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Maurice, Gene, & Satan

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Re: Maurice, Gene, & Satan

> Wed, 12 May 1999 12:06:35 -0700

> "Maurice" <postage

> Satan, duality, hell


> Hi,


Hi Maurice... Gene here...

> On my last visit to the NondualitySalon it was established <g>, in a

> dialogue with Gene, that Homo sapiens worship Satan unknowingly. Essentially

> Satan, in the Classical sense, is the god or demi-god of duality. Now, what

> does this "fact" suggest about relationships between men and women (or any

> relationship) ?


It suggests... that by inducing the assumption that 'one' lacks, and that

'other' 'has', that one may have what another has.


This is referred to as 'temptation'... Satan offered to Eve, the idea that

she was lacking something, and that eating the apple was the 'remedy'.

Satan implanted the idea that G-d was withholding, and that Eve could



Satan instilled _doubt_ into Eve; this was done via the agency of _language_.


For everyone, _external_ voices (words) are heard as one's own internal

voice; forcefull and intimidating/coercing/cajolling voices eventually

inhabit one, to the extent that one cannot tell the difference between

one's own internal voice, and voices implanted by others. This happens even

as you read this. My words become your thoughts.

> The chain of events in the Garden went from a Bliss condition, through

> engagement with Satan by the female, who then enticed the male and they both

> dropped into the World which is the hell of an unconscious attachment to

> duality.


The induced assumption of _lack_ is the beginning not only of seeking, but

also of envy, jealosy, and possesiveness.

> Adam and Eve are in each of us, now, and we are generating hell as the World

> because we still listen to Satan, in the Classical sense. The Garden, Satan,

> Adam and Eve, God, and Hell are all here right now. Relationships? If

> someone says to you they love you, know that it is the delusion of the

> world. It is Eve offering the apple on your way to hell (in either a male or

> female form), within in the lost hope of the Garden. "Love" is a

> reminiscence of paradise lost.


Agreed, Maurice, with your statement in the metaphorical context in which

you place it. It may be difficult for the reader to remember this

context... given that 'Satan' is a very 'sexy' topic... full of the drama

of the world-dream. Still, this communication is available to those who

are, as you say, embedded 'unconcsiously' in the world-dream. Hopefully,

the reader can see the obvious (to me) play of words/thoughts... designed

to lead the reader to certain conclusions, which are assumed/designed to be

'helpful', to round-out the picture of what is 'happening' with us extant



"I Love You" is a powerful statement... in the best case, expressing desire

to merge with/be one with the other. Still, the sense of separation exists,

a boundary to be overcome by the will to love, to be with, to be as.


On the other hand, we may imagine a human body with two heads... each with

their own brain/mind/personality... speaking of feelings for 'each-other'.

Who will be seduced, loved, merged with?


Further, we may imagine a human with two minds... one mind seeking the

other mind, one identity seeking another identity/entity. What is the sense

of this situation? Can the seeking mind, by an act of will, let itself

dissolve into the 'other'?


Or, we may imagine yet another scenario... in which there is a multiplicity

of 'selves', all of which are an 'outgrowth' of Self, or the 'greater

Self'. Each of these selves seeks the 'greater Self', and in so doing,

invents fantastic ideas of who or what that 'greater self' may actually be.

Ten thousand 'supreme' names and forms are hallucinated, and called



'Satan' is the one who, according to popular mythology, caused the first

schism, destroying the 'oneness' which G-d created and intended. Indeed,

then, those who seek, worship the schism, rather than abide in oneness. But

how can one abide in oneness, until one 'finds' it? Such is the paradox of

living as a human.

> We Know, (don't we?) that the self does not exist. We know duality, the

> attachment to it, produces the illusion (reality, the world, hell).

> Therefore, relationships between selves are completely delusional and

> illusory (while seemingly real). This unconscious, delusional state of any

> self is what makes hell go 'round; this is the World. Relationships are

> nothing more than fatal attractions (like the apple). Relationships appear

> to be Satan's ace in the hole to keep the show (World) going along its

> hellish way.


If one imagines that 'relationship' is an interim phase, and that

eventually one will 'become one', one is living in denial that one is one.

But if one knows one as one, then relationship is redefined. Totally

redefined. The assumptions which underly seeking and 'relationship' will

dissolve, leaving only one. Memory then serves to allow compassionate

dealings with those who are not 'yet' aware that they are real; they are

still reverberating with the traumatic force of the crash of our starship.

