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transmuting negativity

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Holly wrote: (bits snipped for brevity)

> In fact I

> found out that containing, digesting and transmuting negativity is one

> of the most powerful spiritual tools around, far greater, sometimes,

> than those involving transcendence and light. The Tibetans have some

> practices in this area -- Janpa would probably know -- but the idea can

> be as simple as choosing not to express a negative thought, holding it

> in your heart without giving it any extra energy and then watching what

> happens next.


I'd love to know more! I know a few visualisations, but I've never

found them particularly powerful. I generally don't express negative

thoughts (to others, that is) unless it seems as if it might be

genuinely useful, but I've never noticed anything particularly

positive come of holding it in, except the lack of negative



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>I'd love to know more! I know a few visualisations, but I've never

>found them particularly powerful. I generally don't express negative

>thoughts (to others, that is) unless it seems as if it might be

>genuinely useful, but I've never noticed anything particularly

>positive come of holding it in, except the lack of negative




Hi Gill:


I was an angry and negative person for many years of my life and had to work

for a long time to release the negativity. Following a physical yoga set I

would use specific meditations or mantras focusing in on the negative

thoughts. One was a visualization that used the image of a fire whereby I

would place the thoughts in the heart center and see and feel the thoughts

move from the heart into the burning fire. Sound currents while in

thoughtless meditation was also helpful - if you can locate a good "Gong

Tape" or a tape of Primal Sounds attuned to the chakras those types of

sounds do good cleansing work. Mantra is very cleansing and helpful in

reprogramming our thought patterns so at times I would simply chant with

force it almost was a battle mantra versus negativity - :) mantra usually

won.. Sometimes I would try to work it out by speaking etherically to

someone and when in the meditation I would stay with it until I no longer

felt negative and would at that point send a light of love in the other's



Hope these suggestions are helpful.





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Message: 8

Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:46:02 +0000

"Gill Collingwood" <Gill

Re: transmuting negativity


Holly wrote: (bits snipped for brevity)

> In fact I

> found out that containing, digesting and transmuting negativity is one

> of the most powerful spiritual tools around, far greater, sometimes,

> than those involving transcendence and light. The Tibetans have some

> practices in this area -- Janpa would probably know -- but the idea can

> be as simple as choosing not to express a negative thought, holding it

> in your heart without giving it any extra energy and then watching what

> happens next.


<< I'd love to know more! I know a few visualisations, but I've never

found them particularly powerful. I generally don't express negative

thoughts (to others, that is) unless it seems as if it might be

genuinely useful, but I've never noticed anything particularly positive

come of holding it in, except the lack of negative consequences...

gill >>

>From experience, i learned, or wanted to learn according to a form of

path, that there is a consequence to expressing as well as holding a

'negative' thoughts. The means by which those thoughts kept come to

manifest is simply different in nature to expressing them as 'noise'

towards the integrity of others. It bounces back to who you think holds

those negative thoughts within, like nature bounces back to the human

species in the form of ecology, war, chaos, love, peace or else. There

is a wonderful path to follow by not expressing the negative thoughts to

others, as they come to manifest in a more and more subtle way to the

observing mind in our day to day life. A path like walking on a razor

edge, is often traced, from the negative though being allowed to grow

from the attention of the sun of our being, for one to follow towards

harmony, balance, joy or a deep melody of acting and being in this







"An act of goodness is of itself an act of happiness. No reward coming

after the event can compare with the sweet reward that went with it."

(Maeterlinck, Maurice)

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Gill Collingwood wrote:


Holly wrote: (bits snipped for brevity)

> > In fact I

> > found out that containing, digesting and transmuting negativity is one

> > of the most powerful spiritual tools around, far greater, sometimes,

> > than those involving transcendence and light. The Tibetans have some

> > practices in this area -- Janpa would probably know -- but the idea can

> > be as simple as choosing not to express a negative thought, holding it

> > in your heart without giving it any extra energy and then watching what

> > happens next.


> I'd love to know more! I know a few visualisations, but I've never

> found them particularly powerful. I generally don't express negative

> thoughts (to others, that is) unless it seems as if it might be

> genuinely useful, but I've never noticed anything particularly

> positive come of holding it in, except the lack of negative

> consequences...




In the Gurdjieff work the second conscious shock is the transmutation

of negative emotions.


I am blessed with a life situation which supplies me many opportunities

to practice this. I have two teenage daughters and an 89 year old

father with end stage Alheizmer's living with me. My husband is

here also but he is helpful most of the time anyway. :-)


This hasn't happened many times but it has happened a few.

