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Message: 15

Sat, 24 Apr 1999 23:43:32 -0700

Marcia Paul <jacpa

Re: Antoine/transmuting was (transmuting negativity)


Hello Marcia,


Your post make me think... i seem to develop the habit (2 post) to

simply let go after reading one of your post about the I ching, to then

come back new as a baby's mind to answer to it from there, in



<< You know Antoine it is really an exact science if one knows how to

read it. And if one can read it then it becomes possible to manipulate

it. (I think). >>


I don't know if such a thing as an exact science does exist as such from

my experience of life. I do find out that we have a tendency to develop

an habit of being in some way or not. And some put the words of science,

religion or culture to solidify the inertia to which we come to identify

ourselves. As for manipulating, yes we can come to manipulate anything

in my opinion, but i found it was often an illusion of liberty to

manipulate things. In some way we become slave to the object we create

to manipulate. We try to manipulate ourselves.


I thank you deeply for expressing your way of looking at the meaning of

the trigrams. It has enriched me in mew ways i can come to look at them.

Maybe i can share with you on another way to look at it, that as often

been my escape route from all my contacts with science calling

themselves exact. It's simples, to me the polarities expressed by the

trigrams, are not fixed in definitions. They change according to my

state of being and my environment. The sky, the fire, the earth are

never the same as everything changes.


<< After awhile you begin to notice exactly what is going on in yourself

and others. >>


Yes, until the filters on the eyes are taken away, and the child's eyes

are ready again to drink this world.



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Antoine wrote:

> I don't know if such a thing as an exact science does exist as such from

> my experience of life. I do find out that we have a tendency to develop

> an habit of being in some way or not. And some put the words of science,

> religion or culture to solidify the inertia to which we come to identify

> ourselves. As for manipulating, yes we can come to manipulate anything

> in my opinion, but i found it was often an illusion of liberty to

> manipulate things. In some way we become slave to the object we create

> to manipulate. We try to manipulate ourselves.




Actually Antonie I have lots of questions. Manipulate is not

a good word I agree. I do think that through self study it

becomes possible to change my state at will. And "if" it

truly is "As Above So Below" then the same laws must

apply in the larger cosmos. Taken to the extreme it may

be possible to end war by evolving consciousness. But

enough people have to know how.


I have verified some of the triads that were in my last post

for myself. I can see what happens when I switch from looking

at something abstract to looking at something concrete and

also what happens if I switch from the thinking center to the

feeling center. But first before any verification of this kind

can take place I had to be free of any form of habitual identification.

There are two trigrams in each hexagram. I had to be free in

the inner trigram most likely in Fire (Attention) in order to verify

in the external trigram. I had to be separated from myself in order

to verify objectively how it works.

> I thank you deeply for expressing your way of looking at the meaning of

> the trigrams. It has enriched me in mew ways i can come to look at them.

> Maybe i can share with you on another way to look at it, that as often

> been my escape route from all my contacts with science calling

> themselves exact. It's simples, to me the polarities expressed by the

> trigrams, are not fixed in definitions. They change according to my

> state of being and my environment. The sky, the fire, the earth are

> never the same as everything changes.




I don't know what the answer to your question is but I suspect

that it is some combination of what we are saying. Perhaps your

state of being is which trigram you are in and it is possible to

change that by raising or lowering your state of being. Your

state of being constantly changes. You are awake one moment

and asleep the next. Fire is Fire and Wind is Wind but the

intersection of cosmic forces and your state of being determines

which hexagram is operational in any single "now" moment.

> Yes, until the filters on the eyes are taken away, and the child's eyes

> are ready again to drink this world.




I Corinthians 13:9-12


"For we know in part, and we

prophesy in part.

But when that which is perfect

is come, then that which is in part

shall be done away.

When I was a child, I spake as

a child, I understood as a child, I

thought as a child: but when I be-

came a man, I put away childish


For now we see through a

glass; darkly: but then face to

face: now I know in part; but

then shall I know even as also I

am known."

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