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K and Drugs

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Hi everyone:


I'd like to offer some comments on the "spirituality" of three types of

recreational/addictive drugs of which I have some experience/knowledge, and

possible relationships with Kundalini.




The following is a published description of the effects of heroin: "Intravenous

use of heroin produces immediate sensations of heightened erotic warmth starting

in the pelvic area, spreading to the stomach, and reaching the outer portions of

the body. The intensely pleasurable response that accompanies the injection of

the drug has been called a 'pharmacogenic orgasm'. During this state most users

do not care to engage in sexual activity because they are already in the process

of becoming sexually satiated in their head. One explanation of this

physiological orgasmic sensation is the direct action of the drug on brain

mechanisms that control sexual function as well as on the sympathetic and

parasympathetic nervous systems." (Sexuality Counseling - Issues and

Implications, by Weinstein and Rosen).


The autoerotic effect of heroin sounds a lot like some of the feelings that K

can impart. The big difference, as I see it, is that K is a spiritual

experience, with the accompanying physiological sensations serving as a reward

or sign to let us know that it's good for us and to entice us to cooperate by

letting go. Heroin, on the other hand, does not impart a spiritual experience

(by my definition of the term). Users become addicted to the physiological

reward (which is not to say that it is not possible to get addicted to seeking K

experiences). However, research into the effects of heroin may give a better

understanding of the physiology of K.




Once, as a teenager, I foolishly smoked too much hash oil and had a panic

attack. At the time, I was sure the attack was due solely to the drug and was

thankful when it wore off. When I began having spontaneous panic attacks 10

years later, I remembered my bad hash oil experience and suspected that it was

to blame. I was pretty slow in coming to realize that my panic attacks,

including the drug-induced one, were symptomatic of a sick spirit. The love of

the god/dess (my initial K awakening) cured my panic, and a lot more.

The irony for me is that if I hadn't overdosed on THC and had my first panic

attack, I might still be wallowing in my ignorance and not even know I was sick.

There is a divine purpose hidden in all things, perhaps most powerfully within

the depths of our despair.




Hallucinogens like LSD and mescaline are considered dangerous because they are

considered to cause or exacerbate mental instability. A classmate of mine in

high school got so messed up taking LSD that he shot himself.


But the spirituality of hallucinogens is well known. Shamans have used these

drugs for centuries.


I suspect that hallucinogens don't cause mental instability - there has to be

psychic instability to begin with before serious negative consequences can

arise. We have all probably heard stories of Indian yogis who have taken large

doses of LSD with no ill effects. They have cleaned out the attic so there is

no detritus for the drug to act upon.


Dr. Grof has successfully used LSD to treat many patients with psychiatric

problems stemming from repressed traumatic events, notably holocaust survivors.




Drugs themselves are not 'bad'. The intent with which they are taken and the

use to which they are put determines whether they are harmful or beneficial.


And even if drug use is initially harmful (because it was taken with the wrong

intent), Spirit knows no limitations and good can come of it.


With love,










______ ____

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