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Thrills, Chills, pills and belly aches

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On Thu, 20 May 1999 13:37:54 Tim Gerchmez wrote:

>In other words, kundalini and tantra are popular for the same reason

>cocaine and heroin and marijuana and LSD are popular. They generate

>pleasurable physical experiences. They are focused on the physical body,

>which most people identify themselves with and cannot see past.


Kundalini (K) does to some extent "reside" in the

physical body, how else would yogis and others be

able to connect with K through physical exercises ?


But K is much more than that.


K resides in the mind and the soul/spirit as well, in

many ways it resides mainly in the soul,

it /is/ the soul, it is the soul activated,

but since the

mind and the body are extensions of the soul,


outer shell of the soul, K is very clearly felt in

the body as well.


One way it can be felt is this: a classical sign

of K being activated and meeting with resitance in

the body (in many ways K cannot be felt, only the

resistance to it) are pains that feel like needle

stings or touching an electric fence in the legs, especially the left leg or



The pains may be caused by spine problems, hip

problems, knee problems etc. All physical blockages

may create pain. But in addition, the main

reason for the block is usually of an emotional

and / or spiritual nature. When those have been cleared

up, and the block will be gone, K will flow more freely

and the pains reside.


K works like the spring or autumn winds that turn the

water in the lakes over. It brings up spiritual,

psychological and / or physical matters up to the

surface in order to have them cleaned out by the

conscious or unconscious mind. This can be very

painful, but when the problem has been cleared up

and the karma has been let go of, then it's a

relief of indescribable proportions.


K actively works to prize you off of the karma

you carry. I have felt that as physical and spiritual



Yes, as K can cause strong physical problems,

anyone with activated K will tell you that the

soul and the mind is a large part of it as well.

K signs include physical problems but the biggest

may well be the spiritual and emotional problems

it can cause while butting its head against the

karma blocks.


K may be the biggest rush anyone can experience,

but it's definitely a rush for the soul.

>Discrimination and dispassion and lack of attachment and simple living are

>unpopular. Few really want Realization... they want a psychedelic

>experience. They want thrills and chills without having to break the law,

>Also, people can then call

>themselves "spiritual" with pride.


Being proud of having K is like being proud of having

two arms, you and the entire rest of humanity...

K is not

about achievement and pride and new age "spirituality"

it's about dedication, service and surrender.


K is in everything living, also in those where it is

not overtly active, because it is that

little piece of god/IT left in us which wants to go

back to the original source.


With K, the urge to get back to IT becomes much

stronger, so strong that ppl can be pushed

to the point of suicidality.


If you have not learned detachment previously,

K will teach you detachment, kindly or forcefully.

It will teach you how to distinguish between

what you should be attached to and what you shouldn't,

again forcefully or kindly depending on several

factors unknown to me.


K may bring on "psychedelic" experiences, but

it may also make you extremely sensitive

and intolerant to

"rush causing" drugs like acohol / LSD etc etc.

In fact, taking something like LSD or E while

K active would be very very stupid.


With K, some feel an increase in libido, especially

in the start of the process,

but some feel a strong decrease,

as the rush of the body offers no match to the

rush of the soul caused by K, in addition to the

spiritual decisions that K will make for you, which

overall will teach you detachment.


K can't be activated in someone who is not in some

way ready for it. If a rush is all you want,

and you approach K for that reason only,

chances are K will never get awakened.


And yes, K is karma clearing in 5th gear (stick shift

;) ).


Best regards,













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