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Merging with Siva Lesson 82

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Lesson 82


The Benefits Of Meditation


After one has finished a powerful meditation--and to meditate for even

ten to fifteen minutes takes as much energy as one would use in running

one mile--it fills and thrills one with an abundance of energy to be

used creatively in the external world during the activities of daily

life. After the meditation is over, work to refine every attribute of the

external nature. Learn to give and to give freely without looking for

a thank-you or a reward. Learn to work for work's sake, joyfully, for

all work is good. Find the thank-yous from deep within yourself. Learn

to be happy by seeking happiness, not from others, but from the depths

of the mind that is happiness itself.




And when in daily life, observe the play of the forces, the odic force

as it plays between people and people, and people and their things. When

it is flowing nicely between people, it is called harmony. But when

the odic force congests itself between people and tugs and pulls and

causes unhappiness, it is called contention. And then when the odic force

congests within oneself, we become aware of unhappy, fretful, disturbed

states of the mind. The odic force then is called turbulence. It's the

same force. The meditator learns to work with the odic forces of the

world. He avoids shying away from them. The out-there and the within

are his playground.




The finest times to meditate are before dawn, at noon, sunset and

midnight. All four of these times could be used, or choose one. The

meditation should be from fifteen minutes to one-half hour to begin

with. What to meditate on? The transmutation of the odic forces back

to their source, the actinic force. Through perfect posture, sana,

we transmute the physical forces and the emotional forces. Through the

control of the breath, pranayama, we transmute the intellectual forces and

move awareness out of the area of the mind that is always thinking--the

great dream.




Then we become vibrant and confident in ourselves, feeling the power of

our spine through which the actinic forces flow out through the nerve

system. We learn to lean on our own spine more than on any other person,

teacher, book, organization or system. Answers begin to become real and

vibrant, hooked onto the end of each question. And these and many more

are the dynamic rewards of the sincere aspirant who searches within

through meditation.

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