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[K-list] Ramana Maharshi

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Harsha shared:

> Some years ago I had been initiated into two mantras and was enjoined to

> repeat them a minimum number of times every day. I had been doing it

> punctiliously, but now after entering the Ashrama, I had no mind to the

> mantras or do any kind of formal worship. After a few days I was seized with

> the fear of incurring sin by failing to observe the instructions on my

> initiation. So I put it to Sri Bhagavan himself, making a clean breast of my

> default. Sri Bhagavan smiled and said, "Just because you have done so much

> of japa, its merit has brought you here. Why should you now fear while

> enjoying the fruit of the japa ?"


> I had also at this time a more serious trouble. I had been practising breath

> control ( pranayama ) as taught by Swami Ramtirtha in his works. There came

> a stage when I felt a terrible sensation as though my head would crack and

> break into pieces. Then I stopped doing it, but every day the sensation was

> recurring at the time of practice and the fear was growing that disaster was

> imminent. So, at dead of night, when Bhagavan was alone, I approached him

> with my tale. He said laughing, "What! Again you are seized with fear! These

> are the usual experiences of people who do yogic exercises without the

> immediate guidance of a Guru, but having come to me, why should you fear ?"

> Then Sri Bhagavan added in an undertone: "Next time you get that sensation,

> you think of me and you will be all right." From that moment to this I have

> never felt it again.





This really shows the power of mind and fear doesn't it? And once that is

put to rest through a being that is realized then it is no more. Of course

you had the faith and trust in the Guru which also erased the fear and






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Hi Gloria. The sharing was not from me. I was quoting one of Ramana

Maharshi's devotees. His name is G. V. Subbaramayya and was on the post that

I sent. I simply selected portions of what he said.




"Gloria Joy Greco" <lodpress


Harsha shared:

> Some years ago I had been initiated into two mantras and was enjoined to

> repeat them a minimum number of times every day. I had been doing it

> punctiliously, but now after entering the Ashrama, I had no mind to the

> mantras or do any kind of formal worship. After a few days I was seized


> the fear of incurring sin by failing to observe the instructions on my

> initiation. So I put it to Sri Bhagavan himself, making a clean breast of


> default. Sri Bhagavan smiled and said, "Just because you have done so much

> of japa, its merit has brought you here. Why should you now fear while

> enjoying the fruit of the japa ?"


> I had also at this time a more serious trouble. I had been practising


> control ( pranayama ) as taught by Swami Ramtirtha in his works. There


> a stage when I felt a terrible sensation as though my head would crack and

> break into pieces. Then I stopped doing it, but every day the sensation


> recurring at the time of practice and the fear was growing that disaster


> imminent. So, at dead of night, when Bhagavan was alone, I approached him

> with my tale. He said laughing, "What! Again you are seized with fear!


> are the usual experiences of people who do yogic exercises without the

> immediate guidance of a Guru, but having come to me, why should you fear


> Then Sri Bhagavan added in an undertone: "Next time you get that


> you think of me and you will be all right." From that moment to this I


> never felt it again.





This really shows the power of mind and fear doesn't it? And once that is

put to rest through a being that is realized then it is no more. Of course

you had the faith and trust in the Guru which also erased the fear and








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> "Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar


> Hi Gloria. The sharing was not from me. I was quoting one of Ramana

> Maharshi's devotees. His name is G. V. Subbaramayya and was on the post that

> I sent. I simply selected portions of what he said.\



Ok, it is still wonderful. I must have missed something.


> Harsha


> "Gloria Joy Greco" <lodpress


> Harsha shared:


>> Some years ago I had been initiated into two mantras and was enjoined to

>> repeat them a minimum number of times every day. I had been doing it

>> punctiliously, but now after entering the Ashrama, I had no mind to the

>> mantras or do any kind of formal worship. After a few days I was seized

> with

>> the fear of incurring sin by failing to observe the instructions on my

>> initiation. So I put it to Sri Bhagavan himself, making a clean breast of

> my

>> default. Sri Bhagavan smiled and said, "Just because you have done so much

>> of japa, its merit has brought you here. Why should you now fear while

>> enjoying the fruit of the japa ?"



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  • 1 year later...

> murrkis


> I have been wondering, also, about how the emulation of Ramana Maharshi


> in any way be practical. Anyone who wishes to respond to this question is

> invited to give hard evidence direct from their own life. I'm talking


> jobs, family, fights with the spouse. I'm not talking about a review of

> what Ramana Maharshi said.




I have great love and respect for the form, Ramana Maharshi. It has never

been an issue of emulating him as his was a unique destiny to be played out.

