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On Fri, 21 May 1999 14:36:34 Dharma wrote:

>>Kundalini has always been happening. Not necessarily under that name.

>>Sometimes it's


>>crisis or mental breakdown or tragedy or chemical imbalance in the body or

>>brain or

>>disappointment or loss and so on.

>I mean, in my life I've had crises and tragedies... yeah, chemical

>imbalances... disappointments, losses... yeah, a breakdown... but the

>experience of active, overt Kundalini is qualitatively different. It's

>energy moving in the body... flowing sometimes... jerking the body into

>orgasm/kriyas sometimes... When you've felt massive energy coming from the

>root of the spine and moving all the way up the spine to fill the head and

>go on out... and recycling to come up again right from the feet... you

>can never doubt that this is a physical happening. It's like, I wouldn't

>touch you with a live wire and then ask, "Isn't that just like any other

>crisis or disappointment in your life?"




Zappppp !

>BTW, why are you citing all negative experiences as being examples of K.?

>Sure, some people have problems with K. - more so when they resist it - but

>my experience has been extremely positive. I love this body full of

>delicious, vibrating, throbbing energy!! I feel like in the rest of my

>life, my body wasn't completely awake. Now it's a different world, and I

>wouldn't go back for anything. :)


:) Exactly ! I too feel like I was half dead before.


I doubt there are many types of nervous breakdowns or

chemical imbalances in the brain which makes you feel at peace with yourself and

god, your body healthier,

stronger, your mind faster and more flexible, makes

you want to hug everybody around you, makes you look

at everything and everybody in a new light, changes

everything in your life. :)


Sure, nervous breakdowns and serious

psychiatric disease may have some of the same effects

as K, visions, anxiety, restlessness, sleeplessness,

extreme mood swings, diffuse pains, spasms

etc etc but so do a lot of

physical diseases like food intolerances,

certain kinds of infections, some types of cancer,

some kinds of allergies and post trauma to injuries

and even child birth !


But if you want to stick to psychiatric disease,

yes, some psychiatric diseases like mania and schizo-

phrenia may be accompanied by delusions of the

religious type which may resemble the religious

fervors some experience with K.

And K may be brought on by emotional or physical

stress, same factors which may cause nervous



But whereas psychiatric disease starts at certain ages,

often have typical patterns of progressions (often

from good to worse if remained untreated) and

usually responds to medication,

the pattern of K awakening is completely unpredictable,

and is usuall very resitant to treatment because

there is nothing which can "treat" K symptoms.

In fact, they're not supposed to be treated by anything

else than K itself.

K is not supposed to be mixed with any form of

synthetic medication, you never know what may happen,

as it is, I don't even dare take

motion sickness pills.


And if K is merely a nervous breakdown,

how can it be brought to life by

physical exercises like pranayama and yoga,

something which has been known to happen for

centuries and described in Indian and Tibetan



Best regards,













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On Sat, 22 May 1999 08:21:50 Holly N. Barrett, Ph.D.

>>I can't speak for Tim really but maybe it isn't geographically popular

>>but age-group popular. That would explain. Maybe hormonally

>>things have to be in balance or something. Have you ever noticed

>>teenager's swings? :-)




>You bet!! I suspect anything that dramatically shifts one's habitual

>relationship to the body can provide an opening for awakening energies

>-- hormones, illness, trauma, although it may be the >other way around.


:) My academic supervisor always goes on about

biological metamorphosis and how puberty is the

human version of it.


I definitely see the K awakening as a metamorphosis

of the soul, mind and body.

>I know I'm not the only one who was reminded of adolescence when life

>started to get very lively a few years ago! If kundalini is, at some

>level, responsible for all changes in consciousness, its presence in

>adolescence makes sense. What I don't understand is why so many of us

>felt aware in childhood and adolescence and then had to go into a

>semi-dormant state. Holly


:) I think it's the way we're brought up and the

cultures we're brought up in.


All out of the ordinary things like visions and

sights are seen as potential signs of mental illness

or having a too lively imagination, which may be

nearly as "bad" in some ppl's eyes

and thus ppl become extremely reluctant to talk about

it and even admit it to themselves when it happens.

Thus ppl shut the channels down and to open them up,

K must hit with so much more force later on.


I bet in 95% of the cases of spontaneous K awakening

in the West,

the first and major block to be overcome

is the belief that they're going mad. And a lot of

time is spent overcoming that block.


Best regards,






























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