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Swami Muktananda

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In a message dated 99-04-22 01:24:31 EDT, fewtch writes:


<< Tim Gerchmez <fewtch


>From "I Am That" by Swami Muktananda:


>"There is one thing more that is very important. When you begin to follow

a >sadhana, you should find out how many great beings have pursued that

sadhana. >The scriptures say that if you want to know the truth, you

should follow the >path the great beings pursued. Do not try to create

your own path. Walk on >the path that has been trod by the great beings,

and then you will reach your >destination."



Tim: I must say that, due to the above words, I believe that Swami

Muktananda is a phony, a fraud and a deceiver. Let me give my own

definition of the way to Truth:



"I Am That, As Well" by Tim Gerchmez


"There is one thing that is very important. When you begin to follow a

sadhana, you should find out how many great beings have pursued that

sadhana, and avoid attaching to it at all costs. You may take some truths

from it that resonate with you, but if you follow a path trodden by the

great beings, you will come only to ruin. The only True path is the path

that one's own heart dictates that person to follow; there is no other. Be

strong and wise, and forge your own path, and you will come to realization,

as did the Buddha. Follow in the footsteps of others, and you will quickly

sink in the mire and quicksand of delusion, and be lost."





Dear Friends,

>From an anonymous point of view, both sides are valid. One should follow

the path dictated by the yearnings of the heart. Nothing need be excluded.

There is beauty in all paths. What is NOT valid, however, is the desecration

of someone else's path and/or guru. Let us witness the beauty of all paths

in a transparent and neutral fashion. Judgements and mud-slinging should be

left at the doorstep. May LOVE reign supreme and all else be annihilated.

Om Shantih,


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In a message dated 99-04-22 02:14:30 EDT, fewtch writes:


<< In the face of falsehood and deception, love does not stand a chance.


Tim >>


Love conquers ALL.


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>From "I Am That" by Swami Muktananda:


>"There is one thing more that is very important. When you begin to follow

a >sadhana, you should find out how many great beings have pursued that

sadhana. >The scriptures say that if you want to know the truth, you

should follow the >path the great beings pursued. Do not try to create

your own path. Walk on >the path that has been trod by the great beings,

and then you will reach your >destination."



Tim: I must say that, due to the above words, I believe that Swami

Muktananda is a phony, a fraud and a deceiver. Let me give my own

definition of the way to Truth:



"I Am That, As Well" by Tim Gerchmez


"There is one thing that is very important. When you begin to follow a

sadhana, you should find out how many great beings have pursued that

sadhana, and avoid attaching to it at all costs. You may take some truths

from it that resonate with you, but if you follow a path trodden by the

great beings, you will come only to ruin. The only True path is the path

that one's own heart dictates that person to follow; there is no other. Be

strong and wise, and forge your own path, and you will come to realization,

as did the Buddha. Follow in the footsteps of others, and you will quickly

sink in the mire and quicksand of delusion, and be lost."





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>>From "I Am That" by Swami Muktananda:


>>"There is one thing more that is very important. When you begin to follow

>a >sadhana, you should find out how many great beings have pursued that

>sadhana. >The scriptures say that if you want to know the truth, you

>should follow the >path the great beings pursued. Do not try to create

>your own path. Walk on >the path that has been trod by the great beings,

>and then you will reach your >destination."


>Tim G: I must say that, due to the above words, I believe that Swami

>Muktananda is a phony, a fraud and a deceiver.


Having read Muktananda's autobiography, I may disagree with him on some

points, but I'm quite sure he was NOT "a phony, a fraud and a deceiver."

After going through the Kundalini process without very much verbal

instruction from his guru, he wrote of his own experience in great detail

so that others could find more guidance. His books have been helpful to

many, many people. Their value is not limited to those of his own faith.

>Tim G.:

>Let me give my own

>definition of the way to Truth:



>"I Am That, As Well" by Tim Gerchmez


>"There is one thing that is very important. When you begin to follow a

>sadhana, you should find out how many great beings have pursued that

>sadhana, and avoid attaching to it at all costs. You may take some truths

>from it that resonate with you, but if you follow a path trodden by the

>great beings, you will come only to ruin. The only True path is the path

>that one's own heart dictates that person to follow; there is no other. Be

>strong and wise, and forge your own path, and you will come to realization,

>as did the Buddha. Follow in the footsteps of others, and you will quickly

>sink in the mire and quicksand of delusion, and be lost."


So be strong and wise, and forge your own path. But will you not then be

following in the footsteps of Buddha? Thus, according to your own words,

you will come only to ruin.


A koan? Thank you...

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At 12:46 AM 4/22/99 -0500, you wrote:

>Having read Muktananda's autobiography, I may disagree with him on some

>points, but I'm quite sure he was NOT "a phony, a fraud and a deceiver."


Wanna hear more of his "words of wisdom?"


"...but whichever direction the fetus tries to move, it runs into trouble.

