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Conflicting "Truths" of the God realized

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Dear Harsha

I put this observation / question of you as I have great respect

for your broad knowledge of spiritual matters.


having read Yoganandas "Autobiography of a YogiDivine Romance"

(beautiful books) and other noteworth spiritual people.

I find that there is disagreement on the topic of sex. Yogananda who

is the ideal devotee of God, in my view, says that it should just be

induldged in for the purpose of producing children. Many other Yogic

saints seem to be of the same opinion.

Osho who I asume was also God realised tells a different story as do

some others in the Tantric mould.

The trillogy "Conversations with God", which appeals to me as a very

common sense down to earth channeled "God", advocates Tantric

sexual/spiritual bliss as God given.


I assumed that when people became God realised they would know the

truth of everything and yet it appears that while they are agreed on

the main Truth that all are One the rest is influenced by their own

marital or non marital status.

Harsha could you please shed some light on this??


Also: (within a spiritual context)


Now I am at a major cross roads in my life having just lost my buisness.

(Freedom at last )

(1) I can stay with my wife who is a very volatile person but we are

fond of each other. ( I have been living at the buisness most of

the time to save money)

(2) I could find a place of my own having got used to my own company

and be celibate.

(3) I could look for a new partner who is on the spiritual path and

not be celibate.


I am attracted to Tantric as a spiritual expression of love The two

joined to become one with God, which I have never experienced, is as

I have said very attractive to me.

If one is going to make love it seems in order to dedicate this to

God also; after all He invented it and there would be nothing in

this world without it. It seems that in the past I have not had a

spiritual attitude in this area and I would like to worship the

Godess within another as well as having a partner who would be

prepared to look on the Shiva within me with similar respect.

I am open to all sugestions with understanding of the next statments.


(A) My most important desire is to do God's will.

(B) That if I do have a new reationship it is based on God first for

both of us.


Finally I have been married for tewnty years and my wife and I do

have a good relationship but we both now feel that the "soul

contract" is now up and while we can both continue to work together

doing Reiki, space is needed by both of us.



Sai Ram

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At 08:05 PM 6/6/99 +0100, you wrote:

>Chris Hughes <aird.house

> I am open to all sugestions with understanding of the next statments.


> (A) My most important desire is to do God's will.


YOU ARE GOD. Therefore, follow your heart.


With Love,





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The message <

from Tim Gerchmez <fewtch contains these words:


> Tim Gerchmez <fewtch

> At 08:05 PM 6/6/99 +0100, you wrote:

> >Chris Hughes <aird.house

> > I am open to all sugestions with understanding of the next statments.

> >

> > (A) My most important desire is to do God's will.

> YOU ARE GOD. Therefore, follow your heart.

> With Love,

> Tim


Dear Tim

thanks for the above and kind advice.

I know this is the Truth but I dont as yet have the experience of

THAT to back it up.

My heart is pulled by attatchment to my children It is very difficult

to know the highest choice.

If I was a fisher on the sea of Galille I would have laid down my net

and followed Jesus leaving all behind.

No doubt the answer will present it self to me in time.


Sai Ram


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Chris Hughes wrote:

> My heart is pulled by attatchment to my children It is very difficult

> to know the highest choice.

> If I was a fisher on the sea of Galille I would have laid down my net

> and followed Jesus leaving all behind.


That would have been too easy and

in itself could be an escape of sorts.


You have children?

I challenge you to make them more important than yourself.

> No doubt the answer will present it self to me in time.


Answer is here now.

Will you present yourself to it?



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The message <375C59A6.A3E5D604

from David Bozzi <david.bozzi contains these words:


> David Bozzi <david.bozzi

> Chris Hughes wrote:

> > My heart is pulled by attatchment to my children It is very difficult

> > to know the highest choice.

> > If I was a fisher on the sea of Galille I would have laid down my net

> > and followed Jesus leaving all behind.

> That would have been too easy and

> in itself could be an escape of sorts.


Very true David but its as well some followed Jesus.

Is not devotion to God an escape from the illusion of this world (Maya)

> You have children?

> I challenge you to make them more important than yourself.


A little story.

At the age of thirty I had to leave the children of my first

marriage I did this with great guilt and remorse but my wife of then

was a heavy drinker though not a problem drinker and I a recovering

alcholic would not have lived to tell this tale if I had remained in

that enviroment, having tried very hard to remain sober but each time

returning to the bottle and becoming suicidal as a result.

The Kids are now married and I a young Grand-father. They come see me

often and there is love between us. I gave away my daughter in

marriage and sat at the top table with ex wife and her partner who

became a good father to my children.

I have seen various clairvoyants who have all said the same thing "I

have many children,(young souls) though not of my seed, who need my

love. If they are to believed it would appear that I am a light

worker awaiting the wake up call in order to help people through

these difficult times. I did not look for this resposibility but life

seems to be evolving in this way.

Yogananda prayed thus. (Think it was him)

God help me to love you as much as you love me

Lord help me to love others as much as you love me.


I have experienced once the feeling of bliss when all were one to me

and I loved all others equally.

If I am not to be living with my children that does not mean that I

do not love them.

If I could give an example.

First there was one child and I loved that child.

Then there were twins and I loved them now there are two more and I

love them. There is no lessening of the love for the first beause of the fifth

Therefore the only limit to my love is my attitude; all are one.

> > No doubt the answer will present it self to me in time.

> Answer is here now.

> Will you present yourself to it?


there are more answers than questions at the moment David but I

apreciate the sincerity of your simplistic aproach.

> David



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Chris Hughes wrote:

> Very true David but its as well some followed Jesus.

> Is not devotion to God an escape from the illusion of this world (Maya)


Even devotion to god is part of the illusion. But, yes, true devotion has at



the purpose to transcend illusion. Illusion becomes transformed into the


of healing.

> I have seen various clairvoyants who have all said the same thing "I

> have many children,(young souls) though not of my seed, who need my

> love.


In essence, the world and everyone of it, is your (our) children.

Thank you for understanding the deeper level of what I had said. : )

> If they are to believed it would appear that I am a light

> worker awaiting the wake up call in order to help people through

> these difficult times. I did not look for this resposibility but life

> seems to be evolving in this way.


Aren't we all light workers in this dream together,

helping one another to the best of our understanding?

> Yogananda prayed thus. (Think it was him)

> God help me to love you as much as you love me

> Lord help me to love others as much as you love me.


I like that prayer. Very wise indeed.

> I have experienced once the feeling of bliss when all were one to me

> and I loved all others equally.

> If I am not to be living with my children that does not mean that I

> do not love them.


Of course.

> > Answer is here now.

> > Will you present yourself to it?


> there are more answers than questions at the moment David but I

> apreciate the sincerity of your simplistic aproach.


I'm glad. Complexity needs to be balanced with simplicity.


Take Care,


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