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K & ages, was: Real Astrology

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On Sat, 22 May 1999 19:11:52 Dharma wrote:

>You might be surprised! I'm 62... my K. was awakened in Sept. of '96,

>when I was 60.


Wow ! I'm falling off the chair here. :)


In your mails I have always thought you sounded

like being

around 40. :) I bet you're as vital as that.

>I was fortunate to have the time to "let K

>really have its way with me."


I'm glad to hear that. I'd be worried for you, though.


It does seem like time is important, to give K room to

work with you. Very hard to combine with a 9-5 job.

>My understanding with Shakti is that nothing

>embarrassing happens to me when I'm in public...


:D Like crowing and shaking ?


My guide only embarrasses me when he takes off all his

clothes in public to make me laugh and runs naked down

the street. Of course, I'm the only one who can see

that, but the giggling it produces makes ppl think

I'm... well... mad. ;)


I hope I won't do anything embarrasing in public myself

but it's difficult to say as K is still increasing and

I don't know where it'll stop. Well, anyway, it might

be something equally funny and embarrassing. :D


I do hand signs sometimes, but only under the sleeves

of the jacket so nobody can see.

>and on my part I give as

>much time to K.work/meditation as I'm asked for. That's usually at least 6

>hours a day.


Oh, that's a lot of time. I guess you do let your

guides tell you what to do.


Do you do the K work to stay balanced ?


I feel that I need to take time off

to work with K

to work at kriyas and remove them as blocks come up.

Otherwise I get too much energy and become

imbalanced. Is that what you mean by having to

work with it ?

>It has been a good challenge, and I've loved it. :) I'm now in perfect

>health... and getting younger...


:) I can imagine, with all that energy going through you. Sounds like you've

found the elusive source of

longevity. ;)


My mother who is 55 has been to an aromatherapist

and had some prana movements, and she said it

improved her health a lot. She loves the aroma

therapy, which does seem to work with chakras to a

mild extent. Of course, she knows very little

about chakras but her aroma therapist has explained

a few things, which I'm really glad she did.

>and I think my mind is working better

>than it ever did. I'm doing a lot of healing work, as >well as teaching,


Do you teach yoga and meditation or something else

as well ?

>and it's good to be useful again. And since K. has always been very sexual

>for me, I feel like I'm in the middle of a continual >love affair. :)


Ha ha ha ha ha !!! That's sweet !


I feel like that too. :)))


But I think you were lucky to know about K before

it started. It must be extremely scary for ppl who

have never heard of chakras and yoga and the

basic principles of Hinduism / Buddhism,


to have to start navigating in a world of new concepts and words.


I didn't have that many problems with information

because I'm used to doing information research and

have known what K and Tantra was

my entire life

(for some strange reason) even though nobody

ever explained it to me.


I also understand some of the physical symptoms that

come up as well as the psychological ones

after having studied human physiology and psychology.

It makes the process much less scary.


When I was small,

I thought K and feeling the 1st chakra was

something everybody did but never talked about

because everybody did it, like dreaming.

I called it the dinosaur power because

I thought it came from the dinosaurs

and would transform me into a dinosaur some

day. :D

>Of course, my kids think Mama's nuts... they don't >"believe in" Kundalini.


Don't any of them do yoga and meditation themselves ?


:D Don't all kids think their parents are nuts once

in a while, come to think of it. ;)


Oh well, some learn by having K, others learn in

other ways. :)


Cool to hear you got K after 40 and was ok with it.

Makes me feel less worried for those over 40

who would awaken. :)


Best regards,










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Hi Amanda,

>Wow ! I'm falling off the chair here. :)


>In your mails I have always thought you sounded

> like being

>around 40. :)


That's a nice age. Okay, I'll take it.

> I bet you're as vital as that.


Oh, I'm MORE vital than THAT... you should have seen me at 40. :)

>>I was fortunate to have the time to "let K

>>really have its way with me."


>I'm glad to hear that. I'd be worried for you, though.


What would you worry about? What's 60? My g-g-grandfather Fisher was born

in 1811 and died in 1913, and they said, "He wouldn'a died then but he

slipped and fell." The year before he died, he was driving a horse and

buggy when the horse ran away with him... the buggy turned over... he

climbed out of it and walked off... he was okay. :) My Mom's

g-g-grandfather died at 102 while working in the fields. I should worry?


Now if my daughter - who IS 40 - were to get active K. now, I WOULD be

worried. Just divorced, with two little kids, and making her living by

running a day-care center in her home so she can be with her kids...


>>My understanding with Shakti is that nothing

>>embarrassing happens to me when I'm in public...


>:D Like crowing and shaking ?


Yeah... or public orgasms. :)

>My guide only embarrasses me when he takes off all his

>clothes in public to make me laugh and runs naked down

>the street. Of course, I'm the only one who can see

>that, but the giggling it produces makes ppl think

>I'm... well... mad. ;)


You've got a great guru there!

>I hope I won't do anything embarrasing in public myself

>but it's difficult to say as K is still increasing and

>I don't know where it'll stop. Well, anyway, it might

>be something equally funny and embarrassing. :D


>I do hand signs sometimes, but only under the sleeves

>of the jacket so nobody can see.


