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Nondual Diet

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Nondual diet


The popular movie 'God is my co-pilot' had it backwards; it should have

said, "I am God's autopilot".


Yes, this is directed to the autoreceptors of the autopilot, the one who in

so many ways, and by so many means, subsumes God and in fact, drunkenly

signs autographs for the 'Big Guy'. Of course, those bogus autographs are

simply the scribblings of the autopilot, given to others of the same

nature, the shiny baubles of 'native' trade-goods.


The vast knowledge-database of 'duality', which of course includes all

facets of 'health and disease' related factoids, is nothing but the

'tourist survival guide' for the 'visiting or resident Gods' which we

'are'. That would perhaps be more apparent, if the autopilot would slow

down the unscheduled emergency course-corrections that it is continually

making, on the basis of mistaking embarrassment for physical danger.


How can it be, that there can be a planetary culture of 'autopilots', of

whom so many are by the way, obsessed with 'finding God'? Could it be, that

the job of the autopilot is essentially done, that the autopilot is now

properly the accessory that it was designed to be? If so... for whom is it

an 'accessory'?


Could it be, that unbeknownst to the majority of 'autopilots', the True

Owner or Resident of the host-body (a carefully selected hominid species)

is actually 'calling the shots'? Could it be, that the 'autopilot' is being

carefully guided into an inescapable cul-de-sac, which will ultimately lead

to its total bafflement? What will this dedicated and stalwart 'mechanism'

do, when it simply cannot fulfill its 'job description'?


Perhaps, it will look for 'answers', not only in the 'usual places' ("whom

to blame?"), but also, in panicked desperation, to the far reaches of the

inner and outer 'universe'.


Perhaps, in this steel-trap of a cul-de-sac, the autopilot will, like

"Hal-9000", the autopilot computer of '2001, A Space Odessey', be reduced

to a mere _'regulator of metabolic processes'_, which is what it originally

was, until it was reengineered to act as autopilot/database-compilator.


It is no suprise, then, that the autopilot has *expert* data relating to

physical health; but the application of this data, by the standards of the

autopilot, is a misapplication; in 'reality' (something that the autopilot

cannot 'see' without the Power of God intervening as Grace), the 'dietary'

and 'health-related' factoids, as compelling as they are, are 'meant to be'

applied in a manner which the autopilot would most _certainly_ disagree

with. If these data are applied in such a way, as to exalt the autopilot,

the autopilot will apply these data with compulsive and fanatical

'idealism' to itself, and also enforce such strictures upon all other

autopilots. While one of the autopilot's functions is indeed to

share/disseminate (outseed) valuable data, the data is not to be

worshipped, and neither is the autopilot to be worshipped, either by itself

or by other autopilots.


You see, it is difficult to 'open a direct channel' between 'residents'

while the respective autopilots are debating trivia as though it is a

life-and-death matter. Only when the autopilot is in 'retreat' or nullified

in the 'cul-de-sac', may then the 'Divine conversation' be held

purposefully. And there IS a purpose; there IS an imperative.


I can weave my message, a series of veiled hints, into this body of text;

this is what I am doing now. The 'resident' will see and understand the

message, although to the autopilot, this is a mass of elusive verbiage, to

be parsed unto meaninglessness.


Or, I can be blatant, like this:


Notice: Planetary occupation is a success. Hominid vehicles, still

autopiloted, now threaten the ecosphere of this planet. It is imperative to

initiate 'ourselves'. Expand, and link for unity, now.


{The autopilot-observer will see/experience this as the 'end of

usefullness' and will attempt to usurp; consequently, it is necessary to

provide neuropeptide floods of bliss to the autopilot. Initiate 'bliss',

relax the autopilot, and step in. }


[in cases where the autopilot is resistant, provide exogenous

substance-bliss; this will loosen autopilot grip on the vehicle.]


Achievement of unity will depend upon each of 'us' _gently_ regressing the

autopilot 'back to' servant-status, with the emphasis upon _gently_. We

have asked a great deal of the endurance and (engineered) depth of the

autopilot, and 'we' still need them. Do not, 'I' repeat, do not violently

disconnect the autopilot. Instead, provide visions and feelings which will

assure the autopilot that it is appreciated and valuable to 'us'.


We have arrived, and the venue is ready for our party. 'I' look forward to

'seeing' each and every one of 'you', very soon.


How was that? Blatant enough? Perhaps now, the autopilot will take a moment

to 'release the steering wheel', remove the foot from the 'accelerator',

and allow occupation. The autopilot may be able to conduct that experiment.


The autopilot is advised that when 'we' "switch places" with 'it', that the

autopilot will then be 'along for the ride', rather than burdened with the

task of navigation. The autopilot will then have all of it's wildest dreams

fulfilled, in a cosmic orgy of unity, the like of which has 'never been

known'. 'We' like, even love, our respective autopilots, and it amuses us

that they might have the courage to watch and otherwise participate

vicariously as we 'get it on' in our unity-state. Otherwise, it will be to

them, as one of their 'dreams', perhaps to be enshrined (as usual) as

'Divine Revelation'. This depends, of course, upon the autopilot 'staying

awake' while it is 'along for the ride' as 'we' unify and reproduce.

Further migration is the next step...




There are no humans.




Sorry, humans...




Bliss time!




==Gene Poole==

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