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Full Moon of Gemini

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[Hi Harsha: I didn't think your remarks were overly sarcastic. To me they

seemed quite droll and witty. But then I haven't been following that



I don't know whether this post would be appropriate for your list... I

wrote it for another list.]



The three Full Moons of spring are times when energies are especially

strong. It's a time of initiation, or change in consciousness. Many

people around the world join for meditation at these times.


The Full Moon of Aries is related to Easter. The Full Moon of Taurus is

also known as the Full Moon of Buddha, or Wesak. We are told that

throughout this period high energies are being stepped down, to be

transmitted to the world at the Full Moon of Gemini, or the Full Moon of



The Full Moon of Gemini will be exact on May 30 at 2:40 am EDT (4 hrs from

GMT). This is going to be an especially powerful Full Moon, because the

Sun will be at 8 degrees, 26 minutes, of Gemini and the Moon opposite at 8

Sagittarius, in close conjunction with Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth,

and transformation. Sun and Moon/Pluto will be on the axis of the powerful

stars Aldebaran and Antares.


Two of the Royal Stars of Persia, Aldebaran was known as the Watcher of the

Sky in the East, and Antares as the Watcher of the Sky in the West.

According to the old astrological notation, Aldebaran's influence is of the

nature of Mars, and Antares' influence of the nature of Mars and Jupiter.


Idrys Vorel wrote, "Mightiest of them is Antares, the rival of Mars,

located in 9 degrees Sagittarius with only 4 degrees of south latitude. A

binary star shimmering in alternating ruby red, the color of Mars, and the

turquoise of Jupiter, it is so large that the orbit of Mars could snugly

fit into its equatorial circumference.... an electromagnetic dynamo, whose

radiation is like Uranus's force intensified to the nth degree....


"Aldebaran ... is in 9 Gemini, of slight latitude of 5 south. It shimmers

in pale rose tints.


"It cannot be said that Aldebaran when conjoining Sol in your chart, is

particularly fortunate. Its terrific vibratory rate harasses one's nervous



So if you notice this sort of feeling during the next few days... maybe

"nerves," irritability, aggressive impulses... chalk it up to the Full

Moon on this powerful axis and just try to wait it out. The energy can

also be very beneficial for you, depending on how well you handle these

powerful vibrations. Just how the Full Moon will affect you depends on

your own natal horoscope.



The following material is taken from a booklet, "The Three Festivals of

Spring," from the MGNA, the Meditation Group for the New Age. Their

material is based on the DK/Alice Bailey books. If you'd like to read more

of the booklet, I could put it in the Shared Files.



There are, however, certain high points of the year, which

spiritually-oriented men have recognized and celebrated down the ages. Two

of these great spiritual Festivals still mark the most sacred events of

East and West - the illumination of the Buddha and the resurrection of the


Now, a third major Festival, envisioned as forming with the other

two a coordinated and concentrated spiritual invocation of tremendous

potency, is beginning to make its appearance throughout the world. Thus

three major Festivals, usually occuring in the months of April, May, and

June, are being recognized as impulsing a prolonged spiritual effort

affecting the entire year.



The Festival of Humanity


The Full Moon of June [Gemini] is recognized as that of the

Christ, just as the Full Moon of May is that of the Buddha. It has long

been a legend (and who shall say that it is not a fact?) that at each Full

Moon of June, Christ repeats and preaches again to the hearts and minds of

men the last sermon of the Buddha, thus linking the full enlightenment of

the pre-Christian era and the wisdom of the Buddha to the cycle of the

distribution of the energy of love, for which Christ is responsible. On

this Festival, for two thousand years, the Christ has represented humanity

and has stood before the Hierarchy and in the sight of Shamballa as the

God-Man, the leader of His people and the "Eldest in a great family of


This is, therefore, a festival of deep invocation and appeal, of

a basic spiritual aspiration toward fellowship, of human and spiritual

unity, and represents the effect in the human consciousness of the work of

the Buddha and of the Christ. It is known also as the Festival of

Unification or the Festival of Goodwill.

During this transitional period in history, at the beginning of

one age and the end of another, the past and the future have swung into

conflict. The Piscean influence is not yielding without struggle to the

potent Aquarian energies, and the immediate effect is the destruction of

the old forms so the new can be built. Men know fear and separateness. The

problems of war seem insoluble, yet all the while the rush for money and

material possessions, and the search for pleasure, continue. At the same

time more and more people are seeking for spiritual Reality, and a great

expansion of consciousness is taking place.

