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K and age / David

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On Sat, 22 May 1999 20:30:42 David Bozzi wrote:

>No that's ok. But your kind thought just sent a ripple of warmth

>through the entire universe you know.


:) What a beautiful image that was. Thank you.

>Me too. I'm doing the best I can. She see's a spiritually orientated therapist.

>(not versed in K though)


Well, he'll hopefully give her the help and

guidance she needs. :)

>> Does she understand what is happening ?


>Yes. I believe so. Not necessarily in the language of K but I've expressed

>the perspective.


Shouldn't be necessary as long is it's perceived as

a process, not an illness or something like that.

>Summary: went straight from home into a marriage at a young age to

>a domineering man. (my dad) Never really explored who she was or found her own

>identity. He died 3 years ago. In those 3 years she's been occupied moving,


>etc. That delayed the inevitable looking within.


So it's a kind of delayed grief process you think ?

>The immensity of the 'nothingness'

>terrifies her. Tried to hide under a rock with her first romance which recently

turned sour

>and the 'wall's been blown apart. She knows if it wasn't that it would have

been something

>else. Time to

>find her identity.


But ah, that is always good, even though it can

difficult in the start.

> Energy blocked in heart chakra.


Not so strange if she's been in a domineering

relationship for a long time.

>It's an intense dark night

>phase for her but she knows it's a process and does >trust she'll come through.


It is good she trusts that will happen.


I wish you both the best of luck and self insights. ;)

>She's not your typical 72 year old. Looks 50, in excellent shape. (walks,

bikes, lean,

>never smoked)


:D I forget that grandmothers in the US are a bit

different than grandmothers in the old world. ;)


She's probably as vital as a 50 year old then.


I was worried because I was picturing this frail old

woman who's lived a long and sheltered life

now being completely shaken by K. ;)

>Thank god no. Spiritual though. She's read tons of >spiritual books through the



Well, then she should not be completely unfamiliar with

spiritual processes and concepts.

>Actually got carried with accumulating them. Just last week finally threw them


>out. Reading only goes so far you know.


Very true. :) Especially with K.

In many cases you got to start with

scratch on that.


OK, I'll stop worrying about your mother, now. :)

Thanks for sharing. :)


I met this 75 year old WW2 veteran last summer and

he was incredibly vital despite having lived thru

at least one heart attack. He had quite a life, but

some experiences from the war, from when he was 22,

still stuck with him and I sort of sensed that it

troubled him still.


I felt so in awe for this soul and have never

viewed old ppl quite like that before.

I guess in many ways, inside he was the

same person as he was at 30. :)

I very much

wish I could have done more for him. :)

I was so taken by his attitude and story.


Anyway.... sorry for the blather. G'night !


Best regards,







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