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Gene Poole / The "Good" Child

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Thanks for your recent input and kind and helpful comments.


I certainly agree with your reply to Amanda. As children, we all to some degree

sacrificed our beautiful and God/dess-connected natural selves for fear of

displeasing our parents and other authority figures, whose love and protection

were conditional. Jesus understood this universal tragedy, which is why he

placed such an emphasis on the value of children. In fact, I believe that Jesus

lost and then was able to reclaim his own inner child, which explains his

statement in the gnostic gospel of Thomas, "my mother gave me falsehood but my

true Mother gave me life". Unfortunately, the "poisonous pedagogy" that Alice

Bailey has vigorously attacked in her numerous books is certainly as rampant

today as it was in Jesus' time, and the irony is that it is the church that

purportedly serves Jesus that is a major contributor. To me, it is incredible

that the Christian church strayed so far from Jesus' actual teachings. A lot of

"good, Christian folk" would do well to ponder the meaning of Jesu

s' words directed to a


I intend to do what I can to educate as many as I can about this soul murder.


I will read the book you suggested (The Guru Papers). Thank you.


I had to look up the "Foursquare" Christian church (there aren't any in my part

of Canada). It seems to be strongly fundamentalist. I'm glad that there is at

least one anti-authoritarian pastor in this church but I imagine he still tells

his flock what they must believe in order to be "saved".


The only way to permanently reclaim the "Kingdom of God" within is back through

the pain. It seems that we must fully grieve what we lost in childhood, but

before we can do that, we have to understand what happened to us. This means

being willing to question very deeply our relationship with our parents

/caregivers and the influence of whatever religious upbringing we may have had.

This takes courage. The thought of facing painful truth is scary but it must be

done. The rewards are certainly worth the effort, for our sakes and for the

sakes of our children and children's children.












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