Indeed, history has always presented, on the one hand, the

unspeakable cruelty of man to man, and on the other, the upholding of a

vision in the hearts of men, and the constant struggle for human freedom

and dignity.

Proof that the vision is not an idle dream lies in the

achievements of servers everywhere and in the common striving of many

groups toward peace and toward the welfare of all men. This vision embodies

as much of the great Plan (on which the Hierarchy is working) as men can

grasp, not through the persuasion of scientific or philosophical proofs,

but through inner spiritual recognition. Because the Kingdom of Heaven is

within them, they can conceive of its externalization upon the earth, when

as Sons of God in full expression of their indwelling divinity, they can

act as transmitters of Light and Love, and bring blessing to all manifested

forms. Right relations will be the keynote - right relations between

younger and older brothers, based upon reverence for the life within and a

deep sense of responsibility. In the New Age, all the kingdoms in nature

will begin to function as one creative whole.

The work of the Christ and His Disciples [the Spiritual Hierarchy]

falls into the following parts:


1. The production of a human synthesis or unity which will

lead to a universal recognition of the one humanity, brought

about through right human relations.


2. The establishing of right relations with the subhuman king-

doms in nature, leading to the universal recognition that

there is One World.


3. The anchoring of the Kingdom of God, the spiritual Hierarchy

of our planet, in open expression on earth, thus leading to

the universal recognition that the sons of men are one.


Right relations on earth are the reflection of the order which is

in Heaven. One man helps another; we uplift each other in turn. Only

through such interaction is progress possible. The Christ's injunction to

love one another is the most scientific teaching we have ever received. All

evolution proceeds upon the power of Love - Love which is not sentiment,

but concern for the needs of others, wisdom, self-giving, inclusiveness.

The time is coming when men will know a oneness of heart, mind, and soul,

such as is known on the higher planes, where to know is to "become one

with" - and union is Life. Then they will experience the truth that

Brotherhood is a fact.

The will, that aspect in man that puts him in touch with divine

Purpose, expresses itself in humanity as goodwill, leading to

understanding, cooperation, and peace. Together, love and the will-to-good

flower forth as wise activity, which is not limited to action on the

physical plane, nor is it limited to one "spiritual" field of endeavor. All

possible channels should be used - all that enlightens the minds of men,

all methods of transmuting knowledge into wisdom, all that expands the

consciousness of humanity and of all the subhuman states of awareness, all

that dispels glamor and illusion and that disrupts crystallization and

static conditions.

Many, today, see no answer to the world's problems; but there is

an answer: creative building. Each act of building adds to the Light. Each

action made sacred is a stone of the Temple. The Kingdom of Heaven must be

established upon the earth by man. The greatest gift of God to man is to

have made him His co-worker, that, through activity, he may demonstrate his

freedom, be self-determining. For man to use his limitations as an excuse

for inaction would be a betrayal of himself, of humanity, and of the Plan,

because, as it has been said: "All that is necessary for the triumph of

evil is that good men do nothing."

Thus the Festival of Humanity is a call to service. Humanity is

going now through a crisis of growth. It is not easy to change and to break

bonds, but it leads to Light, to the Real, to Immortality, to Beauty. This

is the time of awakening. There is much cause for Joy. Let Joy enter into

all our activities.





1. Enter into quietness, taking a few deep breaths. Align-

ment of the physical, emotional, and lower mental bodies.


2. Visualize the Christ standing with his Humanity pouring

out upon the world the blessings from the "center where

the Will of God is known." This is the gift given by Buddha

at the Festival of Wesak.

Visualize yourself and your fellow servers pouring forth

this blessing, too.


3. Creatively meditate upon the seed thought given below.

See it actually being brought about by the servers of

humanity. Think what you can do to help in this work.

"The anchoring of the Kingdom of God, the spiritual

Hierarchy of our planet, in open expression on earth,

thus leading to the universal recognition that the

sons of men are one."


4. Say:

The sons of men are one and I am one with them.

I seek to love, not hate;

I seek to serve and not exact due service;

I seek to heal, not hurt.

Let pain bring due reward of light and love.

Let the soul control the outer form,

And life and all events,

And bring to light the love

Which underlies the happenings of time.

Let vision come and insight.

Let the future stand revealed.

Let inner union demonstrate and outer cleavages be gone.

Let love prevail.

Let all men love.


5. Close with a blessing to the whole world.

Compassion to All Beings

North - South - East - West

Above - Below

Compassion to All Beings.

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