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Dear Sue,


Thank you for your post on pure and impure food. I offers another way of

understanding some things I have been thinking about for a while. I have

been trying to reconcile the ayurvedic perspective with regard to food,

particularly eating of raw of cooked diet, with Mahatma Gandhi's,

especially in relation to dealing with very active kundalini.


Gandhi advocated eating a raw food diet, mainly to absolutely minimize the

amount of energy one takes from the planet. Cooking requires heat, energy.

Gandhi was extreme on this point, as in all aspects of his renunciation.


On the other hand, India's ayurvedic tradition supports cooked food for

best health and balance within a spiritual framework.


What you say is very much in keeping with the ayurvedic perspective. It

also makes sense to my experience of dealing with kundalini

activity--sometimes it is grounding to eat more tamasic, or heavy, and in

some ways impure foods, when kundalini goes too fast-- in the same way that

one has to _reduce_ other kinds of purity, like keeping spiritual company

or practicing meditation, when k gets too active. The equivalent food act

is increasing the ratio of impure to pure.


But some can handle a lot more purity than I can. I would like to hear

from Jan (and others) on this, because I think he eats a mainly fruit and

uncooked food diet. Jan?





>To maintain health and longevity we need to eat enough pure food to

balance our

>pure and impure, creative and destructive energies. If we eat 50% pure foods

>and 50% impure foods, we are balancing pure and impure and we would

maintain a

>state of preservation and immortality in the body. The purest food is fruit

>When we cook food we begin the process of destruction of the food and it

>becomes impure. Cooking is not a bad thing because it assists in

balancing the

>pure and impure. For example a slow warming of fruit that is mostly pure


>assist in the balance of 50/50. Eating raw food that is mostly pure is

not good

>either as it needs to be balanced with some impure too.


>Regards, sue








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  • 6 years later...
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Harsha: We have had several new people join and let us welcome them. The

recent discussions on the Raw Food Diet and its relationship to health,

spiritual disposition, and the mental states have been interesting. Perhaps

Susanne Macrae who recently joined and is very knowledgeable in this area

can share her views on Food and Kundalini Shakti. Thanks Jerry for keeping

us all updated. Thanks to Liliana, Deb, Keith, Madhya, Jan, David, Dharma,

Rob, Jelke, Holly, and Amanda for giving us the benefit of their experience

and writing with such eloquence. Thanks to Marcia, Linda, and Christiana for

the wisdom they share in silence and in words. Thanks to David Bozzi for the

latest scientific research on nutrition and thanks to Jan and Harsha for

questioning the latest scientific research. Thanks to Phil Burton for

staying around as Idris. It is hard to leave us. Thanks to Chris Hughes and

David Hodges for their much needed presence. Thanks again to Jill, Michael,

Rob, Holly, Freda, Gloria, Gloria, Judy, Dirk, Gene, Jan, Gill, Robert,

Tony, Kurt, KKT, Mic, Tom, Sam, Ah Sam, Carol, Bruce, and so many others for

sharing your presence with us in words and in silence. Let us hope that Tim

and his pet will be reunited.


Although it is silence that I keep

in this embrace there is no choice

Silence itself has become the speech



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At 01:50 PM 5/25/99 -0400, you wrote:

>"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar

>Although it is silence that I keep

>in this embrace there is no choice

>Silence itself has become the speech


Ahh, Harsha, that touched me in a deep way I don't understand. Thank you.


With Love,





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Thank you for your welcome. I am always keen to enter discussion on food! I have

posted a short essay I had written on the Tantric view of food. Tantric

teaching is that the body is as important as the soul. The God within is also a

resident of our physical body and we need to worship our body as the body of

God. If we neglect or abuse the body, we are neglecting and abusing the Divine.


Tantric laws relate to Creation and Destruction. When we consider our diet,

these laws are referred to as pure and impure. Creation is purity and

destruction is impurity. Creation leads to destruction leads to creation and so

forth. When a seed is sprouted and grows into a plant, the creation of the

plant has lead to the destruction of the seed. Many plants also produce new

seed and then die. Creation, destruction, creation.


To enable us to maintain a state of preservation or continued health and

youthfullness, we have to balance creation with destruction. When creation is

in perfect balance with destruction, there is absolute preservation. This

applies to our food and our physical body. When we eat, food undergoes a

process of digestion whereby we extract the nutrition and excrete the

residual. When the food we eat is impure, it is already in the process of

destruction and continues this in our body. We are unable to gain vitality from

impure food.


To maintain health and longevity we need to eat enough pure food to balance our

pure and impure, creative and destructive energies. If we eat 50% pure foods

and 50% impure foods, we are balancing pure and impure and we would maintain a

state of preservation and immortality in the body. The purest food is fruit

and nuts which are offered to us by the tree as they fall at our feet. These are

not 100% pure because they contain naturally occuring toxins. Today most fruit

is even more impure from sprays and chemicals. The next purest food is seeds,

vegetables and food from the ground. Again this food contains impurity within

and without. It might seem simple to balance 50/50 pure and impure until you

really take a look at your diet. To maintain 50/50 pure and impure you would

need to restrict your diet to foods from the tree, vine and ground, organic

with only some cooking.


When we cook food we begin the process of destruction of the food and it

becomes impure. Cooking is not a bad thing because it assists in balancing the

pure and impure. For example a slow warming of fruit that is mostly pure will

assist in the balance of 50/50. Eating raw food that is mostly pure is not good

either as it needs to be balanced with some impure too.


Regards, sue


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> Jill Eggers <eggers



> But some can handle a lot more purity than I can. I would like to hear

> from Jan (and others) on this, because I think he eats a mainly fruit and

> uncooked food diet. Jan?



Experiments clearly showed that a fruit diet is very favorable to maximize

one's share of life energy. A secondary effect is that body-consciousness

decreases because a strong and healthy body doesn't sound the alarm when,

for instance, one has to do 25 miles on foot :) Even this maximum of life

energy may not be enough to finish all transformations. Although literature

is mentioning K. awakening and rising, there is almost nothing on how this

will end. This is rather strange; it is like booking a journey without

knowing where it will bring one. There have been times, where a realized one

was one, having finished the journey, having completed all transformations.

This is only possible through purity of both body and mind.


So if one can use more energy for transformation, the fruit diet is great.

It will change body chemistry irreversibly. The goal is to complete

transformations, which means one's real nature will turn out to be "all that

exists" in a most literal sense instead of the occasional experience.





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