By keeping my attention no matter what and just letting the reactions

be, I have experienced a definite transmutation which has a

physical, emotional, and mental component.


Brief example. One morning one daughter (PMS I am sure)

got up late and missed her ride. The kitchen sink was full

of her dirty dishes and she was in a foul mood. Remembering

my aim to not express the negativity I just walked over to

the sink and began to clean up. I then told my daughter to

get ready and I would take her when I got back from taking

my second daughter to her school. I got back and she still

wasn't ready so I just started getting my dad ready for the

day. Meanwhile inside I am unhappy to say the least. I just

watched. Blah, blah, blah and next scene (one hour later)

we are sitting in front of her school and she begins to apply

her mascara. Every cell in my body was yelling out foul

words telling her to get out of the car right this second.

Not a peep. This is almost two hours of keeping my attention.

I was just about to begin to vent emotionally and I just

reached over and turned the car off instead and as I did

there was a physical ignition in my solar plexus and boom

I looked up at the hills and I was "in" simultaneous time.

I looked at my daughter and I saw me at her age and then

I saw me at my age and then I saw all power struggles

between the generations and then I saw all power struggles.

My body felt as if it were floating somewhere above the

hills I was looking at. I looked at my daughter and smiled and

she smiled back and said..."Bye mom, remember to pick me

up at three today."


Right prior to the point of ignition I was in a state similar

to transition when having a baby. All my cells were electrified.

The reaction was seeping out through my pores. It took all

the will I could muster up not to just vent. The same words

were in my head that were in my head right as I entered

transition in baby delivery and that is..."I can't take one more

second of this!"




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Message: 14

Fri, 23 Apr 1999 10:13:15 -0700

Marcia Paul <jacpa

Re: transmuting negativity



<< Right prior to the point of ignition I was in a state similar to

transition when having a baby. All my cells were electrified. The

reaction was seeping out through my pores. It took all the will I could

muster up not to just vent. The same words were in my head that were in

my head right as I entered transition in baby delivery and that is..."I

can't take one more second of this!" >>


Hello Marcia,


Your story is a nice Flower to me, thank you.


Life, one could say, is at the 'razor edge' of the Horizon. Such great

intensity comes when the Sky and Earth come to converge in harmony, in a

fire magnet of convergence. A bit like represented by the star of David

symbol, or The Hexagram 11 in the Yi king, T'ai or Peace.


"Heaven over earth unite: the image of Peace.

Thus the ruler Divides and completes the course of heaven and earth;

He furthers and regulates the gifts of heaven and earth,

And so aids the people."


This symbols seems to express the integration of polarities, one could

say, and could be compared to spring getting ready for summer, pure sky,

in a 4 seasons perspective of states of being.


The crystallization effect, which can be seen also as a transcendental

perceptive in some way, (element return to where they came from, white

becomes more white, black more black), could be expressed by the

opposite motion expressed by the hexagram 12, P'i - Standstill



"Heaven over earth does not unite:

The image of Standstill.

Thus the superior man falls back upon his inner worth

In order to escape the difficulties.

He does not permit himself to be honored with revenue."


The season fall, who is a preparation for winter, pur earth.


It also brings me back to my first initial post to this list, actually a

question, about what I called the 'paralyzation effect' in front of

Beauty, or vitality in this case it seems for you, and from where it

comes from...


May I ask you Marcia, how with time, since then, the way you came "to

take more of this" came to change? In order words do you see a

difference with time to how "ignition" comes to burn into a life pattern

for you?





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Antoine wrote:

> May I ask you Marcia, how with time, since then, the way you came "to

> take more of this" came to change? In order words do you see a

> difference with time to how "ignition" comes to burn into a life pattern

> for you?




You are talking my language. I love the I Ching.


This morning I drew target Hexagram 14, Possession in

Great Measure, Fire over Heaven


"The sun in heaven above, shedding light over everything on

earth, is the image of possession on a grand scale. But a

possession of this sort must be administered properly. The

sun brings both evil and good into the light of day. Man

must combat and curb the evil, and must favor and promote

the good. Only in this way does he fulfill the benevolent will

of God who desires only good and not evil."


Nine at the top...

"To bless means to help. Heaven helps the man who is

devoted; men help the man who is true. He who walks

in truth and is devoted in his thinking, and furthermore

reveres the worthy, is blessed by heaven. He has good

fortune, and there is nothing that would not further."