You mean like yes and no signals? Mine don't show much any more... just a

twitch is enough.


>>and on my part I give as

>>much time to K.work/meditation as I'm asked for. That's usually at least 6

>>hours a day.


>Oh, that's a lot of time.


Well, time flies when you're having fun... :)

>I guess you do let your

>guides tell you what to do.


They know what they're doing with K, and they can see farther than I can.

My guide awakened my K. with some advanced pranayama and a technique I just

vaguely recognized having read about in a Tibetan book. On my own, I

wouldn't touch that stuff - too dangerous!

>Do you do the K work to stay balanced ?


No... as the explorer said when they asked him why he wanted to climb Mt.

Everest, "Because it's there!" The greatest adventure of my life - so far

- comes along... I'm not gonna hang back. I'm just lucky I've had the

time to really go at it. :)


>I feel that I need to take time off

>to work with K

>to work at kriyas and remove them as blocks come up.


The kriyas are to remove blocks... they're beneficial. Or maybe sometimes

they're just part of the expression of sheer energy and joy. :) Like

orgasm/kriyas. Angelique gets laughing kriyas. :)

>Otherwise I get too much energy and become



You just need to learn how to handle it... what to do with it. :) Open up

the pathways and let it flow through... You could start with Mystress

Angelique's grounding exercise, if you're not already familiar with it. Go

there when you have at least 20 minutes. It grounds you in both

directions, above and below... moves the energy through.


There's also an optional part to help people get in touch with the internal

guru... which you obviously don't need...




If by any chance you can't access this because it's a sex-related web site

:)... here's another URL:



> Is that what you mean by having to

>work with it ?


No. I don't _have_ to work with it... I'm grateful for guidance... I

choose to work with my guru... when I'm called, I go and lie down. Always

have preferred to lie down for meditation... with K., it's good to be able

to relax completely... besides, in case I get big kriyas, I'm already down

flat. :))))


I have to use SOME words for what I do/what happens when I lie down. I

call it energy work... or K.work.. or K. meditation... or

K.work/meditation. I usually enjoy it, but calling it playtime would

probably be misleading for a lot of folks. :)


Actually, all kinds of things happen... I never know what it's going to be

until it happens. Could be working with energies and centers... could be

dealing with some problem that's crept up... clearing karmic crap, for me

and/or someone else... could be very high-level meditation... could be

making love with my guru... that's energy work too... could be some

long-distance healing... checking out a problem someone's asked about...

getting answers to questions I've been asked... could be listening to

tones... or resting in pure awareness... occasionally diving into the

unconscious looking for something...


I guess it's just life in the _whole_ world. In general, it's easier to be

aware of various levels/ planes/ states of consciousness when I can lay the

body down and not have to be aware of the gross physical... not have to

drag it around with me everywhere. :)

>>It has been a good challenge, and I've loved it. :) I'm now in perfect



Except for that pesky sinus trouble... If anybody knows how to get rid of

that, I wish you'd tell me. :)

>>and getting younger...

>:) I can imagine, with all that energy going through you. Sounds like

>you've found the elusive source of

>longevity. ;)


Not my discovery... take a look at some of the well-known yogis. :)

>My mother who is 55 has been to an aromatherapist

>and had some prana movements, and she said it

>improved her health a lot. She loves the aroma

>therapy, which does seem to work with chakras to a

>mild extent. Of course, she knows very little

>about chakras but her aroma therapist has explained

>a few things, which I'm really glad she did.


Sounds good. I don't know much about aromatherapy. Don't have much

interest, but maybe that's cause I don't seem to have a very strong sense

of smell.


>>and I think my mind is working better

>>than it ever did. I'm doing a lot of healing work, as >well as teaching,


>Do you teach yoga and meditation or something else

>as well ?


I'm the kid who turned her bedroom bookshelves into a library for the

neighborhood kids... gathered them together and read to them. I'm always

teaching something... Used to teach at the university level... my field

is communication, specialty in symbol and myth... the recession came along

and nipped that career in the bud... I'd have liked to teach a year of

symbol and myth, from ancient stuff through modern mythology like the myths

of science and of psychology. I've taught meditation (Raja Yoga); that's

always the most important to me... taught astrology... Did all the work

to teach my friend Lynea's healing methods... but then got to spending all

my time with the K. work.


>>and it's good to be useful again. And since K. has always been very sexual

>>for me, I feel like I'm in the middle of a continual >love affair. :)


>Ha ha ha ha ha !!! That's sweet !


>I feel like that too. :)))


Yeah. :) Somehow "sweet" doesn't seem like the right word to me. :) I was

celibate for a lot of years because of the AIDS epidemic... I'm very happy

to be a sexual person again. :)

>But I think you were lucky to know about K before

>it started. It must be extremely scary for ppl who

>have never heard of chakras and yoga and the

>basic principles of Hinduism / Buddhism,


>to have to start navigating in a world of new concepts and words.


Right... a lot of people think they're going crazy.

