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Past Life/i am/musings on diety redux

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On Fri, 14 May 1999 13:11:04 Debora A. Orf wrote:


>Right now, is the summation of all experience and past lives too. I've

>heard that to see one's past, look at one's present. If one is not so

>happy or something, then something is wrong upstairs, >bad karmic habits, that

need fixing.



>Someone asked Rinpoche what he thought of god. He looked at each of us and

>laughed a bit, and then said something like, 'you are god'. (i may be

>remembering that wrong, but its the same sort of line as "Buddha is in

>each being" i think, thats how i took it anyway.).


:) What a wonderful story. :)))


Thanks for sharing, Deb.

>like i said before, even tho i will say im not a theist, some

>definitions of god that include this sort of formless fullness, form is

>empty empty is form idea, im not so sure are different >from Sunyata.


And the Tao ?

>This list had been wonderful in crushing my ideas of how theism works.

>Also i love reading about Guru devotion, as its so important on my path too.


:) I can't get my head around guru devotion,

but I listen closely to what ppl say.


I have read the Kalama Sutras too closely. ;)


If I ever listened to what ppl said, I'd never end

up anywhere and at least not here... ;)


Best regards,














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"Debora A. Orf" wrote:

> like i said before, even tho i will say im not a theist, some

> definitions of god that include this sort of formless fullness, form is

> empty empty is form idea, im not so sure are different from Sunyata.


(shrug) Who knows?

> It bothered me tho, chatting with a Krishna devotee once. i asked 'well if

> god is sparking you, how can you not say that at primordial reality level

> you are not god?". he got a bit upset at me i think, i did not mean to do

> that.


You didn't. Truth did.

> Some folks i think need that seperation idea.


Yes, until one is ready. Expansion of ego boundary is like easing into hot


> To take it away with non-dualistic logic causes them suffering.


Non-dualistic logic?

That's pretty funny. : )

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"Debora A. Orf" wrote:

> On Fri, 14 May 1999, David Bozzi wrote:

> >

> > Non-dualistic logic?

> > That's pretty funny. : )


> Actually i was quite serious,


That's okay. I know a good healer. : )

> however it sounded :). Have you looked into

> the buddhist systems of prasangika madhamika? or sautantrika madhyamika?

> (good grief i never know how to spell sanskrit terms!)


Yes & no. Along my informal path I often find after the fact there's

some funny indian or asian name describing an experience or inquiry. (i.e.



and now Prasangika. (sounds like a really healthy herb)

> cant explain them so well tho, as they are quite difficult to even know

> the difference between Prasangika and Sautantrika. Prasangika's analogy is

> sorta like:


> one sees something in the road, grows frightened, thinks "SNAKE!" then

> comes up on to "snake" and goes "Phew--rope!". Where did snake and rope

> come from? Did the object make itself a snake or did mind make a snake?

> Why did mind make a rope? What is the basis for both of these, rope and

> snake, and what foundations lead to a correct view of the object in the

> grass?


The *looking*. I could have just as easily run the other way as fast as possible

and never have discovered the 'truth'.


Can't resist posting this poem...


Monster & Sharks


Thoughts swim like fish at the surface

as you drift out to sea

where you think you see

a dorsal fin slice through the water

near where you tread


...but it was only me.


I had my guppy suit on

but was thought to be a shark

by the shark-minded.


...and I was just wasting time

waiting in line with my astral travel ticket

(subtly faded like a ghost, no expiration date)

when you shrieked and you shrieked

as you saw me coming

your wind tunnel of air blasting my hair

straight back parallel

to the street.


Like a cloud in the sky

in the way of the sun

objectivity is a myth

of some subjective mind.


See when I was a child there was

a monster who lived underneath my bed,

held me prisoner with fear.


Today it's no longer there




I did not get rid of anything...


> its quite fun stuff :)


It sure is!


Have fun.

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