Antonie, I believe that as well as other things that the I Ching

represents "states" of man and that it is possible with the

proper knowledge and understanding to change one's state.

If you want ignition you need combustion which means Fire.

Fire is attention.


But I still have not answered your question have I? If I have

seen that it is possible to transmute a negative emotion if

nothing else I know it is possible. That in itself changes

everything. I now know that a different world exists. That

establishes a different trajectory. Now 51% of me rather

than 49% of me is on the side of transmutation.


Thanks for listening. You can talk I Ching with me anytime.

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Gill Collingwood wrote:

> Hmmm - I hardly ever end up in a situation that stressful, so if it's

> necessary to get that wound up the reach that point, I probably won't

> be able to do it... still, it's a very interesting story, and I might

> just try being totally positive for the next few days, to see if I

> can reach 'breaking point'!




Being "totally positive" is a form of denial. That isn't it. It

is more like total acceptance. I see it as one of those

I think are called ball bearings where there is a firm outer

piece and and spinning inner piece. The inner piece needs

to be able to spin but just not go anywhere. That is what

creates the combustion. The outer piece is firm and steady

and holds or accepts the inner spinning piece whether

negative or positive. It is the non manifestation of the negative

emotion while accepting it's validity.

> The analogy itself also may be enlightening - I'm thinking of the

> endorphins released in childbirth and the subsequent 'high' - could

> stress result in endorphins being released, the same way as pain and

> exercise do?


> Thank you, Marcia.


> Gill


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Marcia wrote:

> In the Gurdjieff work the second conscious shock is the transmutation

> of negative emotions.


I know nothing of Gurdjieff; I'll have to read up!

> I am blessed with a life situation which supplies me many opportunities

> to practice this. I have two teenage daughters and an 89 year old

> father with end stage Alzheimer's living with me. My husband is

> here also but he is helpful most of the time anyway. :-)


That sounds like an awful lot of opportunities...

> This hasn't happened many times but it has happened a few.

> By keeping my attention no matter what and just letting the reactions

> be, I have experienced a definite transmutation which has a

> physical, emotional, and mental component.


> Brief example. <snipped>


I don't think I could have done that!

> Right prior to the point of ignition I was in a state similar

> to transition when having a baby. All my cells were electrified.

> The reaction was seeping out through my pores. It took all

> the will I could muster up not to just vent. The same words

> were in my head that were in my head right as I entered

> transition in baby delivery and that is..."I can't take one more

> second of this!"


Hmmm - I hardly ever end up in a situation that stressful, so if it's

necessary to get that wound up the reach that point, I probably won't

be able to do it... still, it's a very interesting story, and I might

just try being totally positive for the next few days, to see if I

can reach 'breaking point'!


The analogy itself also may be enlightening - I'm thinking of the

endorphins released in childbirth and the subsequent 'high' - could

stress result in endorphins being released, the same way as pain and

exercise do?


Thank you, Marcia.



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Hi Linda and Gill,


>>I'd love to know more! I know a few visualisations, but I've never

>>found them particularly powerful. -snip-


>I was an angry and negative person for many years of my life and had to work

>for a long time to release the negativity. Following a physical yoga set I

>would use specific meditations or mantras focusing in on the negative


One day in meditation my spiritual guru said something that made me angry.

I responded, and he kept answering in the same way... and I became angrier

and angrier. I found myself unable to move my body, which was just as

well... I got so angry I wanted to hit him... or hit something! :)) Then

suddenly I began to laugh... I saw what he was doing... stirring up the

anger so I could see it mushrooming... it wasn't anger _about_ anything...

it's so easy to latch onto some anger... and stir it up... and poke it to

make it bigger and bigger... but when I saw that, it was gone. :) Poof!


I thought we would work with other emotions, but apparently that was enough

to show me how they work...


How you can use this: when you feel angry, look at the anger itself. Watch

it, study it to see what it is... You can program yourself to remember to

do this with any strong emotion. When you feel a strong emotion, you can

think, OH, it's a chance to study it! Then look at it, see what it is, how

it works...



Here's the easiest method I know for getting rid of any kind of karmic

stuff. It comes from Angelique Serpent, Mystress of the Kundalini List.

This is part of a post from her - mostly her words, partly mine in order to

use just part and still have it make sense... and adding some of the words

I use, which are patterned after her words...


When you are aware of anything karmic... emotions such as fear or anger...

mixed-up thinking... prejudice... old limiting decisions... sense it as

clearly as you can... grab onto it... and give it to God... or Goddess,

whichever is your way.

