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HRTZEN: prana and awakening

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>"Bob Trevithick" <rft

>HeartZen <heartzen

>Re: HRTZEN: Re: psychic attack

>Sat, May 1, 1999, 9:50 AM


>> GG

>> Exactly, it takes fearlessness to stand the line and not allow the human

>> thoughts and emotions to take control, but you know...anyone can do it. It

>> is just observing, staying the witness and staying out of the judgments.

>> Then it is breathing.


>You often mention breathing, Gloria. Could you talk about this a bit

>more? Thanks..






In meditation you discover that the mind, emotions... body and soul are all

connected. What you experience in meditation is the mind as abstract but

active, the body as concrete...or material stuff. The psychic centers are in

the subtle body which is also experienced as being part of the body in a

way. The spine is the seat of all responces and yet the mind is experienced

as the functional aspect of this process. That which is shakti the female

power, we see and experience as matter and mind. We can't experience the

supreme consciousness other then through no-mind which means one has to move

from the state of mind into the state of no mind. To go beyond the mind, one

stops its vehicle so that its activities become suspended. Prana...breath is

the minds vehicle, Apana, is prana which exists in the region below the

navel to the anus. It is responsible for all activities in the pelvic

region, elimination as well as sexual activity, digestion, etc... When there

is activity between the prana and apana, this is my words...there is a

fusion between these two which generates great explosions of energy which is

what wakes up the dormant energy at the base of the spine...kundalini.

Hopefully before this force becomes active the individual will have been

prepared through purificiation of the various aspects of the personality and



So what we do in meditation is really begin to work with the invisible as

well as the visible, we work the psychic as well as matter and we awaken to

the subtle body. The body really amplifies what is happening inside so that

the individual can learn and grow. When one has decided to change his/her

focus from that of the world which relates to the I...I, me, my...to God.

Then the shift in consciousness begins, the eyes that are normally focused

outward to life, turn within and begin to notice and participate in life,

from a brand new perspective.


This brand new world of interior awareness even has a built in teacher. In

the west we call this teacher the Holy Spirit, in the east

Kundalini/Goddess. When there is no confusion about this process, one is

said to have all the ducks in a row...my words, which means there is a true

understanding of what is happening which allow that individual to flow with

whatever is happening in a new state of awareness...that of the witness.

Witness consciousness is necessary to enter into the higher states of

awareness which involves letting go all along the way. Letting go of control

from the I of self to the witness as Higher Knowing, letting go of concepts

about the body and mind. All of this is experienced as direct awareness and

thus the mind between quieter with each revelation.


That person then learns the subtle things about breath/prana, and how it is

a fuel to the process. Remember prana is the vehicle of mind as well, when

the individual is understanding because he/she is shown by kundalini/Holy

Spirit that prana is regulated from within, the mind is also. The body also

produces moods, the emotions from the highest state of bliss to that of the

lowest expression. So it is like this huge labratory of learning within

which is fueled by the prana/breath...which must be ultimately suspended to

create the state of no-thought.


The purpose for all of this, is to enter into the state of union...no

duality. This state is the result of direct experience brought about through

consistant surrender to God within. As this process is allowed to unfold

like the beautiful lotus, it leads to the crown chakra called Sahasrara

Chakra. This is where the total inactivity is achieved. The mind establishes

itself in the pure void which is a space between the two hemispheres of the

brain. At this point all feelings, emotions, desires, which are activities

of the mind are dissolved. And the union is achieved.


In my words again, this is when the True Self is experienced. The individual

still exists and functions but there is nondual consciousness which is like

God enjoying his/her creation from a new vantage point. And God expands this

consciousness experience to others through direct awareness... by being that

union with itself through them... and in all other forms as well. So time

and space doesn't exist from the standpoint of this union. When it is

experienced there is no denial of it, and when union is achieved it is never



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