When it moves upward, it comes up against the stomach. There, it is burned

by the gastric fire. It moves away and bumps into the kidney. The kidney

is very salty, and when the fetus receives the shock of that, it moves away

again. But when it moves away from the kidney, it comes up against the

intestines, which stink. In this way, it keeps moving all the time, and

wherever it moves, a new difficulty arises to welcome it. Finally, the

fetus becomes desperate and begins to call out to God for help."


(Apparently Muktananda's explanation for the restless motion of the fetus

inside the womb at a certain point in pregnancy. Extremely ignorant, would

you not agree?)

>After going through the Kundalini process without very much verbal

>instruction from his guru, he wrote of his own experience in great detail

>so that others could find more guidance. His books have been helpful to

>many, many people. Their value is not limited to those of his own faith.

>So be strong and wise, and forge your own path. But will you not then be

>following in the footsteps of Buddha? Thus, according to your own words,

>you will come only to ruin.


>A koan? Thank you...


Koan't you come up with a better koan than that? :-) No, it wouldn't be

following in the footsteps of the Buddha, only doing the same as the Buddha

did. I'm sure the Buddha blazed a far different "path through the forest"

than I might.


One (wo)man blazes a path eastward through the forest, one (wo)man

westward. Are they following in each other's footsteps?






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At 02:08 AM 4/22/99 EDT, you wrote:


>Dear Friends,

>From an anonymous point of view, both sides are valid. One should follow

>the path dictated by the yearnings of the heart. Nothing need be excluded.

>There is beauty in all paths. What is NOT valid, however, is the


>of someone else's path and/or guru. Let us witness the beauty of all paths

>in a transparent and neutral fashion. Judgements and mud-slinging should be

>left at the doorstep. May LOVE reign supreme and all else be annihilated.


In the face of falsehood and deception, love does not stand a chance.







Visit The Core of the WWW at:


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At 02:24 AM 4/22/99 EDT, you wrote:



>In a message dated 99-04-22 02:14:30 EDT, fewtch writes:


><< In the face of falsehood and deception, love does not stand a chance.


> Tim >>


>Love conquers ALL.


99% of the human race does not know how to love. Homo Sapiens is a

loathsome species. If I do not "achieve enlightenment" in say, the next

two lifetimes, I would like to be reborn as a "lower" animal (most likely

in the Felis (cat) family). Homo Sapiens is rotten through and through.

May we hurry up and kill ourselves and the rest of the world off, so

nature may begin again. The fingers are on the red buttons throughout the

world, what's holding everything up?


Feeling a bit lousy tonight,






Visit The Core of the WWW at:


Music, Poetry, Writings on Nondual Spiritual Topics.


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> Tim Gerchmez <fewtch



> >From "I Am That" by Swami Muktananda:

> >

> >"There is one thing more that is very important. When you begin

> to follow

> a >sadhana, you should find out how many great beings have pursued that

> sadhana. >The scriptures say that if you want to know the truth, you

> should follow the >path the great beings pursued. Do not try to create

> your own path. Walk on >the path that has been trod by the great beings,

> and then you will reach your >destination."



> Tim: I must say that, due to the above words, I believe that Swami

> Muktananda is a phony, a fraud and a deceiver. Let me give my own

> definition of the way to Truth:


and in another post this...

> Once again, it is crude, judgmental, and lacking in common sense to assume

> that either you or your particular faith (Shaivism) hold any ultimate

> claims to Truth. You have lost much credibility with me in this posting.

> Not that you ever had a heck of a lot to begin with. You cling to your

> particular teaching and particular guru (Nityananda) like an infant clings

> to its bottle.



First, there is a saying "slandering/disrespecting saints/sages/yogis will

cause one to receive all their demerits". The demerits are in the form of

diseases, disablement, pains etc. that could have been prevented with very

little knowledge and the funny thing is, this knowledge is very near but one

won't receive it until it is too late... The merits are in the form of

"invisible" help in one's sadhana. IMO, the demerits of one are more than

enough to overcome :)


Then there is the practice of Ahimsa. It is nonviolence in thought, word and

deed. Without Ahimsa, forget moksha/nirvana.


By all means, don't believe the above. Continue to try it out and write an

autobiography, destined to be recognized in a next life, due to a title like

"One of the 1000 lives of self-imposed hardships by the future swami




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> 99% of the human race does not know how to love. Homo Sapiens is a

> loathsome species. If I do not "achieve enlightenment" in say, the next

> two lifetimes, I would like to be reborn as a "lower" animal (most likely

> in the Felis (cat) family). Homo Sapiens is rotten through and through.

> May we hurry up and kill ourselves and the rest of the world off, so

> nature may begin again. The fingers are on the red buttons throughout the

> world, what's holding everything up?


We are part of nature and everything we do is according to the




> -----

> Visit The Core of the WWW at:

> http://www.eskimo.com/~fewtch/ND/index.html

> Music, Poetry, Writings on Nondual Spiritual Topics.


> Tim's Windows and DOS Shareware/Freeware is at:

> http://www.eskimo.com/~fewtch/shareware.html


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