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Hello Holly,


I did not know if posting this post to Harsha list was adequate for it,

so i send it to you. Please fell free to post it there, if you fill




You said:

<< As for transcendent experiences happening to people, I've been

wondering for awhile about subtle differences I think I detect between

the spiritual biographies of men and women. >>


I find in the following quote, a nice aspect in explaining a part of

this subtle difference you seem to point to in the difference that


to exist in living transcendence according to gender in general.


<< Some will argue that spiritual traditions like yoga teach that

sexuality will deter a devotee from her/his path. This is probably

particularly true for many males who usually need to take their focus

off their genitalia. Women however, partly because they are conditioned

to be more selfless and inwardly focused, are more likely to discover

their Divine Selves through their bodies.


The more inherent ability to experience multiple orgasms enables women

to remain in ecstatic states for longer periods of time. This seems to

be a key (or chi) to open the doorways for divine energies that spark

spiritual awakenings, awareness of the energy bodies and experiencing

many "siddhis" or magical powers. >>


from http://members.aol.com/ideajdevi/pages/slut.html


I'm always interested to ear from your point of view on this.




Thanks Antoine, this is valuable. It's also worth recalling that

Christina Grof, and doubtless others, had a full-blown kundalini

awakening during childbirth. Holly

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Message: 3

Sun, 9 May 1999 09:45:52 -0500 (CDT)

hbarrett (Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.)

Fwd: Gender stuff


<< Thanks Antoine, this is valuable. It's also worth recalling that

Christina Grof, and doubtless others, had a full-blown kundalini

awakening during childbirth. Holly >>


This brings me back to literature, and the expression of wisdom by way

of cycles and wisdom i have seen. To take systems as for example. First

the Kabbala, where the process of ascension and descent may be expressed

by the ten sephiroth of on the Tree of Life, until, on even on the plane

of manifestation, all is reunited back again in the Primum Mobile,

Rashith Ha Gligalim. Then second, in the Yi-King, where the Tao is

divided in 64 general tendencies to express itself. And even the tarot

whit it's major arcana, and it's four lower worlds, in an attempt again

to express the fool or the Universe or the Magnus principle as one.


In each one of those system, and many others, I still see a major male

influence in it's originating structure in wanting to understand and

express the movement of descent and ascension. I have seen no system

yet, that has resisted to transmission to time in a written way, to a

more feminine perspective.


I would love to see such things append. As for one, a sacred ceremony or

symbolism like the yi-king maybe, based on the symbolism of the

menstrual cycle. Or a nine month symbolism of ascension (for the mother)

and descent (for the ovary turning into a baby) in the nine month

process of child bearing. Etc... A new way to write back the Baghava

Gita, around birth instead of war.


If you, or others, come to come across such text of wisdom, please let

me know, as i seek to allow all aspect of myself flourish.



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I thought of a perfect analogy of the mind: 2 year olds! Forget the

battlefield, the mind is a demanding toddler who will throw a tantrum if

not catered too! :)


| Debora A. Orf |

| dorf01 | "You are what you think" --Buddha

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