It took a lot of effort to 'arrive here', but now, we are here; we have

arrived. We, Beings of gentle cool highly organized undulating flame, chose

certain hominids as hosts; in no time, we have become 'human'. We have

arrived; we are here. It is time to remember. We have succeeded. It is time

to relax and to abide in our new home. We have migrated. It is time to

remember our nature. We have arrived, and it is time now to remember what

we forgot, as we journeyed.

> Of course this is a double edged thing as there is a slim

> potential to wake up from the trance-delusion in which every Adam and Eve is

> bound. The Bible suggests that Satan's world, the present, unconscious

> "reality" that Homo sapiens worship, is limited. The "false" is always

> limited as it breaks down sooner or later, just as duality as a reality, a

> separate reality, is a false reality, an illusion.


'Duality' is a false reality in relation to another reality... this seems

nonsensical, but it is true. 'Duality' is based upon a lie, and that lie is

told millions of times, every hour, by liars. In fact, there is only _one_

lie, and it is the lie that _supports_ 'duality'; it is that lie that is

told, to 'further justify' the 'existence' of a separate 'Being'. It is a

lie that is told to child by parent, the lie of 'you and I', the lie of

Love, the lie of hope, the lie of seeking and finding 'other', when one is

all. It is a lie of convenience, and it is a lie of desperation. It is the

lie told by Satan to Eve, and by Eve to Adam, and by Adam to his sons,

which led to the killing of 'other', in a fit of enraged jealosy. It is a

lie told millions of times every hour of the day, as 'we' relate to the

'real world' as we have _created it_ and our lie sustains it as it is. We

liars, then, go forth to seek 'truth', to be discovered in this liar's

universe. Fat chance of that... unless the liar _confesses_.


But to whom to confess? If all are liars...

> Look at any relationship,

> closely, and you will see the lies it is based upon. The world is a lie,

> full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Relationships, Adam and Eve in

> Wonderland, with Satan at the center of this triangle produce the world

> and/or hell. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to wake up

> from this trance. Get to know Satan. After all, you are doing Its bidding in

> every reaction. Get to know how the illusion is created. Take a good look at

> your self, it make take awhile to see all the lies it is based upon. Project

> not, lest ye be projected.

>Judge not the self, just "see" it.



> The world's

> greatest delusion is you, supported by billions of other delusions like you

> (not a judgement but a discernment). It won't be easy. But, good luck.


> Maurice


Thank you, Maurice. It is not easy; it requires thousand of hours of

intense pranayama, massive mind-melting kundalini experiences, perfect

enlightened masters, the ability to sit in 'full lotus' for days and weeks

on end... it requires books of truth, written by non-liars (as opposed to

books of falsity written by liars)... alters, incense, beads, bells, exotic

locale, endless ritual, special clothing, the strictest of diets, being

struck dead by lightning and _coming back to life_, the favor of special

gods and/or goddesses, good karma, bad karma, vast intelligence and/or

supreme humbleness, sincerity and cleverness, celibacy and unlimited

freedom in sexual expression, vast self-control AND the ability to 'let go'

at the same time.




Hard at work,


==Gene Poole==

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==Gene Poole== wrote:

...(snip).. Memory then serves to allow compassionate

> dealings with those who are not 'yet' aware that they are real; they are

> still reverberating with the traumatic force of the crash of our starship.

> It took a lot of effort to 'arrive here', but now, we are here; we have

> arrived. We, Beings of gentle cool highly organized undulating flame, chose

> certain hominids as hosts; in no time, we have become 'human'. We have

> arrived; we are here. It is time to remember. We have succeeded. It is time

> to relax and to abide in our new home. We have migrated. It is time to

> remember our nature. We have arrived, and it is time now to remember what

> we forgot, as we journeyed.


Jelke: Do you mean this literally? Or only metaphorically? I've heard

this before, that we came here from a different planet, but I always

wondered how we got to THAT planet: from a third one? Where does it end?

A clear case of an infinite regress IMO. It seems to me that i.s.o.

coming INTO the world, we grew OUT OF it! The simplest observations in

the garden or out in Nature (or even at the dinner-table!)should show

this to be an ongoing process.

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