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[K-list] Karma & Astrology

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Domchi wrote:


> Hm, I think we missed eachother. I never said that it doesn't work - it

> works, I know it works, it makes sense. What I question myself is how

> exactly it works, and then - easier question :)


The universe is God's clock for UT (Universal Time), with many dials and

hands. The data from the dials and hands form the address of our karmic

mailbox :)



- of what use can it be.


Receive karmic mail, of course :))))



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ROTFLOL!! :) :) :)

Precisely so.. sometimes when I feel like I have gone temporarily

insane, as K does feel like, sometimes.. Dharma sends me a horoscope that

says something like, "expect to go insane for a while this week, it is

because of Saturn and Mars quadwranging their unisex.." ;) or some such

stuff that my brain fuzzes if I try to understand all of it.. that's why

I'm not an astrologer.. LOL!!

But .. it's good, very reassuring coz what I do understand is that it's

OK to go insane this week, or whatever.. it's all part of God's plan.. so

I can stop worrying and relax and enjoy it..:) :) :) Wonderful!


I often recommend folks who are having difficulty surrendering to the

ups and downs of K., get a good horoscope from someone familiar with K.

like Dharma or Jeannie. The horoscope will provide them with the "reasons"

that the ego needs, to barter it's fear and doubts into surrender. It will

take them out of their ego-muddle, to look at things from a starry point of

view, of how their troubles are reflected in the Universal Hologram.. as

above, so below.

Much of my own writing to the list, my storytelling.. is exactly that,

giving an ego the reasons it needs, to release fear and surrender.

Lullabies of faith.

It does not really matter, if the reasons are "true", in that what is

"Truth" is a subjective perspective... unique to every person who looks for


The "Reasons" of Divine Will .. the fullness of the ripples from any

action.. cannot be fully comprehended by the limited human brain, anyways..

We go out of our limited consciousness to find that awareness, and cannot

fit it into words, when we come back. We cannot truly comprehend Divine

Will, even tho we are manifestations of it.

What matters, is the surrender to Divine Will.. the invocation of faith.

The path, or religious paradigm that leads to that surrender, doesn't

matter so much, so long as it suits the individual on it.

The nice thing about astrological guidance, is that Astrologers by the

nature of their work, tend to be more detached in their readings, in their

expressions of the "truth" they see, than some other forms of spiritual

guidance one might encounter.


Over a year ago, before I met Dharma, I got a horoscope from Jeannie

Garner that surprised the heck out of us both with it's accuracy.. she did

two horoscopes, a western and an Eastern one.. and the Eastern one was

oriented towards the path of my spiritual awakening and my life purpose on

the planet. That horoscope was fascinating, in that it also predicted the

point at which I would shake loose the shackles of fate and Karma enough

for astrology to no longer be of much use to me.

I don't really know what that means, or how it could be so..? As long as

I am active in the hologram, I must be affected by it's ripples? I think??

What I have noticed, tho, is that the horoscopes so kindly provided by

Dharma often serve to clarify and confirm what my own guidance has already

told me about a situation. Often the dangers they warn of, I have already

considered and been guided to take steps to handle... or to give up to

Goddess to handle. Some things, She handles thru the Vessel that is me. :) :)

However, confirmation and validation are always wonderful, no matter how

accustomed one becomes, to making leaps of faith... the mind still

appreciates the storytelling of Reasons... the body still remembers the

comfort of gathering round the fire to tell the tales of who we are, and

how we come to be that way. The sparks flying up, from the fire circle

become stars that reflect the stories we have sent them. We are the stars..

we are made of stardust and seawater, and the stars are reflected in us,

just as the tides reflect the moons pull on the seawater we are made of.

All one. As above, so below.. blessed be.


At 04:39 PM 4/27/99 , jb wrote:

>The universe is God's clock for UT (Universal Time), with many dials and

>hands. The data from the dials and hands form the address of our karmic

>mailbox :)


>Domchi wrote:

> - of what use can it be.


>Receive karmic mail, of course :))))




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> Mystress Angelique Serpent [serpent]


> Over a year ago, before I met Dharma, I got a horoscope from Jeannie

> Garner that surprised the heck out of us both with it's

> accuracy.. she did

> two horoscopes, a western and an Eastern one.. and the Eastern one was

> oriented towards the path of my spiritual awakening and my life purpose on

> the planet. That horoscope was fascinating, in that it also predicted the

> point at which I would shake loose the shackles of fate and Karma enough

> for astrology to no longer be of much use to me.

