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Namaste Brothers and Sisters, Chris,et al.


As we well know the world is just an appearance on the Self, projected

by the Self. So bearing this in mind we must see the Atma in all

beings and act appropriately. There Are duties to perform, which in

itself relieves us from some decision making. So if your Dharma and

duty to family and children is still unfulfilled it is necessary to

complete it. However some things just cannot be fixed, and

discrimination is required to distinguish between attachment and Love.


the ultimate answer is saranagathi, surrender at the feet of the Lord

and leave all to him. How can one rewrite the play after it is started?

Adwaita can only be realised on Moksha, or at least Samadhi, all else

is an illusion. Sankara did say it is real whilst you are in it,,,Chant



Love Tony, I speak from my own experience.




Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri!


"God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

you have to give up identification with the body."

"There is only one Soul and that is God." Sai Baba.



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At 01:29 PM 6/8/99 -0700, Tony O'Clery wrote:


Later in your message, you say:

>How can one rewrite the play after it is started?


This is the answer to all your other questions. Because everything is part

of the play: whether duties are performed, whether anything gets fixed,

whether surrender happens. Even this mail message is part of the play.

Any recommendations, requirements, prescriptions, accomplishments, Samadhi,

etc. are all part of the play. Nisargadatta Maharaj used to speak of us as

food in the stomach, and said that the food can't change course once it's

in the digestive tract (something to that effect)....

> There Are duties to perform, which in

>itself relieves us from some decision making. So if your Dharma and

>duty to family and children is still unfulfilled it is necessary to

>complete it. However some things just cannot be fixed, and

>discrimination is required to distinguish between attachment and Love.


>the ultimate answer is saranagathi, surrender at the feet of the Lord

>and leave all to him. How can one rewrite the play after it is started?

> Adwaita can only be realised on Moksha, or at least Samadhi, all else

>is an illusion. Sankara did say it is real whilst you are in it,,,Chant


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The message <19990608202925.28596.rocketmail

from "Tony O'Clery" <aoclery contains these words:


> Tony O'Clery <aoclery


Dear as allways I appreciate your thoughts and am aware that I am an actor

in His play I only wish I had a chance to read the script before I

launched forth on to the stage. I appreciate that I probably had a

hand in the writing of my part then promptly forgot.

Speaking of which, where is my prompter lest I forget my part in the final act?

Smiling broadway. i call for the understudy.


Sai Ram


> Namaste Brothers and Sisters, Chris,et al.

> As we well know the world is just an appearance on the Self, projected

> by the Self. So bearing this in mind we must see the Atma in all

> beings and act appropriately. There Are duties to perform, which in

> itself relieves us from some decision making. So if your Dharma and

> duty to family and children is still unfulfilled it is necessary to

> complete it. However some things just cannot be fixed, and

> discrimination is required to distinguish between attachment and Love.

> the ultimate answer is saranagathi, surrender at the feet of the Lord

> and leave all to him. How can one rewrite the play after it is started?

> Adwaita can only be realised on Moksha, or at least Samadhi, all else

> is an illusion. Sankara did say it is real whilst you are in it,,,Chant

> Govinda!

> Love Tony, I speak from my own experience.


> ===

> Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri!

> "God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

> you have to give up identification with the body."

> "There is only one Soul and that is God." Sai Baba.

> _______


> Get your free @ address at


> ------

> What do lizards and rock music have in common?


> They both have communities at ONElist. Find yours today!

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> Tony O'Clery <aoclery


> the ultimate answer is saranagathi, surrender at the feet of the Lord

> and leave all to him. How can one rewrite the play after it is started?

> Adwaita can only be realised on Moksha, or at least Samadhi, all else

> is an illusion. Sankara did say it is real whilst you are in it,,,Chant

> Govinda!


There is nothing to rewrite; rather, there is to extricate. Perception has

an unconscious part that could be called automatic recorder. So all

impressions are present, like the knowledge that there is no self (as being

distinct from world and other selves), that self is "forced" upon one by the

merciless instincts or basic feelings and one ends up identifying with and

interpreting these instincts or basic feelings as something to will or to

desire; this starts up the endless score of desires. If one had to put up

with everything unknowingly acquired and nothing would happen, it would be

impossible to ever "arrive" at Moksha. The automatic recorder noted down

everything and without that, how would it be possible to recognize one's

real nature? By putting up with what has been unknowingly acquired, one will

be faced with the "original" feeling that caused the conditioning/automatic

response; quite a lot will happen when this "deconditioning" becomes a

process (Kundalini) that will even consume "virtues" and eventually this

process will burn itself out, leaving absolute freedom (Moksha) linked to a

living body without desire or passion.



