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Spiritual Theory of Longevity

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Jerry, I just read a posting on the Donmeh list which mentions in passing the

numerological relationship of the number "50" to the name YHVH (Hebrew unspoken

name for God). I'm not a kabbalist nor numerologist, so don't ask me how it








On Thu, 20 May 1999 10:24:19 Jerry M. Katz wrote:

>umbada (Jerry M. Katz)


>Marcia Paul wrote:


>> Jerry,


>> Have you noticed that you are seeing the number 50

>> everywhere? :-)



>now that you mention it, yeah...!





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Bruce Morgen wrote:



> I'm postulating that emotion

> and thought as we commonly

> experience them are aspects

> of physical incarnation --

> what we commonly call mother

> love is triggered hormonally

> and thought is a neural

> phenomenon supported by the

> physical anatomy of the

> brain and by chemical and

> electrical events. Now pure

> awareness, consciousness

> itself, may well be another

> matter. When we see what

> comes and goes -- emotions,

> thoughts, all that is based

> on physical processes --

> perhaps we can see what

> abides and thus address "who

> am I?". In this, there is

> natural, spontaneous balance

> without intention, and it

> becomes clear what is to be

> done (or not) regarding

> emotion, thought, and all

> else that is of the physical

> body.




Sorry for the delay. I was at a badminton awards ceremony

for my daughter. She won one of the gag awards. Hers was

a baby bottle and was entitled ...."most excuses". As she

went up to accept her award she said...."It wasn't my fault."

How was that for an excuse? She didn't lick that trait off

the ground. :-)


Anyway on to the more serious stuff. I think this is where

we see things differently. I think of physical, emotional and

mental centers as originating differently and interweaving

for sure. They are of different vibratory speeds. Many times

in exercises I have noticed a physical sensation such as

what I call deflated cells, then I notice the emotional translation

of self pity, and then a thought like...."they don't like me."

Different centers, different speeds, different qualities. I don't

believe that thoughts originate in the physical body.


I can become aware that I am a machine run by "life" but

that doesn't make my physical body the generator of my

emotions and my thoughts. For sure they are connected.

A thought can cause the body to respond in a certain

habitually pattern and then a feedback loop can begin

which circulates through the three centers but that still

does not make emotions and thoughts physically based.

I may not be expressing this very well at all.

> >"Noticing a requirement" doesn't sound to conducive

> >to long range planning.


> Why not?


> >You know what I mean?


> Not yet.




Noticing is in the moment whereas anticipating seems more

long range to me. This could just be semantics.

> >Maybe I just have delusions

> >of grandeur. But the "big one", whatever that might be, must

> >need more than mere "noticing".

> >

> So it is widely assumed --

> but many a newly minted sage

> has said, in effect, "So

> many years, so much practice,

> and all I had to do was to

> notice!"




I am wondering if the only aim is personal enlightenment.

This may sound funny. I am wondering if there may be

larger aims that would require conscious labor and

intentional suffering. Aims set by men like Jesus.



> >"I" is the connector. It is the vehicle through which the

> >creator is connected with creation.

> >

> >

> That sounds wonderful --

> how is this experienced

> in ordinary, "beans &

> weiners" life? Can it

> be "verified?" :-)


> Thanks in advance for

> exploring this!




Perhaps we could leave this one open for awhile. Perhaps

others might have input. I have been thinking/feeling it in

terms of a circle of people or a gathering of people all

connected through their "I". Essence connections between

people where each individual connects essentially. I can

feel essence connections. Each person has an "I" but it

is a vehicle. I don't know if this makes any sense or not.

I mean I have my way of talking and my friend Russell

has his way of talking which is quite different (he is from

New York and quite abrupt sometimes <s>) but we know

each other inside. It is almost a herd mentality and yet

there is individuality.

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Marcia Paul wrote:

> <snip>

> > >"I" is the connector. It is the vehicle through which the

> > >creator is connected with creation.


Funny you should say that! This has been recognized for thousands of

years in the East. However, your understanding maybe different.

