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Amanda/Your natural tendencies

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Re: Amanda/Your natural tendencies


Hello again, Amanda. You wrote:

> Despite the apparent taboo on this list to use

> everyday linguistic terms as I and You and They

> and Others, I shall proceed by using those terms

> to make my point clear.


I for one, welcome your approach. The 'taboo' you mention is indeed in

place, as participants strive to manifest themselves in an approved manner.

You have been targeted as an 'outsider', but I offer you welcome. I have

temporarily disabled the filters, for the duration of this posting.

> I understand the concept of non duality and also

> how a Bodhisattva, through enlightenment, will

> view the problems I presented of sacrifice and

> the concept of others in my mail as less than

> irrelevant. I tried to indicate that in the post

> by saying that I was aware of my ego drivenness

> and lack of non dualism.


That is very clear. Please refer to my previous post to see my views on how

the self/other manipulation 'racket' works. Very few escape that trap. Your

strength and integrity, your natural tendencies, are 'saving' you from

eternal slavery in the value-shops of the world-dream. Your days (if any!)

as an unconscious 'robot' are numered, if you keep this up.

> My post was intended as a sharing of

> personal thoughts

> and views to Deborah, it was not intended as

> arguments for or against anything.


That was how I received it. I applaud your honesty.

> I however, again in my state if ego drivenness,

> perceived John's post as mildly patronizing,

> teaching from above to below, as showing off

> if you will.


You need not excuse yourself for not commiting a sin.

> Piquing questions and trying to provoke reactions

> in others with the probably good intention of

> teaching a lesson or two.


> Why ?


> Because if you are fully non dual and possess

> full insight into the situation of others,

> then you should be aware of the doubts and fears

> that cause others not to see your point and

> hence it would be irrelevant to try and correct

> them by posing a series of questions to them.


So very true and so very well stated! Conversation 'works better' than


> In addition, a fully enlightened, egoless

> being in my view does not feel the need to

> teach others, because that is a result of ego,

> but will instead leave them to gain their own

> insights on their own terms. Hence, piquing

> questions has no point, listening

> with compassion has.

> That was my point.


Your point is understood. It is well-taken, Amanda. Slapping is not

kissing, except in the lexicon of the controller. Those who glory in the

'power' of 'attaining' in the terms and values of the world-dream, are

false 'teachers' at best, and are usually far worse, using force to

wound/threaten/control. It is time to "bust" that ancient racket!

> In all egodrivenness.


> Best regards,


> Amanda.


Please understand that 'ego' is the living boundary of your self; it is not

to be 'shed' or attacked, just as your skin is not to be ripped off or



The issue of how all of this comes to be... the apparent need to

'enlighten', to share in these forums the gems of wisdom, the stories of

suffering and transcendence, is contained in the touching poem submitted

recently. I paste it in below. Please note the author's use of the word



My own point of view is that we have all been wounded and are thus

contracted; it is the relaxation of this central contraction which will

serve to reopen our (now constricted) channels of connection to the Living

Universe. Criticism/attacking of any kind will serve only to cause a

tighter contraction and thus less sharing with the Living Universe.


Understanding _can_ lead to voluntary relaxation of the central channels,

but it is a job of work, and it does take time. Fortunately, it is our

nature to be directly connected to and _as_ the Living Universe; our very

nature is this Grace, which is the mysterious _gift_ of existence.


An _untouchable_ attacker remains alone atop the totem-pole of the

hierarchies of the world-dream; that is not a position to envy, in my

opinion. Does anyone have doubts as to the reality of being wounded, going

into sad isolation, and eventual healing? How nice it would be if wounding

did not take place; but it does happen, as acts committed by humans. We can

learn to _not do_ those wounding acts.


==Gene Poole==



Mon, 10 May 1999

Rob Rinne <breadcasters

Poetry and Religious Fundamentalism



Hello everyone:


My wife has always been a poet, but up until now I haven't been interested

in trying my hand at it. On the weekend, however, I felt the urge to

express, and this is the result.


My Child, My Love


I was your child, but you knew not

How love to bestow on whom you begot.

Hungry for you, my cries ignored,

Beauty denied, my spirit gored.


Stifling yearnings, becoming unreal,

Until my self no longer to feel.

Life a contest, I struggling in vain

To surface from under vast oceans of pain.


Then from the depths of heart's despair

Divine love revealed - the soul's repair.

With truth of Spirit's value shown,

The precious seeds of Self were sown.


Blossoming to the cosmic day,

God/dess reborn, and I can play.

Carried aloft upon wings of a dove,

I am my child, I am my love.




As one who experienced physical and emotional abuse in the name of

religion, I'm particularly concerned about the harm done by the growing

tide of fundamentalism ("Spare the rod and spoil the child"). A book that

puts this problem into perspective is called "The Child's Song - the

Religious Abuse of Children", by Donald Capps, published by Westminster

John Knox Press.


The other night, I dreamed that I was addressing a fundamentalist

congregation, with the permission of the pastor. However, I was chagrined

to discover that I was wearing my pj's (which, naturally, I really was!).

But I pressed on, and the congregation seemed to be listening. Maybe I

should try to infiltrate their ranks and preach from the pulpit!


Any ideas/suggestions would be most welcome.





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