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[K-list] In Memoriam Rick Puravs

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>Fri, 23 Apr 1999 16:50:30 -0500


>Dharma <fisher1

>[K-list] In Memoriam Rick Puravs

>Cc: kundalini


>My heart goes out to you, my dear. I send love and comfort... healing and



>I remember Rick well... he was a valuable part of this list community.


>>>For those of you who

>>>knew him, you will remember him as a Buddhist, a very brilliant person,

>>>very spiritual, very helpful. -snip- He was beautiful

>>in his own way and in my eyes.


>Yes, he was and is beautiful. I loved his wonderful sense of humor. I

>will miss him very much.


>>He was my closest friend and lover. -snip-

>>My heart is very heavy. He wanted to marry me so

>>much, and I was finally getting to the place where I thought I could marry

>>him. He wanted us to connect fully in this life so we could come together in

>>the next and for eternity.


>You still can, whether you said the ritual words or not. He loved you as

>his wife, didn't he?


>>That is how much he loved me. We bought a

>>beautiful east Indian dress for the wedding (I should have married him Maybe

>>I could have saved his life.)


>I doubt it... In my experience we decide - at a spiritual level - when we

>will die. Some people know this as they are moving into the transition...

>some don't. He may have made the decision before his birth... that he

>would be here for a certain length of time... But in that time he knew you

>again... and loved you and was loved... Be joyful for that, and don't

>blame yourself for anything. He wouldn't want it.


>>All of his friends and family are telling me

>>that he loved me more than anything and anybody. They want me to come to

>>Michigan for the funeral, but I don't want to see him dead. He was beautiful

>>in his own way and in my eyes.


>When I saw my father's body in the casket, I touched his cheek... it felt

>like a rock. That made it so clear that he was not there... he had left

>that temporary garment... and it was reverting to nature.


>If you saw Rick's body, it would still be beautiful... but it would

>clearly not be him... He isn't there any more...


>I hope you can find it in your heart to give up that body... give it back

>to the Earth... you loved it because he lived in it... now he is always

>with you... I know you may not feel that way right now, but it is so.


>I found this note from him in my "In" box... I don't know why... it was

>on K-list some months ago...



>>>Is she just another "attachment"??



>>no, she is sacred, as you are.....at the deepest level you are both the same


>>> Even in such love that we share?



>> (see above)


>>>Am I crazy for even thinking about throwing her to the wind?



>>yes, never abandon a woman, esp one with whom you have a relationship such

>>as you just described


>>>(I just

>>>hope the wind catches her and sets her someplace safe).



>>ya, well she may keep you grounded, and i mean this in a positive

>>sense....if you aim to fly with the clouds, or the stars, you may need

>>someone to pull you back to earth......the earth by the way, is no less

>>sacred than what you aspire to


>>> Your advice

>>>is appreciated.



>>........read up on some Tantric Yoga, or Mantak Chia's books, as it is

>>possible to

>>use sexuality as a path........seek to resolve duality by uniting man and

>>woman in bliss......

>>my advice is to not reject, to not push away, the love you are being

>>provided with





>>I just didn't think marriage was necessary.

>>How I wish I had given that to him, said the words, heard the congratulations

>>of friends and family. He knows I love him. He has always known, probably

>>for centuries.


>Yes, he knows you love him. You gave him everything important... yourself

>and your love.. Now for his sake, give up your regrets... give them to

>him, because he wouldn't want you to hang onto them... a gift for him...

>so you will think of him always with joy and love.


>>I keep talking to him, just in case he is here. I email him notes telling

>>him I love him. His aol screen name was SnowLion97. How many times have I

>>seen that name on this computer. I would bet it is in excess of a thousand

>>times. Now I won't ever see it again. I know it is not important, but

>>remember, I just learned of this at 12:45 pm EST. I am very fragile. I feel

>>very alone. Talk to me, Rick! Please just one more time before you go


>It may be that, because this is such a shock to you and so painful, you are

>not in a condition where you can hear him. As you work through the

>grief... and the anger... and let them go, the time will come when you

>will feel his presence and hear him again... I am certain of it.


>At visiting hours for my father, he was talking in my ear... cracking

>jokes about everything that was happening... just like him... I had a

>hard time keeping a straight face and not cracking up. :))) But I wasn't

>dealing with grief... he had lived a good life and a fairly long one...

>and he had told me he was going... said he couldn't think of anything more

>he wanted to do in this life. :)


>When you have loved and united with one such as Rick, it is always so...

>it never ends... Lean on your friends, on all of us who love you, during

>this period... He is not separate from you, and one day you will know it.


>My love and peace,



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