

> wisdom. In this channel of wisdom is deep sleep; There is no

> wakefulness. Balancing the inward and the outward breath, Enjoy the

> subtle sleep. Find the eternal joy of the balanced breath. The seat of

> the breath is the truth, The inward space, Unbounded pure

> awareness, The sky of the heart. Within this space is the tower

> of Eternal delight-- The seat of peace! Sleep consciously; Not the

> gross sleep of the beast, But the sleep of man, Sleep the spiritual

> sleep-- When talking, when sitting, Without thoughts, without desires,

> without ideas. Fix your attention on the breath, Listen to the inward

> and outward breath, The sacred sound. do this with constant ardent

> devotion and Love for God and attain liberation. Draw the breath up

> and down, As if drawing water from the well. The upward-drawn breath

> is the inhalation. The breath suspended in between is The ''real

> seat.'' The downward breath is the exhalation. Draw the breath up to

> the Brahamarandhra At the top of the head. Kindle the fire, Purify the

> subtle channels, Burn up the impurities.* This is the yoga-fire of

> deliberation The fire of digestion, The solar light, The pure energy

> of the Supreme.* The entire universe is this pure energy. Creation is

> but a delusion of the mind-- There is no creation to the

> equal-sighted. The burner of impurities is Kundalini-Shakti. Kundalini

> is the Shakti of the Divine, this universe is the creative power of

> God, his Shakti. This world is Shakti. LM

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----Original Message-----

Marcia Paul [jacpa]

Wednesday, April 21, 1999 3:46 PM

Re: Kundalini




I wouldn't dream of defending Gurdjieff one way or the other.

His work stands on it's own. Although personally I don't

believe there was much he didn't understand or was afraid of.


But now I have become quite interested in the subject of

Kundalini and the question of reception of energies from

the higher centers in distinction from energy rising up from

the lower centers. I don't even know if that makes sense.

I believe I have experienced both. And in both cases my

personality made more out of it than was necessary for my

personal work. In the former it was as if my body didn't

exist at all really or was not separate from my surroundings.

In the latter the experience was almost all physical. It was

a total body experience. The thought occurs to me that

perhaps I was running sex energy through all the centers.

I am not sure at all about this. I could even be deluding

myself that it was even a Kundalini experience.

This is Gurdjieffian terminology. I just

don't have the words for the framework you are using.

A friend of mine came to a 4th Way Chat Room and I asked

him afterwards what he thought. His comment was..."You

guys talk funny." :-) And I will add that is why I only posted

the article to the nonduality salon and not this list as I felt I

might be stepping on two many toes in my ignorance here.




Harsha: Please do not underestimate our toes Marcia. They are big and

strong. :--).

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The opinions you quoted were from those who are ignorant of Kundalini. One

must experience the Divine, it cannot be described. When experienced, it does

not need to be described.


Kundalini Shakti rests in the Muludhara as contracted Divine Shakti. When the

individual is ready, it begins its ascent, cleansing and purifying as it travels

through the five houses along the spine. This cleansing includes the parts of

you that you would rather forget. It brings this to the surface and dispels it

forever. The initial process can be terrifying, but the only other option is to

remain in ignorance.


Rejoice in the negative emotions that voil to the surface! Rejoice in the pain

and confusion! Know it to be a cleansing process.


Writers such as you have described lacked the courage to face the worst

enemy--the one within.


Kundalini is the power of God.


It rises to merge with the illumation of God in the sahasrara.


Once there, the individual expands to the original state of Divine fullness.


This is what Nityananda of Ganeshpuri, the master ever in samadhi, has said

about the Divine Kundalini:


Seeing all equally is the upward breath at the


Time of death.


Equal-sightedness is the divine sight:


Indivisible, full of delight,


subtle, eternal.


Yoga is balancing the incoming and outgoing breaths.


With the guru's grace, cultivate this balance--


Meditate in the head,


Meditate on the ocean of eternal delight,


Meditate on the ida, the pingala, and the


Sushumna channels.


Arise, kundalini-delight!



The match is in the box, the light is in the match.


Stike the match and light the fire!


Ignorance is darkness, knowledge is light--


But kundalini is the eternal delight.


Kundalini is the eternal delight in the heart,


The "light of Brahma"


Ablaze with the light of a million suns.


Sunlight is the subtle light,


The solar nerve is the sushumna channel,


The lunar nerve is the sushumna channel,


The lunar nerve is the ida, and


The stellar nerve is the pingala.



The essence of the third eye is spiritual wisdom.


In this channel of wisdom is deep sleep;


There is no wakefulness.


Balancing the inward and the outward breath,


Enjoy the subtle sleep.


Find the eternal joy of the balanced breath.


The seat of the breath is the truth,


The inward space,


Unbounded pure awareness,


The sky of the heart.


Within this space is the tower of


Eternal delight--


The seat of peace!



Sleep consciously;


Not the gross sleep of the beast,


But the sleep of man,


Sleep the spiritual sleep--


When talking, when sitting,


Without thoughts, without desires, without ideas.


Fix your attention on the breath,


Listen to the inward and outward breath,


The sacred sound.


do this with constant ardent devotion and


Love for God and attain liberation.


Draw the breath up and down,


As if drawing water from the well.


The upward-drawn breath is the inhalation.


The breath suspended in between is


The ''real seat.''


The downward breath is the exhalation.



Draw the breath up to the Brahamarandhra


At the top of the head.


Kindle the fire,


Purify the subtle channels,


Burn up the impurities.*


This is the yoga-fire of deliberation


The fire of digestion,


The solar light,


The pure energy of the Supreme.*


The entire universe is this pure energy.


Creation is but a delusion of the mind--


There is no creation to the equal-sighted.


The burner of impurities is Kundalini-Shakti. Kundalini is the Shakti of the

Divine, this universe is the creative power of God, his Shakti. This world is





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