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[K-list] Past Lives and Kundalini

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> Angela:

> I hate to take up your time, but seeing as you have

> had a lot of experience with ppl awakening,

> do you have views

> on K and awakening in relation with past lives ?


> More specifically whether K may be present in several

> consecutive life times or has to be awokened in each

> life ?


>I remembered one of my past lives as a yogi when

>I was around 12 very clearly, -snip-

>At that time, I had been

>practicing meditation for some years but my Kundalini was not awake in the

>classical sense. -snip-

>My experience is that past

>lives can be known with meditations both without obvious manifestations of

>Kundalini and with special meditations involving the Kundalini shakti and

>different centers. I do not know if that is the best use of one's energy. If

>experiences of past lives come spontaneously, that is fine. If one seeks

>them, one cannot be sure if it is imagination. In the end, it is all



We seem to have two memories... the ordinary memory of this life, and a

higher memory. In meditation class it sometimes happens that a new student

will say he had a wonderful experience and was doing marvelous, fascinating

things, etc., but he can't remember anything specific about it. I tell him

it's okay, it's normal, he just needs practice to tie together the two

memories... to keep meditating with the intention to bring the memory back

into his normal memory. And it happens. I find that going onto a new

level is harder to remember and it may take extra work to make those

memories available. I'm sure that has something to do with memories of

other lives, which are in the beginning not part of this ordinary memory.


When I was first teaching meditation/Raja Yoga, I did not have overt K. I

knew I was using K. and working with it in my students, but I didn't want

pronounced symptoms, and I was teaching in such a way as to protect them

from getting overt K. before they were ready.


I did have some K. symptoms once... it happened during a period of rapid

and forced development... and that's another story. :) But I began to

shake, and cutting out caffeine didn't make a difference. There was heat

coming from all the chakras, especially up the spine... I had to sleep on

my side with the covers only partly over me, so the spine was exposed to

the cold air. And I developed severe burns on the tops of my feet, where

the heavy water-buffalo leather of my sandals was covering the foot

chakras. In three or four months I gradually became accustomed to the new

level of energy and didn't feel it as shaking any more.


My memory of other lives opened when I was about 34 or 35. I don't know

why then, except that 1) I had become able to hear my spiritual guide

pretty well, and 2) I had become part of a close group meditating together

and doing healing once a week... the first time I had ever meditated

regularly with other people. They say the life of the soul is group life,

and it seems to me that I was living as soul, rather than as personality.

I know by that time I identified as the one who lives many lives, rather

than as the personality of this life. I think that's probably necessary to

access that memory.


It was long after that that my K. really went overt and active... since

then, I haven't noticed anything unusual in regard to memories of other

lives, but I probably wouldn't... it's just old hat to me, I take it for



Re. the question about having K. in a former life... yes, I had active,

overt K. in at least one other life, but I don't know what conclusions can

be drawn from that.


As for hypnotic regression, I've asked three hypnotists what they think,

and they all said the same thing. Tell a subject to remember another life,

and he'll come up with something, whether it's really another life or not.

The subject wants to please the hypnotist. :) However, they all said they

had seen a few cases that they thought were clearly memories of other lives.


It's extremely difficult to get any proof of these memories. You'd have to

remember (and record) something that you couldn't possibly have known...

from reading books or hearing it told... any time in your life. In other

words, something that isn't already known. And then it would have to be

discovered after your recorded memory. There was such a case in England.

A woman remembered a life as a Jewish woman during a pogrom there and said

her husband hid her and their little girl in a secret crypt under the front

of a church... and she named the church. There was no such crypt known

there, but several years later it was discovered during restoration work.


A friend of mine was working with a subject when she began to speak in an

unknown language, and he got it on tape. He took the tape to the GE labs

and asked a friend there to get the language identified, if possible. The

answer came back: it was an obscure dialect of Hawaaian that was once

spoken in a village on one of the islands. It's now extinct, but it

disappeared recently enough that they were able to identify it. :)




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