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  • 2 years later...

l am faced with a very difficult situation here, and l'd like

feedback from anyone who feels they have something worth sharing. ln

a nutshell, my energy system has grown so sensitive in recent days

that l'm now apprehensive about even answering my door, my phone or

leaving my home.

When l returned to this list a few months ago l described how my

system had become more wired and sensitive ever since getting

acupuncture a year ago, and that as a result l'd asked the monks to

leave here in November. Things seemed to be improving until l let a

woman stay upstairs around xmas. l knew she did spiritual practice

but didn't think her energy was enough to cause a problem. After 4

days l knew otherwise and had her leave by the next day (after giving

her a large check), but by then the effect had taken root. Ever since

then, for 2 months, l've suffered from debilitating GI gas attacks

around the clock, making it extremely difficult to eat or sleep.

My feeling has been that my energy system is overstimulated and

that what it needs is time to cool down. The problem is, l keep

having random encounters that only increase the energy rather than

the reverse -- as time goes it seems to take less and less to

stimulate it. And with regard to 2 most recent events this week l'm

not even sure the other people had spiritual energy (so called).

Dear friend Jill from the list called me over 2 weeks ago in

order to try to be of help, but we both realized on the phone that we

could feel each other's energy, and as a result my symptoms were

exacerbated, which made me realize that phone contact could be risky

for me. Jill, if you're reading this, take comfort in the fact that

it was getting better last week when l had another encounter that

made things worse again. (l haven't emailed you directly out of

concern that even emails from you might stimulate things, altho l'm

not nearly as concerned about that as other things.)

Twice in the last 4 days l've had random, minimal encounters with

men that have made my system go bonkers. The most recent and strongest

was yesterday when l was getting a haircut. A guy walked into the

barbershop, and the reaction was so strong that l told the barber l

was feeling sick, paid him and walked out, even though he wasn't

finished. With both this guy and another guy on Friday, l don't know

anything about them, whether they had strong spiritual energy from

meditation, etc or whether it was something else that caused the

reactions. lt's getting to the point where just going anyplace where

there are people stimulates the energy and feels like a risky venture

in which l pray l don't run into anyone that triggers a major reaction

like the two l've just had.

l don't know what the effect of these recent encounters will be

on my system, beyond the havoc l've felt so far, but if history is any

guide the debilitating effects could last for a long time.

So l'm feeling very confused and apprehensive about this. Do l

have to virtually seal myself off, not answering the phone or the door

to strangers, hiring someone to go out and buy groceries for me,

hoping that at some point in the future it will be safe to leave here

and reconnect with the outside world? l told someone the other day

that l'm likely headed for either a breakthrough or a final demise,

or both. But that probly won't happen either. l'm not optimistic that

there's anything l can actually *do*, but l thought someone on the

list might have insight into this based on past experience.



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Hi Jerry,

Once i came across a Rosicrucian writing, stating that active

K. and acupuncture treatments are a recipe for disaster,

with the potential to disrupt the chakra system.

It was meant as a serious warning as no knowledge regarding

curing was (is?) known.

I don't know if that applies to you, as obviously the warning

is for those where K. awakening is the first sign of 'awakening'.

When K. is secondary, after apperception, no harm can be done.



On 2/20/02 at 5:47 PM GCWein1111 (AT) aol (DOT) com wrote:

Dear Harsha and Friends, l am faced with a very difficult

situation here, and l'd like feedback from anyone who feels they have

something worth sharing. ln a nutshell, my energy system has grown so

sensitive in recent days that l'm now apprehensive about even

answering my door, my phone or leaving my home. When l returned

to this list a few months ago l described how my system had become

more wired and sensitive ever since getting acupuncture a year ago,

and that as a result l'd asked the monks to leave here in November.

Things seemed to be improving until l let a woman stay upstairs

around xmas. l knew she did spiritual practice but didn't think her

energy was enough to cause a problem. After 4 days l knew otherwise

and had her leave by the next day (after giving her a large check),

but by then the effect had taken root. Ever since then, for 2 months,

l've suffered from debilitating GI gas attacks around the clock,

making it extremely difficult to eat or sleep. My feeling has

been that my energy system is overstimulated and that what it needs

is time to cool down. The problem is, l keep having random encounters

that only increase the energy rather than the reverse -- as time goes

it seems to take less and less to stimulate it. And with regard to 2

most recent events this week l'm not even sure the other people had

spiritual energy (so called). Dear friend Jill from the list

called me over 2 weeks ago in order to try to be of help, but we both

realized on the phone that we could feel each other's energy, and as a

result my symptoms were exacerbated, which made me realize that phone

contact could be risky for me. Jill, if you're reading this, take

comfort in the fact that it was getting better last week when l had

another encounter that made things worse again. (l haven't emailed

you directly out of concern that even emails from you might stimulate

things, altho l'm not nearly as concerned about that as other things.)