> I don't really know what that means, or how it could be so..?

> As long as

> I am active in the hologram, I must be affected by it's ripples?

> I think??


Reading about surrender and astrology, I saw a nice picture:

The road from 'earth to heaven' isn't without danger as one has to pass

through 'hell' and some will by surrender, leave all the reading of the

roadmap to God. Then to use astrology is like buying a roadmap yourself and

hoping God doesn't find out :)



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At 05:16 AM 4/28/99 , jb wrote:

>Reading about surrender and astrology, I saw a nice picture:

>The road from 'earth to heaven' isn't without danger as one has to pass

>through 'hell' and some will by surrender, leave all the reading of the

>roadmap to God. Then to use astrology is like buying a roadmap yourself and

>hoping God doesn't find out :)




LOL!! That's even funnier than what you wrote the first time!!

I get this image of the Mother Goddess wagging her finger at me and

saying "no cheating!" ... like She is gonna judge me for my curiosity??

ROTFLOL!!! She has been leading my by my curious kitty cat nosie for this

long, and if it ain't broke... :)

She's the one who gave me this ADD brain, that can only focus on what it

finds fascinating enough to maintain attention for..

2 years ago, someone did an aura painting of me, as a spontaneous gift..

that had an odd "artifact" in among the colors.... I looked at it and

scratched my head, for two days trying to figger out what it was, wondering

if the artist was playing a joke on me.. the artist said he didn't know,

either, it had just come out like that.. he painted 'em, he didn't try to

interpret them..

Then one morning I woke up and recognised it.. A gold ring in my nose, and

a leash hanging loose, leading upwards and toward the back... Goddess

leading and following... Me leashed like a hound on the scent at a

foxhunt.. or the bridle on a donkey that follows a dangled carrot. LOL!!!

Since the painting was of the aura and not the body, the nose ring and

leash was kind of hanging in space.. that's what made it hard to

recognise.. what the heck.. here it is.



Goddess gave me the road map thru Hell and out the other side.. and even

persuaded me not to pack anything for the trip.. LOL!! All those dreams of

moving, and boxes of stuff that multiplied the more it tried to be


Goddess and I play a game I call "Surprise parties".. She drops me

puzzle pieces.. like Ricks' "1999" post, and intuitive impressions and bits

of things that I notice, and Dharma's horoscopes.. all kinds of bits of

Karmic mail.. it is for me to collect them all and follow along as they

suggest.. like a treasure hunt.. My kitty cat ADD brain focuses well, on a

hunt.. I wait patiently to see what unfolds..

The road map is not the experience of travelling. Seeing the dot that is

the destination, is not the same as arriving there.

Goddess is the road and all of the road maps and the travellers on

them.. so after being creative with paradigms, as I have been feeling like,

storytelling, lately.. :) I can roll that metaphor into a ball and try to

shoot a basket into the trash bin, coz time-space doesn't exist anyways

and there is no-where to go... the cat chases it's tail, because it's fun.

Astrology is fun, too.

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I am glad you understand it so well. If it is granted that for someone

unawakened the mind has power, for a Kundalite this power is much greater.

The power is not in siddhis, but more like determining how one will

interpret perception and how that translates into action. Everyone knows the

trick of the mental alarm clock; just imagine to wake up at the right time,

eventually using (sound)images. For a Kundalite, this power is much greater.

It is the basis for the dictum : "As you meditate, so you become". So if you

surrender to the Goddess, you become the Goddess; if you meditate on the

Buddha, you become a Buddha, and so on. If one isn't conscious of this

power, strange things can happen :) I hope it is clear how important it is

to have a pure mind; all the "rubbish" from our childhood is what is causing

blocks and pains. I escaped from this and it made all the difference. The

paradox of meditation / surrender is, that this "result" of meditation /

surrender is already there, but in a "passive", not recognized way.


The painting of your aura is beautiful; you have a lot of energy. It gave

the impression of a feline beauty, able to make minced meat out of every

man, purring in the arms of a blue Goddess :)




+++ A Buddhist monk once exclaimed: "There is no God. I can only see Pure,

Natural Mind."

And God said: "That's my little secret."+++

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