> Give it to Goddess. Just say, "Here Goddess, please take

this from me, it is a gift for You. It's Yours. Thank you." Goddess

provides. Feel it flowing out your head. (usually.. but sometimes out your

feet, and sometimes burning up in heart chakra alchemy.)

> There is usually a collection of supporting thoughts and

considerations around it/connected to it, give them to Goddess, as well..

this will

clear it from every cell..


Just say, "And I give you any other karmic stuff that is connected to this,

that has any ties to it. It is a gift. Please take it from me. Thank


> I like to do an extra cleanup, by clearing it throughout the hologram..

Ask for it to be transmuted totally in all dimensions, realities, levels,

reflections, etc.. throughout the entire multidimensional universe of All

that Is, in top-down fashion from point of origin. This causes it to

transmute from its origin in the past, forward thru time like dominos



Just say, "And I give it to you throughout the hologram, in all dimensions,

on all planes, in all times, in all lives... from the point of origin

outward... It is a gift for you. Please take it from me. Thank you."


Then ask for her violet light to clean out any remaining stuff... and the

white light to fill the spaces... Just say, "Please give me your violet

fire to burn up any remaining bits of this karmic stuff... even from every

cell of the physical body... And I give you even the holes that remain...

please take them from me and fill my spaces with your white light."

> Also, imagine the spaces where the stuff was, filling with

light.. so there is not room for something else to come in.. Nature abhors

a vacuum, as they say.. and the light will restructure the space... and

spread out into the other places.

> Tell Goddess Thankyou.


You don't have to be afraid of giving too much of yourself away. Whatever

you give to God/dess comes back to you multiplied and in an even better

form... The karmic stuff is NOT you, but if you are meant to have it a

while longer for some reason, it will be returned to you... you'll still

have it. Whatever you should have will be given back to you, but in an

improved form. :)) What is ready to go will be taken from you... and

returned in the form of energy. So as you keep giving to God/dess, you

will have more and more energy.


You can also use this method on an illness. Think of the energy of the

illness... you can think of it as an entity if you like... and give it to



You can use this method to help other people... you can give their karmic

stuff to God/dess... with their permission, of course. You just identify

with the other person... think "He and I are one"... and give the stuff to



You'll get energy back from doing that too... the more you give, the more

you heal others, the more energy you have.


Angelique wrote this to someone who was receiving very nasty mail from

another person:

> This is the key. The feeling is the fear which drives her

aggressiveness.. since she is sharing it with you, you are empowered to

clear it. Clear it from yourself and it will lift from her, too..


In other words, if someone sends you an email and dumps a load of crap on

you, it's your crap. And you can clear it... give it to God/dess...

you'll feel fine and have more energy... and you'll actually have helped

the person who sent it. :)


You may come to where you're ready to give all of yourself to God/dess...

I found that a bit scary the first time... but I was still here

afterward... and in much better shape. I've caught on to something...

whenever I don't really know _what_ is causing my problem of the moment, I

just give her everything... :)




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Message: 24

Fri, 23 Apr 1999 18:28:50 -0500

Dharma <fisher1

Re: transmuting negativity




<< One day in meditation my spiritual guru said something that made me

angry. I responded, and he kept answering in the same way... and I

became angrier and angrier. I found myself unable to move my body,

which was just as well... I got so angry I wanted to hit him... or hit

something! :)) Then suddenly I began to laugh... I saw what he was

doing... stirring up the anger so I could see it mushrooming... it

wasn't anger _about_ anything... it's so easy to latch onto some

anger... and stir it up... and poke it to make it bigger and

bigger... but when I saw that, it was gone. :) Poof! >>


The horizon merged, the surface separathing earth and sky vanished in a

shadow of peace. It's the path of spring, the orgasmic path 'poofing'

into peace.



<< You advocate paying attention to negative thoughts, to allow them to

grow? I don't follow - if I realise a thought is negative, and pay

attention to it, my intention is to weaken it, rather than strengthen

it; though I suppose I should aim to accept and integrate it in some

way. Please explain! >>


As much as i am not a season, as much i try not to advocate anything, i

observe more the seasons until there is none left to observe at all.


There is nothing rong to weaken negative thoughs, it's only a different

season, a different state of being, a different path, like fall is to



Observe spring and observe fall, allow life on the surface of the

planet to represent how the mind interacts with ones body, and you have

a variety of ways of being in duality expressed. Some often mistaken the

seasons with something that never changes. The way to open those seasons

to that which never change, are infinite and always new. So




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