Twice in the last 4 days l've had random, minimal encounters with

men that have made my system go bonkers. The most recent and

strongest was yesterday when l was getting a haircut. A guy walked

into the barbershop, and the reaction was so strong that l told the

barber l was feeling sick, paid him and walked out, even though he

wasn't finished. With both this guy and another guy on Friday, l

don't know anything about them, whether they had strong spiritual

energy from meditation, etc or whether it was something else that

caused the reactions. lt's getting to the point where just going

anyplace where there are people stimulates the energy and feels like

a risky venture in which l pray l don't run into anyone that triggers

a major reaction like the two l've just had. l don't know what

the effect of these recent encounters will be on my system, beyond

the havoc l've felt so far, but if history is any guide the

debilitating effects could last for a long time. So l'm

feeling very confused and apprehensive about this. Do l have to

virtually seal myself off, not answering the phone or the door to

strangers, hiring someone to go out and buy groceries for me, hoping

that at some point in the future it will be safe to leave here and

reconnect with the outside world? l told someone the other day that

l'm likely headed for either a breakthrough or a final demise, or

both. But that probly won't happen either. l'm not optimistic that

there's anything l can actually *do*, but l thought someone on the

list might have insight into this based on past experience.



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10.0pt;font-family:Tahoma;color:blue;font-weight:bold">Dear Jerry,


Tahoma;color:blue;font-weight:bold">I am really sorry to hear what you are

going through and feel at a loss on what to say. It seems like when the energy

is stimulated (for whatever reason), you do not feel well and perhaps a sense

of anxiety and panic overcomes you and you feel you have to leave the situation

immediately to get relief. Anxiety and panic affect the energy and vice versa

and it can become a circle.


Tahoma;color:blue;font-weight:bold">One natural method that some use is to

simply stay with the unpleasant feeling and gradually increase the time of

staying with that feeling of panic. I am not a psychologist but there is an

actual name for that technique.


Tahoma;color:blue;font-weight:bold">Perhaps you can describe the symptoms in

more detail.


Tahoma;color:blue;font-weight:bold">Although I don’t know what to advise you, I

send you my love and friendship.







GCWein1111 (AT) aol (DOT) com

[GCWein1111 (AT) aol (DOT) com]

Wednesday, February 20, 2002

5:47 PM

Re: What

To Do?

Dear Harsha

and Friends,

l am faced with a very difficult situation here,

and l'd like feedback from anyone who feels they have something worth sharing.

ln a nutshell, my energy system has grown so sensitive in recent days that l'm

now apprehensive about even answering my door, my phone or leaving my home.

When l returned to this list a few months ago l

described how my system had become more wired and sensitive ever since getting

acupuncture a year ago, and that as a result l'd asked the monks to leave here

in November. Things seemed to be improving until l let a woman stay upstairs

around xmas. l knew she did spiritual practice but didn't think her energy was

enough to cause a problem. After 4 days l knew otherwise and had her leave by

the next day (after giving her a large check), but by then the effect had taken

root. Ever since then, for 2 months, l've suffered from debilitating GI gas

attacks around the clock, making it extremely difficult to eat or sleep.

My feeling has been that my energy system is

overstimulated and that what it needs is time to cool down. The problem is, l

keep having random encounters that only increase the energy rather than the

reverse -- as time goes it seems to take less and less to stimulate it. And

with regard to 2 most recent events this week l'm not even sure the other

people had spiritual energy (so called).

Dear friend Jill from the list called me over 2

weeks ago in order to try to be of help, but we both realized on the phone that

we could feel each other's energy, and as a result my symptoms were

exacerbated, which made me realize that phone contact could be risky for me.

Jill, if you're reading this, take comfort in the fact that it was getting

better last week when l had another encounter that made things worse again. (l

haven't emailed you directly out of concern that even emails from you might

stimulate things, altho l'm not nearly as concerned about that as other


Twice in the last 4 days l've had random, minimal

encounters with men that have made my system go bonkers. The most recent and

strongest was yesterday when l was getting a haircut. A guy walked into the barbershop,

and the reaction was so strong that l told the barber l was feeling sick, paid

him and walked out, even though he wasn't finished. With both this guy and

another guy on Friday, l don't know anything about them, whether they had

strong spiritual energy from meditation, etc or whether it was something else

that caused the reactions. lt's getting to the point where just going anyplace

where there are people stimulates the energy and feels like a risky venture in

which l pray l don't run into anyone that triggers a major reaction like the

two l've just had.

l don't know what the effect of these

recent encounters will be on my system, beyond the havoc l've felt so far, but

if history is any guide the debilitating effects could last for a long time.