Rather it has been the message of "Silence" that has been significant; when

there are gaps in thought.

I hold down a daily job in which there is interaction with others. I have

two children, no spouse and challenges in life arise. But life has seemingly

taken me to the place where there is a continuum happening in the watching

of what is being played out. The more the watching, the more the thoughts

quiet, the more 'being held in peace' happens.



> Harsha gently and in a round about way has pointed to the ability to


> in a state of constant equanimity and awareness of (). Acceptable. But I

> still don't know how this is applied in a practical sense.



The question of practicality, as well as other questions arose along the way

but eventually were seen for what all thoughts are; mental disturbances

obscuring the peace that is always present. A critical mass of physical

and/or psychological suffering is what eventually led to the seeking of the

removal of the suffering. No body or mind desires suffering. The way that it

seemed to eventually get applied in a practical sense was in the

recognition that the mind/thought was the source of suffering. There are

many methods, as Ramana said, a thorn to remove a thorn and he advocated

Self-enquiry as a method to bring gaps in the thinking process. There are

others. But eventually, through Grace, gaps in thinking happened, seeking

the removal of suffering dropped, and not going up and down with what goes

up and down, happened ( but not always); witnessing the surfing of life in

acceptance of whatever jessica appears to go through.




> Furthermore, I still don't understand if this is real or right.


> Where does passion sit in the devotees day to day?



passion may arise and can be enjoyed as well as witnessed. Enjoyment of

life has been enhanced. I am happier than I have ever been while the

seesawing of life continues.



Where does the body?



the body is seen for what it is and after disidentification with the body

was set in motion; the possibility of enjoying peace in the midst of

whatever the body may be experiencing may take place.



Where does the dealing with injustice?



seeing this as just one more thing appearing on stage in the theatre of life



Oh, and what of sex and pregnancy and birth and life?



all these also appear ( but no more pregnancy for me) and are enjoyed more

than ever



This world as we know it, the world

that fed the master, would crumble if

> we all played out his life in our own.



we were not all meant to play out his life in our own. This world is not

what it appears to be. It's all the Self disguised in a myriad of forms

appearing and disappearing from the stage called life



> stirring the pot,

> not feeling a great deal of equanimity,

> not feeling the need to, :)

> Nina


> Oh, where could we be without this notion of enlightenment? /lament



possibly at peace










> Well said Nina. Will pass it on to as well.


> I have not much to add nor do I have any special answers to your


> The Ramana Maharshi post was to give information on the Sage, and not to

> hold him up as a model to emulate. The Sage of Arunachala taught freedom


> be who you are in your natural surroundings. Our Being Is Freedom,

> regardless of our situation or circumstances.


> We are not put on this earth to copy others. We make our own way with the

> passion of our drives and the urges of the heart, and seek to give love


> receive love for the fulfillment of our unique destiny. The path is


> It is carved out by simply walking and living life and embracing the


> with awareness in gratitude.


> /join






> Love

> Harsha




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murrkis [murrkis]

Monday, April 30, 2001 7:24 AM


Re: [K-list] Ramana Maharshi


I have been wondering, also, about how the emulation of Ramana Maharshi can

in any way be practical. Anyone who wishes to respond to this question is

invited to give hard evidence direct from their own life. I'm talking about

jobs, family, fights with the spouse. I'm not talking about a review of

what Ramana Maharshi said.


Harsha gently and in a round about way has pointed to the ability to remain

in a state of constant equanimity and awareness of (). Acceptable. But I

still don't know how this is applied in a practical sense.


Furthermore, I still don't understand if this is real or right.


Where does passion sit in the devotees day to day?

Where does the body?

Where does the dealing with injustice?

Oh, and what of sex and pregnancy and birth and life?


This world as we know it, the world that fed the master, would crumble if

we all played out his life in our own.


stirring the pot,

not feeling a great deal of equanimity,

not feeling the need to, :)



Oh, where could we be without this notion of enlightenment? /lament


Well said Nina. Will pass it on to as well.


I have not much to add nor do I have any special answers to your questions.

The Ramana Maharshi post was to give information on the Sage, and not to

hold him up as a model to emulate. The Sage of Arunachala taught freedom to

be who you are in your natural surroundings. Our Being Is Freedom,

regardless of our situation or circumstances.


We are not put on this earth to copy others. We make our own way with the

passion of our drives and the urges of the heart, and seek to give love and

receive love for the fulfillment of our unique destiny. The path is unknown.

It is carved out by simply walking and living life and embracing the present

with awareness in gratitude.









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