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Past Lives and Kundalini

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Dear Harsha,


Thank you very much

for your long and thoughtful reply. :)


On Fri, 14 May 1999 09:29:55 HarshaIMTM wrote:

>Hi Amanda. I will forward your post and my response. Perhaps others can also

>give you different insights. I remembered one of my past lives as a yogi when

>I was around 12 very clearly, sitting on the top of roof in the veranda in my

>grandfather's house in India. It came with such clarity and seeing what I had

>to do led me to formulate my first principle of teaching which came in a

>sequence of thoughts which repeated themselves in my mind with such force

>again and again that I can never forget them. They were, "The students should

>know that if one has to ever choose between a teacher and Truth, one should

>always choose the Truth and if one ever has to choose between me (Harsha) and

>the Truth, one should always choose the Truth."


:) An amazing amount of insight for someone that young.


I like your first principles. :)

>when I was in my early 20s I had a vivid dream/vision of Ramana Maharshi, in

>which I had a different face. Ramana Maharshi walked over to me and squinted

>his eyes and was looking at me and a stream of thoughts started to be

>conveyed from him. He was saying "Do I know you.....do I know you.........I

>don't know ..........I don't know if I know you....". Then he stepped forward

>and touched me on the head as if saying, "Now I know >you."


:) I can just picture him, suddenlt remembering you.

>I experienced Nirvikalpa Samadhi and Recognized clearly the

>nature of the Self. After that I lost interest in things like past lives,

>supernatural powers, etc., as my mind does not go in those directions. I feel

>content with what I know and what I don't know. My experience is that past

>lives can be known with meditations both without obvious manifestations of

>Kundalini and with special meditations involving the Kundalini shakti and

>different centers.


(nod, nod)


Those are my impressions too.

>I do not know if that is the best use of one's energy. If

>experiences of past lives come spontaneously, that is fine. If one seeks

>them, one cannot be sure if it is imagination. In the end, it is all



:) Everybody who are interested in knowing the past

talks about how to distinguish b/n imagination and

"real" memories. It's hard and perhaps irrelevant

to do.


I started out with past life memories, if it hadn't

been for that, there would have been no K.


Knowing the past certainly changed a lot of the views

on Self, in fact it was the inductive process to

at least partly realize the concept of the I AM.

Seeing yourself as every conceivable human being

does tend to break some perceptions of the ego

down. :)


After I stopped fearing having every single memory

come into my head at once, the memories stopped.


Time to concentrate on other things. :)


Thanks again for taking time to reply.


This is such a new world for me as I never did any

yoga or formalized meditation before.


All kinds of information is useful. :)


Best regards,










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