So l'm feeling very confused and

apprehensive about this. Do l have to virtually seal myself off, not answering

the phone or the door to strangers, hiring someone to go out and buy groceries

for me, hoping that at some point in the future it will be safe to leave here

and reconnect with the outside world? l told someone the other day that

l'm likely headed for either a breakthrough or a final demise, or both. But

that probly won't happen either. l'm not optimistic that there's anything l can

actually *do*, but l thought someone on the list might have insight into this

based on past experience.





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, GCWein1111@a... wrote:

> Dear Harsha and Friends,


Dear Jerry,


Like all your friends here, I feel deeply for what you're going

through. I have no answers that could help, just my love and concern

for you. I read a book by Irena Tweedie called "Daughter of Fire,"

and she went through similar devastating experiences when K arose.

She did something like Harshaji spoke of. She let it run the gamut

with her. She had nothing to do, nowhere to go to alleviate the

suffering, so she just endured, like you are, for a long, for a

looong time. She felt she was dying, being burnt to a crisp. What a

thing to go through! You are a brave and valiant pilgrim! I wonder

why some go through such devastation and others, like Jan, do not.

What's the deal with that? I have a strange occurence that happens to

me whenever I see someone get physically or emotionally wounded. My

spine feels like it's splitting open with fire. It's excruciating.

Thank God it lifts within a minute of happening. Dear Jerrysan, if

only you could shift it to all your friends to share with you.

Perhaps in some small measure you are by sharing it with us here.

I feel for you and hope that soon, someway this finds a lifting into

freedom from having to endure something so difficult. Peace to you my






> l am faced with a very difficult situation here, and l'd like


> from anyone who feels they have something worth sharing. ln a

nutshell, my

> energy system has grown so sensitive in recent days that l'm now


> about even answering my door, my phone or leaving my home.


> When l returned to this list a few months ago l described how

my system

> had become more wired and sensitive ever since getting acupuncture

a year

> ago, and that as a result l'd asked the monks to leave here in


> Things seemed to be improving until l let a woman stay upstairs

around xmas.

> l knew she did spiritual practice but didn't think her energy was

enough to

> cause a problem. After 4 days l knew otherwise and had her leave by

the next

> day (after giving her a large check), but by then the effect had

taken root.

> Ever since then, for 2 months, l've suffered from debilitating GI

gas attacks

> around the clock, making it extremely difficult to eat or sleep.


> My feeling has been that my energy system is overstimulated

and that

> what it needs is time to cool down. The problem is, l keep having


> encounters that only increase the energy rather than the reverse --

as time

> goes it seems to take less and less to stimulate it. And with

regard to 2

> most recent events this week l'm not even sure the other people had


> energy (so called).


> Dear friend Jill from the list called me over 2 weeks ago in

order to

> try to be of help, but we both realized on the phone that we could

feel each

> other's energy, and as a result my symptoms were exacerbated, which

made me

> realize that phone contact could be risky for me. Jill, if you're


> this, take comfort in the fact that it was getting better last week

when l

> had another encounter that made things worse again. (l haven't

emailed you

> directly out of concern that even emails from you might stimulate


> altho l'm not nearly as concerned about that as other things.)


> Twice in the last 4 days l've had random, minimal encounters

with men

> that have made my system go bonkers. The most recent and strongest


> yesterday when l was getting a haircut. A guy walked into the

barbershop, and

> the reaction was so strong that l told the barber l was feeling

sick, paid

> him and walked out, even though he wasn't finished. With both this

guy and

> another guy on Friday, l don't know anything about them, whether

they had

> strong spiritual energy from meditation, etc or whether it was

something else

> that caused the reactions. lt's getting to the point where just


> anyplace where there are people stimulates the energy and feels

like a risky

> venture in which l pray l don't run into anyone that triggers a


> reaction like the two l've just had.


> l don't know what the effect of these recent encounters will

be on my

> system, beyond the havoc l've felt so far, but if history is any

guide the

> debilitating effects could last for a long time.


> So l'm feeling very confused and apprehensive about this.

Do l have

> to virtually seal myself off, not answering the phone or the door


> strangers, hiring someone to go out and buy groceries for me,

hoping that at

> some point in the future it will be safe to leave here and

reconnect with the

> outside world? l told someone the other day that l'm likely headed


> either a breakthrough or a final demise, or both. But that probly


> happen either. l'm not optimistic that there's anything l can

actually *do*,

> but l thought someone on the list might have insight into this

based on past

> experience.