'They' understood it, more or less, like this:


'This body' is part of creation.

'I AM' is the creator.

'I am this body' is ego, personal I, 'little' self.


It is this last idea, 'I am this body', that has to go as it is based on

a lie, THE lie we all live under. The body, by itself, is UNconscious

thus cannot possibly say 'I'. It is the 'I'(consciousness) that says: 'I

am this body'. Who or what IS this 'I' Really?




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Idris wrote:

> Salaam.


> Jerry, I just read a posting on the Donmeh list which mentions in passing the

numerological relationship of the number "50" to the name YHVH (Hebrew unspoken

name for God). I'm not a kabbalist nor numerologist, so don't ask me how it



> Peace,


> Idris


perhaps you can forward it to this list, as others here are around that

age. Thanks.



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> Jerry, I just read a posting on the Donmeh list which mentions in passing

the numerological relationship of the number "50" to the name YHVH (Hebrew

unspoken name for God). I'm not a kabbalist nor numerologist, so don't ask

me how it works.


> Peace,


> Idris

>perhaps you can forward it to this list, as others here are around that

>age. Thanks.




>From the many different systems of numerology is one that is based on yoga

and vedic astrology. I call it Raashi which is simply the Sanskrit word for

number. Anyway, 5 would relate to the planet Jupiter and in yoga the

physical body and indicates teaching. A 5 in challenge can manifest in

physical imbalance and a refusal to take on a leadership or teaching role.

By the time a person reaches 50 they can be in the consciousness that takes

in the infinity of the universe through the '0'. A time for a more active

role in spirituality and participation in such thought indicates a balance

between the world of the physical and the spiritual. However, the '0' can

bring in much confusion and this is a time in life when ignorance of the

body will throw the body into the confusion of disease.


Some thoughts from the language of numbers.





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Linda Callanan wrote:


> Hi,


> >From the many different systems of numerology is one that is based on yoga

> and vedic astrology. I call it Raashi which is simply the Sanskrit word for

> number. Anyway, 5 would relate to the planet Jupiter and in yoga the

> physical body and indicates teaching. A 5 in challenge can manifest in

> physical imbalance and a refusal to take on a leadership or teaching role.

> By the time a person reaches 50 they can be in the consciousness that takes

> in the infinity of the universe through the '0'. A time for a more active

> role in spirituality and participation in such thought indicates a balance

> between the world of the physical and the spiritual. However, the '0' can

> bring in much confusion and this is a time in life when ignorance of the

> body will throw the body into the confusion of disease.


> Some thoughts from the language of numbers.


> Linda


Such a reading can help a person focus on the right activity. My late

wife Dolores frequently said that men often have a hard time getting out

of their 50's (a part of her must have known that she herself would

never make it out of her 50's), and what you say supports that. The body

has to be well looked after. Thanks for numerology!



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Message: 18

> Wed, 19 May 1999 13:48:47 -0400

> David Bozzi <david.bozzi

>Re: Spiritual Theory of Longevity


>Gloria Lee wrote:


>> Hi David,


>Hey there Glo!


Dear, dear David,


Thank you for your soft answers and for mercifully ignoring the "logic" of my

ranting and raving.

I'm already well-acquainted with what a lovely man you are and such a fine poet,

as well. I'm sorry I took out my crankiness on you, but on some deeper level I

think I was counting on you to help me understand what was really bothering me.

I have actually no way to know how the world is doing, better or worse than

what, relative to when. (Tho I wish my mother had not asked me to read that

magazine article, I also saw that Bruce made the same point of quality over

quantity, and so very calmly and succintly.) So I have reflected on what was

behind my "concern."


You really got to me with that "hammers see nails"..how well I remember hearing

that before from Harsha.

This is very humbling company and I am grateful for being among you all. I have

just recently ..once again.. sigh.. had to realize that I do not take care of

myself very well. Ahimsa begins at home..right?? So, how many times do I have to

keep repeating these lessons till I finally get it?? Ha! I should live so



Thanks again, David. You are, as usual, both insightful and kind.


With love, again..



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