>I didn't have that many problems with information

>because I'm used to doing information research and

>have known what K and Tantra was

>my entire life

>(for some strange reason) even though nobody

>ever explained it to me.


Hmm... I guess I knew about it on some levels, but I'd say I was on what

they call a sky path. :) When the K. went completely active/overt, I was

surprised that it was so physical... so palpable... real honest-to-God

energy moving in the body and jerking me around... orgasmic... like

somebody plugged me in, and I never knew the plug was there. :)))) And the

energy seemed to have a mind of its own... fascinating.


One of the first people I talked to was my Jin Shin therapist. She said

she'd had a week's experience of it at a retreat/workshop... the teacher

turned on her K. and left her alone in an empty room for a week. One day

she did something wrong... forgot proper obeisance, I think... and the K.

picked her up and threw her across the room into a wall. She said the K.

was ecstatic and blissful, but she decided it wasn't her path...

apparently the teacher turned it off again. She told me to buy

Muktananda's autobiography, which was enormously helpful.

>I also understand some of the physical symptoms that

>come up as well as the psychological ones

>after having studied human physiology and psychology.

> It makes the process much less scary.


>When I was small,

>I thought K and feeling the 1st chakra was

>something everybody did but never talked about

>because everybody did it, like dreaming.

>I called it the dinosaur power because

>I thought it came from the dinosaurs

>and would transform me into a dinosaur some

>day. :D


Well, you weren't far off... how about a K. serpent? :)


The dinosaur power... sounds like the reptile brain... sounds like you did

this before... in another life. :)


>>Of course, my kids think Mama's nuts... they don't >"believe in" Kundalini.


>Don't any of them do yoga and meditation themselves ?


Sure, they grew up with it... we never pushed it, but it was just there...

when my daughter was 11, she was allowed to join our group, meeting weekly

for meditation, healing, etc... she fit right in. :)


My son made a lot of progress when he was very sick with CFS/ME... down

flat except to go to the bathroom and get something to eat... eyes too bad

to read. So he decided to meditate on the Tarot symbols... came up with a

new system for laying out the cards...


Seems a lot of K.people have CFS or are recovered from it (it's supposed to

be incurable). I think some of my son's CFS symptoms are probably K.

symptoms... but he doesn't want to hear it from Mama. :)... wants to find

his own way.

>:D Don't all kids think their parents are nuts once

>in a while, come to think of it. ;)


Well, they have to be able to see imperfections in their parents,

especially during adolescence, or they'd never be able to become

independent and stand on their own. :)

>Cool to hear you got K after 40 and was ok with it.

>Makes me feel less worried for those over 40

>who would awaken. :)


I think you have a little misunderstanding about physical age... I noticed

you talking about "old people" of 70 and 75...


It comes to my mind what would be a good exercise for you... and fun too.

:) When you have a whole day and evening at home alone, get up in the

morning and do an "old" make-up. I've used stage make-up, but you can do

it if you have two or three shades of make-up base and something darker...

a soft pencil or two... or powdered eyebrow color and a brush. Look

closely in a mirror... where you can see any hollows, make them a little

darker... just a little, and blend the edges. Squinch your face around

one way and another, and notice where the skin naturally wrinkles... then

use a pencil or brush to make those lines show. Play with the make-up...

blend it... use a little powder on top. Leave the make-up on... and do

whatever you like the rest of the day and evening... glance at yourself

whenever you pass a mirror. :) Have fun! :)


BTW, if you have to buy another shade or two of make-up base, it'll come in

handy later... when you want to take the time, you can use it to make your

face more "beautiful." :)




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Hi Dharma:



>Except for that pesky sinus trouble... If anybody knows how to get rid of

>that, I wish you'd tell me. :)


One of the reasons I got involved in yoga was because of sinus trouble.

When I came to Florida I thought I was going to blow my kidneys out with all

of the medication I was taking. I found that bhastrika breath really

helped. As we move from March into May I have a really hard time and have

found that Nature's Sunshine makes two products that are helpful - ALJ and




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Hi Linda,

>>Except for that pesky sinus trouble... If anybody knows how to get rid of

>>that, I wish you'd tell me. :)


>One of the reasons I got involved in yoga was because of sinus trouble.

>When I came to Florida I thought I was going to blow my kidneys out with all

>of the medication I was taking. I found that bhastrika breath really

>helped. As we move from March into May I have a really hard time and have

>found that Nature's Sunshine makes two products that are helpful - ALJ and

>SNX .


Thanks! What is bhastrika breath? :)




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Message: 6

Mon, 24 May 1999 08:26:33 -0500

Dharma <fisher1

Re: K & ages, was: Real Astrology


Hello Dharma,


I'm not sure i understood the sentence below in the meaning you wanted

to put in it. In case i did understand, i'm curious to why you WOULD

worry if your daughter were to get active K? Doesn't worrying change the

all aspect of the way the k experience unfolds?






<< Now if my daughter - who IS 40 - were to get active K. now, I WOULD

be worried. Just divorced, with two little kids, and making her living

by running a day-care center in her home so she can be with her kids...





Well, time flies when you're having fun... :) >>

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