> love,

> jerry

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Harsha wrote:







am really sorry to hear what you are going through and feel at a loss on

what to say. It seems like when the energy is stimulated (for whatever

reason), you do not feel well and perhaps a sense of anxiety and panic

overcomes you and you feel you have to leave the situation immediately

to get relief. Anxiety and panic affect the energy and vice versa and it

can become a circle.



natural method that some use is to simply stay with the unpleasant feeling

and gradually increase the time of staying with that feeling of panic.

I am not a psychologist but there is an actual name for that technique.



you can describe the symptoms in more detail.



I don’t know what to advise you, I send you my love and friendship.




Harsha, Jerry sounds like he's in a lot of pain,

pardon my ignorance but what is kundalini

and how does it cause this. Sounds like something

to be avoided at all costs.



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Dear Mazie,


There is a simple reason why i didn't have any problems with K., but

instead, lots of joy and laughter.


I wasn't a seeker and unfamiliar with anything spiritual.

When i caused an action to fail, the realization dawned

that not only i was to blame for that, but that there was

nothing giving unconditional happiness, just fleeting

pleasures and their inseparable mates, pains.


So the decision to leave life was easy but i was restored to

it, much to my dismay as it interrupted an NDE of the most

sublime peace i (at that time) had met.


That knowledge, plus the results of the reflections leading

to the decision to leave life, by themselves caused a

deconditioning resulting in apperception.

Not having been 'filled up' by belief systems made it awesome.


Reflecting deeply on the incomprehensibility of the event hence ignoring

interfering feelings, led to a K. awakening. Knowing

to have taken leave of life already, transformed whatever

could be interpreted as 'scary' as if by magic into entertainment,

causing roars of laughter. Hence, no 'blocks' whatsoever to the life-force.


Only much later i came across the Kathopanishad

which was a nice summary of the essentials:

apperception (Self-realization) first, then the sacred fire (K.):

The 2 essential boons bestowed by Lord Yama, and the sequence

matters a lot.






On 2/21/02 at 2:35 AM mazie_l wrote:


º, GCWein1111@a... wrote:

º> Dear Harsha and Friends,


ºDear Jerry,


ºLike all your friends here, I feel deeply for what you're going

ºthrough. I have no answers that could help, just my love and concern

ºfor you. I read a book by Irena Tweedie called "Daughter of Fire,"

ºand she went through similar devastating experiences when K arose.

ºShe did something like Harshaji spoke of. She let it run the gamut

ºwith her. She had nothing to do, nowhere to go to alleviate the

ºsuffering, so she just endured, like you are, for a long, for a

ºlooong time. She felt she was dying, being burnt to a crisp. What a

ºthing to go through! You are a brave and valiant pilgrim! I wonder

ºwhy some go through such devastation and others, like Jan, do not.

ºWhat's the deal with that? I have a strange occurence that happens to

ºme whenever I see someone get physically or emotionally wounded. My

ºspine feels like it's splitting open with fire. It's excruciating.

ºThank God it lifts within a minute of happening. Dear Jerrysan, if

ºonly you could shift it to all your friends to share with you.

ºPerhaps in some small measure you are by sharing it with us here.

ºI feel for you and hope that soon, someway this finds a lifting into

ºfreedom from having to endure something so difficult. Peace to you my







º> l am faced with a very difficult situation here, and l'd like


º> from anyone who feels they have something worth sharing. ln a

ºnutshell, my

º> energy system has grown so sensitive in recent days that l'm now


º> about even answering my door, my phone or leaving my home.


º> When l returned to this list a few months ago l described how

ºmy system

º> had become more wired and sensitive ever since getting acupuncture

ºa year

º> ago, and that as a result l'd asked the monks to leave here in


º> Things seemed to be improving until l let a woman stay upstairs

ºaround xmas.

º> l knew she did spiritual practice but didn't think her energy was

ºenough to

º> cause a problem. After 4 days l knew otherwise and had her leave by

ºthe next

º> day (after giving her a large check), but by then the effect had

ºtaken root.

º> Ever since then, for 2 months, l've suffered from debilitating GI

ºgas attacks

º> around the clock, making it extremely difficult to eat or sleep.


º> My feeling has been that my energy system is overstimulated

ºand that

º> what it needs is time to cool down. The problem is, l keep having


º> encounters that only increase the energy rather than the reverse --

ºas time

º> goes it seems to take less and less to stimulate it. And with

ºregard to 2

º> most recent events this week l'm not even sure the other people had


º> energy (so called).


