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stress and endorphins.

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Message: 12

Fri, 23 Apr 1999 21:28:12 +0000

Marcia or Gill ? wrote:


The analogy itself also may be enlightening - I'm thinking of the

endorphins released in childbirth and the subsequent 'high' - could

stress result in endorphin being released, the same way as pain and

exercise do?


It depends. Stress generally releases adrenaline.. this is the

fight-or-flight chemistry that makes severe alterations in the body..

essentially it is the product of resistance. Breathing patterns are

changed, the blood goes from a normal acid pH to alkaline, and loses all of

the calcium that regulates calm. Blood is withdrawn from digestion to

extremities, to facilitate fight or flight, priority> often resulting in

upset stomach.. Stress is bad for health, it dampens the immune system, and

can result from mental pictures: worry or scary movies, emotional upset,

just as from physical events, or physical trauma.


Endorphins usually come from an attitude of grateful acceptance of

physical sensations. Endorphin cannot usually be stirred up by mental

pictures, some Yogic states of bliss notwithstanding. (Not much is known of

the biochemistry of altered states of consciousness. Fascinating subject,

tho.. to me, at least.)

At attitude of gratitude cancels out the "run away" impulse of

adrenaline, and the body produces endorphin.

Cosmic promise: "Goddess won't give you more than you can handle".. when

the mind decides, as yours did, "I cannot handle any more of this", Goddess

provides a full-body dump of endorphin, more blissful than an orgasm, which

marathon runners call "breaking the wall". It is an altered state of great

calm and peacefulness, expansiveness and freedom. There is a feeling of

having been "purified".. which was made much use of, especially during the

middle ages of the Catholic church, and in many Shamanic rituals.

Any sensation accepted with gratitude and even breathing, taken to the

limits of mental or physical endurance, will produce this rush of

endorphin. Running, Hatha Yoga, tickling, the physical cramping and forced

immobility of a Zen-sit.. or in your case, the physical sensations of

emotional stress.

However, being "tough", strong willed, or able to handle a high level of

sensation is not advantageous to invoking endorphin. The sooner you wimp

out, (I can't handle any more), the sooner Goddess provides.. :)



Hello! I saw a question I could help with, surfing the archives to catch

up, so I responded as an intro.. sorry if it is a bit off-topic?


I mentioned to Harsha when he started this list, that I would come visit

sometime.. when I was not so busy.. A computer crash wiped out my inbox

last night, taking with it several thousands of messages, archives of

several lists back to Jan, and my personal mail back to July, 98.. so,

today seems like a good day to join, somehow.

I am admittedly a bit brain dead about the Yogas of this list.. I have

come to lurk.. My ADD brain has never been able to hang onto more than a

few words of Sanskrit, or of any other language besides English, that I

have attempted to learn.. but I bought a copy of "Arthur Avalon"s "The

Serpent Power" and I'm taking another stab at it. As with my previous

attempts to absorb the language, so far it just makes me fuzz out and fall

asleep.. however, as I am presently recovering from an illness, this effect

is advantageous, and so I stay motivated to keep reading when I wake up

again. :)

Well, The list intro gave me the fuller meaning of one more word..

thankyou, Harsha.. and it is resonant.

I recognise the computer crash and the illness are the result of

not-satsangh.. LOL!! Bad company. I reached out to hold hands with someone,

in some of my private correspondence, and it turned into a game of tug of

war. I got pulled off balance... unwanted stress I was not grateful for..

so it goes..


<bowing to the host, and fading into invisibility in the background..>

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Welcome! I'm so glad to see you here!


I've quoted you a few times here... just posted your first method of

clearing karmic stuff. :)


So - in great stress, we _can_ turn it into endorphins, if we can

surrender, breathe deeply, and thank God/dess for it? (Not that I'd ever

go after stress as a way to get endorphins. :)))


The example of childbirth is interesting because the "training" for

childbirth is so much like learning to release into endorphins. Actually,

I didn't learn the LaMaze method... when I see that on TV, with all the

panting and huffing and puffing, it looks so stressful! I learned the old

"natural childbirth" method... just lack of fear, complete relaxation, and

diaphragm breathing. And it was pretty easy. I've told dentists, I'd

rather have a baby any day than have my teeth worked on. :)))




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