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FW: HRTZEN: * Evil and Non Duality

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Dear Tamra,


Welcome back to the list. It's good to see you're here again.




At 05:47 PM 5/1/99 PDT, Tamra Temple wrote:

>"Tamra Temple" <teatemple




>>Nice to meet you Tamra. Do you have a homepage? Gloria

>No. At present, I don't even have a home. Well, except my body. It's

>comfortable enough. I'll get to the homepage bit right after I settle the

>home matter.







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>"Gloria Joy Greco" <lodpress


>At this level the planet is dual...which means it is good and evil. And in

>the spirit world...it has divided into good and evil. But, there are higher

>frequencies of light in which evil doesn't exist because it has a ceiling,

>it is restricted to certain areas and can not even touch areas of creation

>which are of cosmic origin.



This is pretty much my perception as well. I'll be the one to ask, though.

What are these initiations and training?





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> These have all happened with me spiritually through tandra type vision

>experiences, always in Celestial settings but definitely in the presence of

>Christed Beings with specific beings doing the initiations. In one such

>experience I knew the being to be the Ancient of Days. In another one I was

>knighted. Each time it has been a definite initiation into another aspect

>of the spiritual realization. I would tell you more if I had words to

>explain it.


No need. I'm honoured an grateful to hear from you. I just turned the mail

back on on this list as I've been traveling for awhile. Clearly I was meant

to hear from someone else who has experinced these rites internally. Maybe

I can quit scratching my head now. Tamra




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>Nice to meet you Tamra. Do you have a homepage? Gloria

No. At present, I don't even have a home. Well, except my body. It's

comfortable enough. I'll get to the homepage bit right after I settle the

home matter.







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"Gloria Joy Greco" <lodpress

Bill Pendergrass <lordgreaystoke

HRTZEN: Re: * Evil and Non Duality

Fri, Apr 30, 1999, 11:39 PM





>"Bill Pendergrass" <lordgreaystoke


>* Evil and Non Duality

>Fri, Apr 30, 1999, 10:13 PM


>Dear Gloria,


>I'm sure I'm missing something...but please explain to me how you can have

>such a strong belief in an evil force outside of God and still be Non

>dualistic? I thought the heart of Non Dualism was a belief in everything

>originating from the All or God including the appearance of evil. I sence

>two competing philosophies in you..the Catholic dualistic one and the

>Eastern Non Dual one. Please note that this is a private email..and I am NOT

>trying to raise embarrasing issues. You've been very very helpful to

>me...and very kind to me.



No problem and it isn't embarrassing at all. It is one of those paradox's,

and I don't know that I can find the words to explain it since it is so

really wierd all around. There is absolute union so that all is from God

ultimately, it is known/experienced from the union in the Crown Chakra and

the third eye plus that Soma chakra. This is when it is experienced when the

proper unfoldment occurs in the higher centers and the leaves of the lotus

are spirled out into place. It is why a Edith Stein can go to her death in

the concentration camps truly happy and filled with joy because she knew it

was perfect. For her there was no evil, but for the people she walked

through the experience with, even those on the other side, it was an awful,

degrading, unhuman conditon of evil. The guards who looked after her were

changed forever from just being with her and feeling what she felt.


The world has many levels of experience doesn't it? We could move through

the conversation of good and evil probably for a long time in processing

this question, but ultimately the evil that now exists is for purpose which

is God's design. So, when we turn free will to God's Will we also don't know

the ultimate outcome of that decision, we do know that God's will and

purpose is served in that moment which is our only responsbility in order to

serve God.



When the war manifests only in the spiritual world...evil as such doesn't

appear to exist to the human...at least they can rationalize it away, but

when the energy is allowed to enter on to this scene to allow karmic

situations to take there due toll for the masses to balance out creation,

(the phase we are now in) the world is hit with the apparent evil. I say

this because it is apparent...the bottom line it is illusion. Yet to those

who are experiencing it at this level, it appears very real. It would be

pretty heartless to go to those people in Littleton and say that what came

down wasn't evil. And the folks in the presence of Poopathy's sister in law

are not going to think they are in an action sanctioned by God. And it

isn't, remember in the bible when the lower force is given a time to rule on

earth, a time to do their destruction...this is God allowing the scales of

justice to come down, but it is not coming from any act of will from God. It

is a case where the individual judgment or karma has authority according to

spiritul law. Now...many would say how can this be justice? I doubt if

there is anyone on Earth who doesn't totally understand that the mass

consciousness has gone off the middle road enough that this is a correction

for sure. And, God has held the pendulum in place for really a long time if

we are honest about it.


At this level the planet is dual...which means it is good and evil. And in

the spirit world...it has divided into good and evil. But, there are higher

frequencies of light in which evil doesn't exist because it has a ceiling,

it is restricted to certain areas and can not even touch areas of creation

which are of cosmic origin. Evil doesn't exist because it has no access or

entry. This is usually considered to be up through the fourth initiation

where one has moved past the abyss where the great pull from the lower self

still has hold.


Now someone is going to come and say what are these initiations? I can best

tell you this, it is something that is experienced as you are in the flow

taken through the training.


The question you ask here is important because in order for one to work with

spiritual warfare, one has to resolve this interior conflict. And because

you have to bring it to resolve within, and answer this question, one can

only do this by turning to God so that the Holy Spirit will remove the veil

of ignorance & it can be viewed from all of the many vantage points to get

the whole story. I don't know that this helped much.


>Me personally..I don't understand evil or why its here but I do have a

>hypothesis .. without the last few billion years of survival of the fittest

>( certainly a classically selfish and egoistic process) our race would not

>be here at all. WE owe our existence to the selfishness of our genes.