º> Dear friend Jill from the list called me over 2 weeks ago in

ºorder to

º> try to be of help, but we both realized on the phone that we could

ºfeel each

º> other's energy, and as a result my symptoms were exacerbated, which

ºmade me

º> realize that phone contact could be risky for me. Jill, if you're


º> this, take comfort in the fact that it was getting better last week

ºwhen l

º> had another encounter that made things worse again. (l haven't

ºemailed you

º> directly out of concern that even emails from you might stimulate


º> altho l'm not nearly as concerned about that as other things.)


º> Twice in the last 4 days l've had random, minimal encounters

ºwith men

º> that have made my system go bonkers. The most recent and strongest


º> yesterday when l was getting a haircut. A guy walked into the

ºbarbershop, and

º> the reaction was so strong that l told the barber l was feeling

ºsick, paid

º> him and walked out, even though he wasn't finished. With both this

ºguy and

º> another guy on Friday, l don't know anything about them, whether

ºthey had

º> strong spiritual energy from meditation, etc or whether it was

ºsomething else

º> that caused the reactions. lt's getting to the point where just


º> anyplace where there are people stimulates the energy and feels

ºlike a risky

º> venture in which l pray l don't run into anyone that triggers a


º> reaction like the two l've just had.


º> l don't know what the effect of these recent encounters will

ºbe on my

º> system, beyond the havoc l've felt so far, but if history is any

ºguide the

º> debilitating effects could last for a long time.


º> So l'm feeling very confused and apprehensive about this.

ºDo l have

º> to virtually seal myself off, not answering the phone or the door


º> strangers, hiring someone to go out and buy groceries for me,

ºhoping that at

º> some point in the future it will be safe to leave here and

ºreconnect with the

º> outside world? l told someone the other day that l'm likely headed


º> either a breakthrough or a final demise, or both. But that probly


º> happen either. l'm not optimistic that there's anything l can

ºactually *do*,

º> but l thought someone on the list might have insight into this

ºbased on past

º> experience.


º> love,

º> jerry










ºAll paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

ºperceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and

ºsubside back into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not

ºdifferent than the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the

ºnature of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present.

ºIt is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

ºFinality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

ºSelf-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self. Welcome

ºall to a.




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Dear Jerry:


This problem of yours sounds quite devastating. But it sounds like a

reaction of the body-mind. It may be possible to use a form of self

hypnosis to conquer the symptoms.


I am not a clinician but I do have personal experience in eliminating

unwanted tendencies in myself. If you are interested this is one of

the techniques I use.


What I do is dwell in my heart and bring to mind the experience or

feeling that I want to eliminate. I visualize pulling it from my

being with great deliberation, force, and thoroughness, pulling out

all its tentacles, balling it up, and hurling it with every ounce of

emotionally energy I have (sometimes grunting or yelling when I throw

it). It breaks out of the earth's gravitational pull, out into the

solar system where I imagine it to whip around the planets to pick up

momentum getting faster and faster until my attention cannot handle

the stress and I focus tightly on it as it shoots into the sun. It

explodes and an enormous wind from the explosion passes through me

blowing the residual ash of the tendency out of me. A sigh comes

when this is completed. Then I mentally recall the thing I just

destroyed and believe that it is gone. Then I forget about it (this

is crucial to believing it is gone).


The main ingredient is to believe it works. Believe that the

tendency is gone and forget about it. If the fear it will happen

again comes back do the technique again. It takes me about five

minutes to do it each time. For me it operates like magic. If it

holds off the attack at all the first time it will probably work

better the next and so on.


If it is possible to do this or something similar at the onset of the

feeling, the successful completion of the technique will overcome

whatever reaction your system was about to have. I used this to

erase great fatigue, and eliminate samskaras. I never tried to

eliminate disease or physical illness.


I wish I could tell you how much this has helped me in the last three

years. I suppose the technique came out of my belief that in the

mental world what one REALLY believes is happening to oneself is what



I have enjoyed your posts greatly since you came back to this list.

Take care and get well.



Bobby G.

> Dear Harsha and Friends,


> l am faced with a very difficult situation here, and l'd like


> from anyone who feels they have something worth sharing. ln a

nutshell, my

> energy system has grown so sensitive in recent days that l'm now


> about even answering my door, my phone or leaving my home.


> When l returned to this list a few months ago l described how

my system

> had become more wired and sensitive ever since getting acupuncture

a year

> ago, and that as a result l'd asked the monks to leave here in


> Things seemed to be improving until l let a woman stay upstairs

around xmas.

> l knew she did spiritual practice but didn't think her energy was

enough to

> cause a problem. After 4 days l knew otherwise and had her leave by

the next

> day (after giving her a large check), but by then the effect had

taken root.

