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Merging with Siva Lesson 81

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> ThursdayLesson 81Transmuting The EnergiesWhen we begin to

>meditate, we have to transmute the energies of thephysical body. By

>sitting up straight with the spine erect, the energiesof the physical

>body are transmuted. The spine erect, the head balancedat the top of the

>spine, brings one into a positive mood. In a positionsuch as this we

>cannot become worried, fretful or depressed or sleepyduring our



When I am alone, rather than in a physical group, I usually meditate lying

down. I think the important thing about posture is to keep the spine



This position may make it easier for the new meditator to fall asleep, but

I've had new people fall asleep sitting up straight in a group too. :))


For many years I had spinal curvature, though Shakti is now correcting my

problems. So for me it was easier to maintain a straight spine while lying

down on a hard surface with the knees bent, even supported with pillows.

>Sushumna, the power ofthe spine, is felt dynamically, and we are then

>ready to begin meditation.


It is possible to meditate without feeling overt, physical Kundalini. So I

think it is sometimes active, even though not in an overt, physically

perceived way - perhaps not in the gross physical.

>Meditate on awareness as an individual entity flowing through all areas

>ofthe mind, as the free citizen of the world travels through each

>country,each city, not attaching himself anywhere.In meditation,

>awareness must be loosened and made free to movevibrantly and buoyantly

>into the inner depths....


I think of the awareness as a focus of consciousness, and it is a moving

focus. It has no content of its own, being merely a point, but this

conscious focus can move into any level and be aware on that level. It is

not limited to what we would normally call consciousness but can move above

those levels, so perhaps pure awareness is a better term.


I used to be afraid of losing the conscious focus in complete surrender...

of never coming together again into that pinpoint focus. But I have lost

that fear too... no matter how much the focal point relaxes and expands,

it alway can return to sharp focus... it isn't lost... and then I know

that I was there even in the expansion, even when it seemed completely

dissipated and merged in universe.


Marcus, I am just getting back into the list after being mostly absent

while moving. It will take me a while to catch up on everything you've

posted... would you mind explaining to me what "actinic" and "odic" mean?

Thank you.




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Lesson 81


Transmuting The Energies


When we begin to meditate, we have to transmute the energies of the

physical body. By sitting up straight with the spine erect, the energies

of the physical body are transmuted. The spine erect, the head balanced

at the top of the spine, brings one into a positive mood. In a position

such as this we cannot become worried, fretful or depressed or sleepy

during our meditation.




Slump the shoulders forward and short-circuit the actinic forces that

flow through the spine and out through the nerve system. In a position

such as this it is easy to become depressed, to have mental arguments

with oneself or another, or to experience unhappiness. With the spine

erect and head balanced at the top of the spine, we are positive,

dynamic. Thoughts race through the mind-substance, and we are aware

of many, many thoughts. Therefore, the next step is to transmute the

energies from the intellectual area of the mind so that we move our

awareness into an area of the mind which does not think but conceives,

looks at the thinking area.




The force of the intellectual area of the mind is controlled and

transmuted through the power of a regulated breath. A beginning pranayama

is a method of breathing nine counts as we inhale, holding one; nine

counts as we exhale, holding one count. Be very sure to maintain the

same number of counts out as in, or that the breath is regulated to the

same distance in as the same distance out. This will quickly allow you to

become aware of an area of the mind that does not think but is intensely

alive, peaceful, blissful, conceives the totality of a concept rather

than thinking out the various parts. This perceptive area of the mind

is where the actinic forces are most vibrant. Sushumna, the power of

the spine, is felt dynamically, and we are then ready to begin meditation.




Meditate on awareness as an individual entity flowing through all areas of

the mind, as the free citizen of the world travels through each country,

each city, not attaching himself anywhere.




In meditation, awareness must be loosened and made free to move

vibrantly and buoyantly into the inner depths where peace and bliss

remain undisturbed for centuries, or out into the odic force fields of

the material world where man is in conflict with his brother, or into

the internal depths of the subconscious mind. Meditate, therefore, on

awareness traveling freely through all areas of the mind. The dynamic

willpower of the meditator in his ability to control his awareness as

it flows into its inner depths eventually brings him to a state of bliss

where awareness is simply aware of itself. This would be the next area to

move into in a meditation. Simply sit, being totally aware that one is

aware. New energies will flood the body, flowing out through the nerve

system, out into the exterior world. The nature then becomes refined in

meditating in this way.

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