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The argument is the argument...

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What is, is. It will never be defined, stated or understood clearer. The

argument is the argument. Break

the argument and find enlightenment and the path that leads to

liberation. Become the neutral aspect of

the argument and find liberation then become liberation as an act of

total freedom.


The argument, which is defined here as the perpetual dynamic of yin and

yang, is the argument. This

argument may also be contained as the concept of pure truth and the

concept of absolute meaning.

Absolute truth therefore becomes pure truth with/and absolute meaning.


To simply ‘see’ the argument does not mean it is easily broken, yet, in

order for conscious awareness to

evolve, it must be broken to escape the cycle of the ‘rebirth of

consciousness’. Contrary to some theories,

the ‘cycle of rebirth’ does not point to ‘physical existence’ which is

an act ‘void’ of consciousness but

rather, points to ‘conscious awareness’. Physical existence is not

subject to re-birth as it is a result or an

effect of the conscious ‘I Am’ becoming ‘aware’ of its own existence as

‘cause’ and the physicalness is

‘effect’. In other words, I am not this body yet this body is me or,

more scripturally aligned, I am in this

world but not of this world.


One will break the argument to find enlightenment, defined as ‘awareness

of existence’, from ‘within’,

meaning wholeness unto ‘self’ and from ‘without’, where the whole ‘self’

is a quantity or fraction of the

greater awareness of absolute oneness yet, because of relativity and

position in ‘time and space’ and

‘physical existence’, amounts to nothing. Simply stated, your awareness

is both ‘in’ and ‘of’ existence.


Once one breaks the argument, the ‘dynamic’ of ‘conscious evolution’ is

laid bare to be seen but is a pure

experience/experiencer event and beyond any description in conceptual

thought or words. ‘The Tao that

can be named is not the eternal Tao’ is a good Taoist concept as an

example here, but again this concept is

misunderstood. In order to fully expand this misconception of Tao, I

must first take a small tangent to

show and define the three levels of truth.


There are three levels of truth. There is absolute truth, statisically

meaned truth, and individual truth.

Absolute truth is ‘all’ that is and is not, thus ‘is’ in its’ essence.

The mean truth is a collection of every

thought, action, written or spoken word by man which, when symbology,

myth, metaphor, superstition,

culture, idividual circumstances and limitations of expression are

filtered out, reveils the absolute

‘essence’ of truth which is meaning. Finally, there is individual truth

which is a combination of

everything that the individual knows with the understanding that all

that is ‘known’ has been told or

given to the individual by an ‘other’. This data is then compared

against the individual’s experience to

validate and reach individual truth which we shall define as ‘context’.


Therefore, the Tao that can be experienced ‘is’ the ‘absolute’ Tao ‘in’

the ‘experience’ but is ‘exclusive’

to the experiencer as the event is subsequent to previous conscious

development. Once the experiencer trys

to express this experience of pure truth with absolute meaning, s/he can

only relate it to the ‘other’ as an

‘impression’ of the original ‘expression’ of Tao. Further, because one

is restricted to one’s own context or

individual truth, the impression is filtered through the experiencer’s

context ‘and’ the context of the

‘other’ thus totally distorting the pure, meaningful expression of Tao

and its ‘eternal’ quality.


Finally, one has the choice when to become the argument but as the

neutral element which will lead to

final liberation. A mountain, no mountain, then a mountain, is a

classic, but not exclusive, Zen Buddhist

idea of this dynamic.

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Tim Harris said:

> Break

> the argument and find enlightenment and the path that leads to

> liberation.


Look at the words of your argument and use them as tools for your

liberation. Your argument is your message to yourself about you.

> Become the neutral aspect of

> the argument and find liberation


When you can see that your words are about yourself you are on thepath to


> then become liberation as an act of

> total freedom.



The freedom comes from changing the behaviour that leads to the thoughts

that leadto the message to yourself about you. The message of the argument

is no longer needed

because you have heeded its words.

> The argument, which is defined here as the perpetual dynamic of yin and

> yang, is the argument.


The argument is two or more people trying to give themselves a message that

isprofoundly important to them, just them, no-one else - yet refusing to

look inward

because the message for them is too painful to face.


> This

> argument may also be contained as the concept of pure truth and the

> concept of absolute meaning.


The argument holds pure truth for the one who speaks. For their ears

only.Only them, no-one else.

> Absolute truth therefore becomes pure truth with/and absolute meaning.




> To simply ‘see’ the argument does not mean it is easily broken,


The argument is only "broken" when the speaker recognises the truth about


> for conscious awareness to

> evolve, it must be broken to escape the cycle of the ‘rebirth of

> consciousness’.


Conscious awareness only evolves when subconscious awareness or inner truth

isrevealed to the Self.





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