> Ever since then, for 2 months, l've suffered from debilitating GI

gas attacks

> around the clock, making it extremely difficult to eat or sleep.


> My feeling has been that my energy system is overstimulated

and that

> what it needs is time to cool down. The problem is, l keep having


> encounters that only increase the energy rather than the reverse --

as time

> goes it seems to take less and less to stimulate it. And with

regard to 2

> most recent events this week l'm not even sure the other people had


> energy (so called).


> Dear friend Jill from the list called me over 2 weeks ago in

order to

> try to be of help, but we both realized on the phone that we could

feel each

> other's energy, and as a result my symptoms were exacerbated, which

made me

> realize that phone contact could be risky for me. Jill, if you're


> this, take comfort in the fact that it was getting better last week

when l

> had another encounter that made things worse again. (l haven't

emailed you

> directly out of concern that even emails from you might stimulate


> altho l'm not nearly as concerned about that as other things.)


> Twice in the last 4 days l've had random, minimal encounters

with men

> that have made my system go bonkers. The most recent and strongest


> yesterday when l was getting a haircut. A guy walked into the

barbershop, and

> the reaction was so strong that l told the barber l was feeling

sick, paid

> him and walked out, even though he wasn't finished. With both this

guy and

> another guy on Friday, l don't know anything about them, whether

they had

> strong spiritual energy from meditation, etc or whether it was

something else

> that caused the reactions. lt's getting to the point where just


> anyplace where there are people stimulates the energy and feels

like a risky

> venture in which l pray l don't run into anyone that triggers a


> reaction like the two l've just had.


> l don't know what the effect of these recent encounters will

be on my

> system, beyond the havoc l've felt so far, but if history is any

guide the

> debilitating effects could last for a long time.


> So l'm feeling very confused and apprehensive about this.

Do l have

> to virtually seal myself off, not answering the phone or the door


> strangers, hiring someone to go out and buy groceries for me,

hoping that at

> some point in the future it will be safe to leave here and

reconnect with the

> outside world? l told someone the other day that l'm likely headed


> either a breakthrough or a final demise, or both. But that probly


> happen either. l'm not optimistic that there's anything l can

actually *do*,

> but l thought someone on the list might have insight into this

based on past

> experience.


> love,

> jerry

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Once i came across a Rosicrucian writing, stating that active

K. and acupuncture treatments are a recipe for disaster,

with the potential to disrupt the chakra system.

Hi Jan,

Why is it we always get these warnings when it's too late? :)

God knows, my reaction so far qualifies as a huge disaster -- total

disruption of the chakra system sounds like what's happened -- but

l'm still hoping it's something else. l think it depends a great deal

on the skill of the acupuncturist and on what is done. l'd had

acupuncture previously with very little effect, but the guy last year

stuck needles in everywhere, much more than l'd expected, which made

me feel uneasy from the beginning. l realized afterward that this guy

didn't have nearly enough skill to work with someone in my situation.

l needed some Chinese master , not a western neophyte.



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Jerry -- I, too, feel so sad that you have to go through this and somewhat

helpless to give you any advice because I know how many avenues you've

already tried. On the outside chance you haven't gone this route, you might

consider seeing a specialist in environmental medicine. These physicians are

experts on how the body attempts to defend itself against external toxins

(including food), often to the great misery of the owner of the body. They

are extremely knowledgeable about both the immune system and about the

gastrointestinal system (especially good vs. bad bacteria) and often have

good results with intractable problems like CFS and autoimmune diseases where

other forms of medicine fail. I saw such a specialist in Santa Fe who helped

me enormously with life-long arthritis and I could give you his name if you

like -- he'd likely know somebody in your area. Love, Holly

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, "texasbg2000" <bgbbyg@a...> wrote:

> I wish I could tell you how much this has helped me in the last

> three years. I suppose the technique came out of my belief that in

> the mental world what one REALLY believes is happening to oneself

> is what happens.


That's true -- and also why, when (through surrender) beliefs drop

off, "nothing is happening" anymore. "Oneself" is also a belief,

the "external" world is a collection of beliefs and imaginings.


It isn't possible to "get rid of" beliefs -- and disbelief isn't the

answer either :-). Beyond that is surrender, the 'golden key'. No

hope or hopelessness required.





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Dear Jerry:

This problem of yours sounds quite devastating. But it sounds like a

reaction of the body-mind. It may be possible to use a form of self

hypnosis to conquer the symptoms.

