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The Nature of Realization

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Hi Harsha,


>>This is why bhakti with its attendant surrender is the best path (IMO).

>>You just give up wanting realization and concentrate on wanting total and

>>complete blissful surrender.

>Harsha: Wise words indeed. But I wonder whether one can just give up wanting

>Realization. Probably one cannot give up wanting any "want" until the

>wanting has waned. One can certainly concentrate on wanting "total and

>complete blissful surrender." Perhaps that is helpful as you suggest. The

>fundamental issue is the "wanting." Surrender happens when the wanting has

>waned or has been suspended, or one simply has become completely indifferent

>to all wanting. In other words, one has become "wanted" out. It happens when

>you have been waiting and waiting and waiting. Waiting can be a form of

>doing also. Then it is a long wait. You might be doing anything. Meditation,

>Yoga, Pranayama, etc. These are all essentially forms of waiting. And

>waiting can be helpful. It tires you out. It is Grace that finally makes us

>so indifferent to any "seeking" or "wanting", that we forget what we had

>been waiting for. Here the Primal Being Reveals It Self as Eternal, as the

>very Core of our existence, being Existence It Self. To enter the Kingdom of

>Heaven one must be completely naked and bereft of all things. There is no

>path to this entrance because there is no where else to go.


I'm sure the best way must be complete surrender, giving up even any

seeking or wanting. But All That Is is so beneficent that this is not an

immutable law of the universe. It is possible for even an imperfect and

still hungry seeker to slip into the All.


When I thought I saw how to go into the All, I was kind of scared to do it.

I had read that some people go into the All and don't come back... that

either their bodies die, or they sit around with vacant smiles for the rest

of their lives, absorbed in God, while someone else takes care of their

physical needs.


But I also read that our protection is in our purpose... in the purity of

the will. I thought of the title of Kierkegaard's book : _Purity of Heart

Is to Will One Thing_. And I willed and wanted, more than anything else in

the world, to know God, to be one with God. And I intended to come back so

I could help other people.


So I waited for a night when I was so full of confidence that for the

moment I wasn't afraid of anything. And then I did it.


I was not a perfect person... far from it. And that experience did not

turn me into a perfect person. All the personality problems, all the

karmic stuff, that I had before were still there afterward to be worked on.


But it was the high point of my life... it illuminates the rest of my

life. How can I explain?


I heard recently that someone said I hold nothing sacred. My answer was:

>I hold everything in this manifest universe sacred. When I came back from

>the All, the world was different... everything brims from the All...

>everything is just emerging from, and flashing into, the All... the All

>is right there, underneath every single thing I look at... it has been so

>many years, I may speak of things as if they were just ordinary things...

>I'm used to seeing the world as I see it... Epiphany is everywhere...

>everything shows forth the glory...


>When everything is sacred, then sacred and profane have no meaning...


I can't explain how an imperfect person, full of personality problems and

wanting something so much, can go into the All. But Christ said,

>Ask, and it will be answered. Knock, and the door will open. Seek, and

>you will find.


And Krishna said,

> To love is to know me,

> My innermost nature,

> The truth that I am:

> Through this knowledge he enters

> At once to my Being....


> Now I have taught you that wisdom which is the secret of secrets....

>the deepest of all truths.


> Give me your whole heart,

> Love and adore me,

> Worship me always,

> Bow to me only,

> And you shall find me:

> This is my promise

> Who love you dearly.


> - _Bhagavad-Gita_

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Dharma [fisher1]

Wednesday, April 28, 1999 6:29 PM

Re: The Nature of Realization


Dharma <fisher1


Hi Harsha,


I'm sure the best way must be complete surrender, giving up even any

seeking or wanting. But All That Is is so beneficent that this is not an

immutable law of the universe. It is possible for even an imperfect and

still hungry seeker to slip into the All.



Harsha: Dharma, what you said made perfect sense.

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>"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar

>< >

> Re: The Nature of Realization

>Thu, Apr 29, 1999, 7:18 AM


>"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar



>Dharma [fisher1]

>Wednesday, April 28, 1999 6:29 PM


> Re: The Nature of Realization


>Dharma <fisher1


>Hi Harsha,


>I'm sure the best way must be complete surrender, giving up even any

>seeking or wanting. But All That Is is so beneficent that this is not an

>immutable law of the universe. It is possible for even an imperfect and

>still hungry seeker to slip into the All.



>Harsha: Dharma, what you said made perfect sense.



A great deal of this seeking and wanting is let go of in the heart

center as one moves from the habits of the self to that of the focus and

awareness of ones soul intention. If the soul intention is focused on God

perhaps even then it is focused on wanting something, when it is moved to

Divine Will and no longer is asking God to reveal him/herself then that knot

is getting and wanting is undone as well. How can we want anything? If we

are truly absorbed in Divine Will...there is nothing to want or no place to

go to separate...








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