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Linda Callanan [shastra]

Monday, May 17, 1999 12:14 AM


Re: [ACOWPAL] Some thoughts


"Linda Callanan" <shastra




A recipe for the 'white tongue' that Jan mentions in his piece on Ahimsa.

The white tongue indicates 'ama' which is the ayurvedic term for toxins in

the system particularly the intestines. Take a tablespoon of castor oil

followed by a cup of ginger tea for 3 days, take one day off and one more

dose. The tongue will be pink and the 'ama' gone. Not the greatest tasting

cocktail but it does work.


Harsha: Thanks Jan and Linda for starting a dialogue about food and

cleansing of the body. There are many points of view on this matter. From a

pure radical non dual perspective, a discussion of food in Self-Realization

seems not relevant. Yet Ramana Maharshi when ever asked about the most

important practical discipline to follow usually stated that eating sattvic

food in moderate quantity was best. Sattvic food for Hindus and Jains

(although Jains are more restrictive) usually means fruits, vegetables,

seeds, nuts, grains, legumes, milk, etc. Some include unfertilized eggs

also. However, because cows are pumped up with harmones these days and

generally mistreated to produce milk, I wonder if milk can really be

considered sattvic now. Similarly with eggs, the modern methods used with

the hens are highly questionable ethically. Given that most Yoga Shastras

emphasize the critical role the food plays in physical, mental and spiritual

development of the aspirant, it is an important issue for some people. What

does constitute sattvic food today? Do Vegans lack some important elements

in their diet. Is a complete raw food diet the cure for obesity, high blood

pressure, and other degenerative diseases?

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"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" wrote:

> Ramana Maharshi when ever asked about the most

> important practical discipline to follow usually stated that eating sattvic

> food in moderate quantity was best. Sattvic food for Hindus and Jains

> (although Jains are more restrictive) usually means fruits, vegetables,

> seeds, nuts, grains, legumes, milk, etc. Some include unfertilized eggs

> also. However, because cows are pumped up with harmones these days and

> generally mistreated to produce milk, I wonder if milk can really be

> considered sattvic now.


Three out of four American adults have some degree of lactose intolerance. Also

the evidence that milk is toxic is irrefutable. In lactose intolerant women


milk ups the chance of ovarian cancer. Also, galactose (a component sugar of


is toxic to the ovaries, inhibits fertility & may yield defective children. Oh

yes, all

that bovine growth hormone in milk is strongly suspected as a key factor in


breast & other cancer incidences. Moderation is key.

> Similarly with eggs, the modern methods used with

> the hens are highly questionable ethically.


Chickens & eggs may carry drug-resistant salmonella & campylobacter. These

bacteria kill 2000 Americans a year & make another 6 million very sick. Half of


the raw chicken eggs sold in America are contaminated. Hundreds of drugs are


on livestock (many of them banned).

> Given that most Yoga Shastras

> emphasize the critical role the food plays in physical, mental and spiritual

> development of the aspirant, it is an important issue for some people. What

> does constitute sattvic food today? Do Vegans lack some important elements

> in their diet.


High quality protein. No sweat though. Take an ionic exchanged whey protein


every day. (even if you're a flesh eater) Has the complete spectrum of amino

acids in

the proper ratio, also the molecular make-up of this stuff has numerous

benefits. One

of which is to enhance immunity up to 500%. (no other protein can do this).

> Is a complete raw food diet the cure for obesity, high blood

> pressure, and other degenerative diseases?


Cure for obesity: cut saturated fats to as low as possible, especially the


trans fats, Also known as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, already

banned in

Holland & Canada. They compromise the protective membrane around your cells &

open the door to toxins. Want to age quickly and increase your chance for just


every type of disease? Eat more of these.


Insure you get the fats you need. 85% of America is deficient in omega 3. Take

1-2 tablespoons a day of cold pressed organic flax oil a day to insure omega 3

requirement. If you don't your immune system aint what it should be & you'll

actually be fatter, have higher cholesterol, & a body more inclined to


(arthritis, etc.)


Exercise. Sitting like a slug equals death & disease as far as Nature is


(unless you're a slug of course.)


Blood pressure: risk of disease begins to rise when systolic blood pressure

exceeds 105.

Keep your diastolic under 80.



(not a slug)

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David Bozzi wrote:

> ... hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, already banned in

> Holland & Canada.


Not banned here (Canada) yet.



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