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JB/Eating only what can't run away

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At 08:29 PM 5/30/99 +0100, you wrote:

>"jb" <kvy9

>Brush up on your chemistry - or should silicon, phosphorus and sulfur, to

>mention a few, be breathed in from polluted air ?:)))


Why not? They're elements as well, composed of atoms just like a steak is.

I'm not making the claim of being a breatharian myself.. I'm simply

postulating where "breatharians" may get their energy source.

>Any living body will loose elements that cannot be supplied by clean air,

>unless, like the founder of macro-biotics, one simply states that a living

>body will use nuclear fusion to create the missing elements :)


Who knows what process is used... or even whether or not breatharians

exist. I was simply pointing out that breatharians don't breath in

energy... they breath in matter, just like anyone else. If they're

converting air into bodily energy (as the term "breatharian" seems to

suggest), then they're converting matter into energy. Guess what...

nuclear processes aren't needed at all. Cellular processes do the trick

quite well. Normal eating is the process of converting matter to energy.


Anyway, the whole point is rather moot, as matter *is* energy...

concentrated energy (E=MC2). And both matter and energy are Atman.







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