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Madhya/Chaudhuri text: "Not So Fast, Boys..."

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At 01:09 PM 6/2/99 -0700, you wrote:


<excerpt>Gentlemen: Has just one of you acquired the full essay and read

the entire text so that you could better understand the context of

Chaudhuri's comments? Did you stop and think, "Now wait a minute, this

is a cutting from the piece, perhaps Madhya might offer more of the text

for further clarification. Before I rip it to shreds, I'd like to be

absolutely certain that I understand Chaudhuri's arguments and can then

successfully offer an effective critique."






Was it offered, or was only the excerpt offered, with the words "What do

you all think of this?"






<excerpt>I am inclined to agree with Buddha and Shankara on most of the

major points of philosophic importance. However, I cannot accept their

unfortunate use of the words "unreal" and "illusory" as adjectives of

individuality or empirical personality. Individual, empirical existence

is no doubt transitory and evanescent. Whatever is temporal is certainly

mortal--destined to be dissolved in the unfathomable vastness of Being

sooner or later. But it was the unconscious, uncriticized, but

unwarrantable assumption that "whatever is impermanent is unreal" which

produced the world-negating attitude of these two great spiritual

masters." (Transpersonal Psychologies, pp 245-6)






Whether you are inclined to agree with them or not (opinions are like

as**oles, everybody has one), you are arguing with the spiritual

hypotheses of great masters, those that spent many, many years of Sadhana

and are generally recognized as being realized (many recognize Shankara

as an Avatar).



Also, there is no evidence NOT to support the assertion that the

impermanent is unreal. This is equally as valid a viewpoint as "The

impermanent is real," especially when looked at from a nondual

standpoint. Your inclination to agree or disagree has absolutely nothing

whatsoever to do with what the *truth of the matter* is.






Hari OM,









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