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JB/Mice and Men/Scientifically sound and Spiritual Diets

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At 11:55 AM 5/19/99 +0100, you wrote:

>"jb" <kvy9

>Anyone who isn't satisfied with occasional spiritual experiences, but wants

>to transcend all veils that separate one from Atman, so that Atman becomes

>"24 hour a day reality, independent of activity or thoughts", needs a very

>strong, resilient body to bear the power of Kundalini.


No, JB, that is just YOUR experience and your personal path, which you

confuse with the paths of all others. You think Kundalini is necessary,

yet many traditions state not, and some don't recognize Kundalini at all.

Wake up to the fact that there are as many paths and methods to awakening

as there are human beings.

>Apart from that, one has to be free

>from fear, caused by the loss of body or parts of it.


If there is fear related to the body, there is attachment to the body.





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> Tim Gerchmez <fewtch


> At 11:55 AM 5/19/99 +0100, you wrote:

> >"jb" <kvy9


> >Anyone who isn't satisfied with occasional spiritual

> experiences, but wants

> >to transcend all veils that separate one from Atman, so that

> Atman becomes

> >"24 hour a day reality, independent of activity or thoughts",

> needs a very

> >strong, resilient body to bear the power of Kundalini.


> No, JB, that is just YOUR experience and your personal path, which you

> confuse with the paths of all others. You think Kundalini is necessary,

> yet many traditions state not, and some don't recognize Kundalini at all.

> Wake up to the fact that there are as many paths and methods to awakening

> as there are human beings.


Then be my guest to "arrive" at Moksha without Kundalini, which probably

will happen after 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 kalpas or so. But if you

meditate for the rest of your life (eventually with a weakened body) you

could occasionally slip into nirvikalpa samadhi and this doesn't require

(being conscious of) Kundalini. Anyone who thinks Kundalini is an

exclusivity of Kundalini yoga is wrong. Nowhere in the Patanjali Sutras

Kundalini is metioned but every practitioner knows the why and apart from

that every commentator fills in the blanks.

> >Apart from that, one has to be free

> >from fear, caused by the loss of body or parts of it.


> If there is fear related to the body, there is attachment to the body.


> Tim


BTW, anyone who isn't attached to the body doesn't have a problem with

urdhva retas or a simple sattvic diet either. And how about attachment to

other bodies like those of pets? That isn't attachment? Not being attached

to one's body but to that of a pet - thanks for the "laugh of the day".



(not attached to non-attachment)

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