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On Mon, 10 May 1999 12:36:52 Bruce Morgen wrote:

>>Are these rhetorical questions or just an attempt at

>>forcing certain thought patterns on others ?


>They are exactly as you

>receive them, Amanda --

>the writer's intent is

>less important


Not now.

>than the

>process that led your

>question. Why restrict

>that question to only

>two possibilities, both

>of which appear to be

>heavily inferential --

>especially the latter

>alternative of "forcing?"


That was my intention.


Let me explain:

Despite the apparent taboo on this list to use

everyday linguistic terms as I and You and They

and Others, I shall proceed by using those terms

to make my point clear.


I understand the concept of non duality and also

how a Bodhisattva, through enlightenment, will

view the problems I presented of sacrifice and

the concept of others in my mail as less than

irrelevant. I tried to indicate that in the post

by saying that I was aware of my ego drivenness

and lack of non dualism.


My post was intended as a sharing of

personal thoughts

and views to Deborah, it was not intended as

arguments for or against anything.


I however, again in my state if ego drivenness,

perceived John's post as mildly patronizing,

teaching from above to below, as showing off

if you will.

Piquing questions and trying to provoke reactions

in others with the probably good intention of

teaching a lesson or two.


Why ?


Because if you are fully non dual and possess

full insight into the situation of others,

then you should be aware of the doubts and fears

that cause others not to see your point and

hence it would be irrelevant to try and correct

them by posing a series of questions to them.


In addition, a fully enlightened, egoless

being in my view does not feel the need to

teach others, because that is a result of ego,

but will instead leave them to gain their own

insights on their own terms. Hence, piquing

questions has no point, listening

with compassion has.


That was my point.


In all egodrivenness.


Best regards,









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On Mon, 10 May 1999 10:14:17 -0700 "Amanda Erhart"

<mumblecat writes:

>"Amanda Erhart" <mumblecat



>On Mon, 10 May 1999 12:36:52 Bruce Morgen wrote:


>>>Are these rhetorical questions or just an attempt at

>>>forcing certain thought patterns on others ?


>>They are exactly as you

>>receive them, Amanda --

>>the writer's intent is

>>less important


>Not now.


OK, what you see is what

you see.

>>than the

>>process that led your

>>question. Why restrict

>>that question to only

>>two possibilities, both

>>of which appear to be

>>heavily inferential --

>>especially the latter

>>alternative of "forcing?"


>That was my intention.


Your "intention" was one

of "forcing?"

>Let me explain:

>Despite the apparent taboo on this list to use

>everyday linguistic terms as I and You and They

>and Others, I shall proceed by using those terms

>to make my point clear.


There is no such "taboo,"

but let us "proceed."

>I understand the concept of non duality and also

>how a Bodhisattva, through enlightenment, will

>view the problems I presented of sacrifice and

>the concept of others in my mail as less than

>irrelevant. I tried to indicate that in the post

>by saying that I was aware of my ego drivenness

>and lack of non dualism.


>My post was intended as a sharing of

>personal thoughts

>and views to Deborah, it was not intended as

>arguments for or against anything.


Intention understood.

>I however, again in my state if ego drivenness,

>perceived John's post as mildly patronizing,



>teaching from above to below, as showing off

>if you will.


OK, what you see is what you


>Piquing questions and trying to provoke reactions

>in others with the probably good intention of

>teaching a lesson or two.


John was only posing

questions, any teaching or

learning is entirely


>Why ?


>Because if you are fully non dual and possess

>full insight into the situation of others,

>then you should be aware of the doubts and fears

>that cause others not to see your point and

>hence it would be irrelevant to try and correct

>them by posing a series of questions to them.


To be "fully non dual" is an

ideal, a concept -- how is it

that one who confesses to

being "ego driven" and to a

"lack of non dualism" can so

confidently declare such an

"if" and "should?"

>In addition, a fully enlightened, egoless

>being in my view does not feel the need to

>teach others, because that is a result of ego,


Therefore, Sri Ramana and J.

Krishnamurti spent a lifetime

of work as "a result of ego?"

Moreover, the "egoless being"

is yet another ideal/concept,

is there really any such


>but will instead leave them to gain their own

>insights on their own terms. Hence, piquing

>questions has no point, listening

>with compassion has.


The perception of "piquing

questions" is entirely yours,

but nontheless entirely

compatible with "listening

with compassion."

>That was my point.



>In all egodrivenness.


Well noted.

>Best regards,




Much love -- Bruce





m(_ _)m




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