>Therefore...I suspect that in order for us to exist at all in this world so

>must selfishness ( evil). And yet out of this process Love, Hope, and

>Faith, and Courage have come also.....so they are intertwined somehow in a

>way that I can't see. One must be present for the other to exist...



Yes, this is part of it. The evil can work two ways one is to consume and

destroy, the other is to enlighten and to open the gate to the ability to

detach and move on to the next step. Good is also a trap for the seeker at a

certain point of the walk... people can get strung out on self by doing what

is perceived to be good. When one is taking the credit for works he/she is

still working from the solar plexus. Can you see how complex this is?

Remember I think Hitler even said at one point that he will have done a

great work for good when it is all said and done. Many in the occult say

this as well, they wish to obtain Christ Consciousness through the back

door. Thinking they can access the power and liberation without giving up

the lower self which is the controller.


Also the third chakra, the solar plexus...look at what it does. The seed

sound is Ram, and the Ram is the animal that represents it. The Ram is

strong and charges with its head down not carrying about the circumstances.

This is the house of fire, and intellect, and the deity is the Old Shiva

representing the power of destruction. The person works from the third

chakra and control through anger. We have to see it as a stage of evolution,

and it is a phase that each soul has the mission of getting through.

Hopefully without getting trapped in the evil of its own making.


In fact,



>Yours most respectfully,


>Bill Pendergrass


>>"Gloria Joy Greco" <lodpress


>><aes3ddd, anandajyoti <anandajyoti,

>>"'heartzen'" <heartzen, heretoyou

>><heretoyou, bill pendergrass <lordgreaystoke,

>> yvonne harvey <yharvey

>>Re: HRTZEN: Possessed * it is for real

>>Fri, 30 Apr 1999 18:10:43 -0700






>>Hi Poopathy,

>> Here is a good site for help with this.



>> How is it going?

>> >





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Thanks. It's good to see you here too! I've thought of you and Harsha often.

You both helped me so much last fall and I'm grateful. Tamra




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>"Tamra Temple" <teatemple


> Re: FW: HRTZEN: Re: * Evil and Non Duality

>Sat, May 1, 1999, 12:47 PM


>"Tamra Temple" <teatemple



>>"Gloria Joy Greco" <lodpress



>>At this level the planet is dual...which means it is good and evil. And in

>>the spirit world...it has divided into good and evil. But, there are higher

>>frequencies of light in which evil doesn't exist because it has a ceiling,

>>it is restricted to certain areas and can not even touch areas of creation

>>which are of cosmic origin.



>This is pretty much my perception as well. I'll be the one to ask, though.

>What are these initiations and training?




These have all happened with me spiritually through tandra type vision

experiences, always in Celestial settings but definitely in the presence of

Christed Beings with specific beings doing the initiations. In one such

experience I knew the being to be the Ancient of Days. In another one I was

knighted. Each time it has been a definite initiation into another aspect

of the spiritual realization. I would tell you more if I had words to

explain it.




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>"Tamra Temple" <teatemple


> Re: FW: HRTZEN: Re: * Evil and Non Duality

>Sat, May 1, 1999, 5:14 PM


>"Tamra Temple" <teatemple




>> These have all happened with me spiritually through tandra type vision

>>experiences, always in Celestial settings but definitely in the presence of

>>Christed Beings with specific beings doing the initiations. In one such

>>experience I knew the being to be the Ancient of Days. In another one I was

>>knighted. Each time it has been a definite initiation into another aspect

>>of the spiritual realization. I would tell you more if I had words to

>>explain it.


>No need. I'm honoured an grateful to hear from you. I just turned the mail

>back on on this list as I've been traveling for awhile. Clearly I was meant

>to hear from someone else who has experinced these rites internally. Maybe

>I can quit scratching my head now. Tamra



Nice to meet you Tamra. Do you have a homepage? Gloria



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>"Tamra Temple" <teatemple


> Re: FW: HRTZEN: Re: * Evil and Non Duality

>Sat, May 1, 1999, 5:47 PM


>"Tamra Temple" <teatemple




>>Nice to meet you Tamra. Do you have a homepage? Gloria

>No. At present, I don't even have a home. Well, except my body. It's

>comfortable enough. I'll get to the homepage bit right after I settle the

>home matter.





I understand, here is mine.

Enter The Silence to Know God...and...accept life as the teacher. Gloria Joy


e-mail me at : lodpress and visit our homepage at:






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I like your site and will look for your book. It's interesting that you

discuss the descent of Spirit and rise of Kundalini. I'm having that

discussion on another list. It seems that it's not spoken of in those terms

much, but you describe exactly the way I experienced it as well. Thanks for

the site. Tamra





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>"Tamra Temple" <teatemple


> Re: FW: HRTZEN: Re: * Evil and Non Duality

>Sun, May 2, 1999, 4:47 AM


>"Tamra Temple" <teatemple



>I like your site and will look for your book. It's interesting that you

>discuss the descent of Spirit and rise of Kundalini. I'm having that

>discussion on another list. It seems that it's not spoken of in those terms

>much, but you describe exactly the way I experienced it as well. Thanks for

>the site. Tamra



If you want my book just write to me and I will send it. They have to get it

from me anyway and it is easier this way.


Yes, I feel it is very important to understand this aspect. It is coming

from two different dimensions so it is important to recognize the difference

between cosmic force and that of the divine potential coming from within.

While they are certainly similiar, I see them as of different frequencies.

It is when they join and become one that all of the higher awareness comes






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