Dear Bobby G,

Thank you for your comments and best wishes. Your technique

sounds quite extraordinary and it's wonderful that you've been able

to use it so successfully. Regarding my situation, l do not feel that

it is a body- mind reaction, but rather that it is very much an

energy thing that is having consequences in the body. l also don't

believe there's anything that can be done with the conscious mind to

correct it. ln addition to my own experience, l've had this confirmed

to me by highly gifted teachers, intuitives and healers whose opinions

l respect. l also am extremely cautious and limited in performing any

kind of visualization or exercise, as these invariably have the

effect of overly stimulating the energy. l may keep your post anyway,

as your technique could be useful in the future for other purposes.



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Jerry -- I, too, feel so sad that you have to go through this and somewhat

helpless to give you any advice because I know how many avenues you've

already tried. On the outside chance you haven't gone this route, you might

consider seeing a specialist in environmental medicine. These physicians are

experts on how the body attempts to defend itself against external toxins

(including food), often to the great misery of the owner of the body. They

are extremely knowledgeable about both the immune system and about the

gastrointestinal system (especially good vs. bad bacteria) and often have

good results with intractable problems like CFS and autoimmune diseases where

other forms of medicine fail. I saw such a specialist in Santa Fe who helped

me enormously with life-long arthritis and I could give you his name if you

like -- he'd likely know somebody in your area. Love, Holly

Hi Holly,

Thank you so much for your expression of concern. Doubt if l'll

consult an environmental specialist though. Don't be offended. :)

First, l just don't think it is relevant to my problem. Equally

important, in recent years l've avoided doctors like the plague. lt

never used to be that way -- l come from a family of doctors and

nearly became one myself. But my situation is so off the chart now

that, as you know, very few doctors could begin to fathom any of it.

The other thing is that the energy has changed my system such that

there is hardly any drug or medicine l can take anymore, and without

drugs doctors are usually left with nothing to do. Fortunately, my

best friend here is a doctor (he and l went through premed together

eons ago) -- he's been so helpful, just being there and giving me

feedback and advice every time l think l'm about to die from this

shit. He agrees l have no business seeing a doctor. The guy who

performed the acupuncture on me last year was himself an excellent

doctor -- he also told me l shouldn't go near a doctor, but then he

also told me he could help me with acupuncture..... Like you said,

l've tried so many things. And virtually every single one of them

only made me worse. lt is helpful to hear words of support from you

and the others.



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Dear Tim:

>"Oneself" is also a belief,

> the "external" world is a collection of beliefs and imaginings.


Exactly. That would be the observer and the observed. As "Oneself"

is a belief the act of observing must be a belief. It is the

interactions of the beliefs that can be dealt with in the mind by the

belief that it can be done. The belief it can't be done is self



> It isn't possible to "get rid of" beliefs -- and disbelief isn't

the answer either :-).


This shoots a hole in religion AND atheism.

>Beyond that is surrender, the 'golden key'. No hope or hopelessness



The grace is always there for surrender.

I wonder if the referent for the word surrender is understood at the

moment of surrender.

> Namaste,

> Tim



Bobby G.

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Dear Jerrysan,

I am so sorry that you have to suffer so much. Like all of the other friends

here, I would love to help, but unfortunately I do not feel really qualified

to give any advice because I have never had any such problems with K. All I

can do is tell you about some of the traditions of my own path; perhaps you

might find at least some of it helpful.

Paramahansa Yogananda placed great importance on a healthful and vegetarian

diet. He spoke highly of the vibratory power of raw food such as spinach

leaves, fruits, nuts, avocados, etc., and said that yogis would find a raw

food diet beneficial, and should follow it religiously. He used to say that

the nerves must be strong and healthy to stand the divine currents, or else

there would be a severe danger of burnout. The "Energization Exercises" and

some breathing exercises he taught also serve that same purpose.

One other point that is stressed on the Kriya path - the divine currents

have to run in the proper channels. They can do much harm when they don't.

You have probably read Gopi Krishna's books where this phenomenon is

described. Some of his symptoms were quite similar to yours.

Here is something you might try - many times a day, if found helpful. Take

an ice cube, hold it with a pair of tongs or a thick glove, and run that ice

cube from the base of the spine, along your spine and skull, over the

forehead to the point between the eyebrows. Repeat several times. This might

help to keep the energy in check.

Lastly, there is the power of prayer. As you are no doubt aware, devotion

and love for God raises the vibrations of the nadis and chakras to a higher

level, making them better able to withstand these energies.

Well, dear Jerrysan, that's all I can think of at the moment. My prayers and

sincerest good wishes for you well-being go to you.

In loving friendship,


Hi Michael,

Thank you for these comments which are sincerely

appreciated. After a long, difficult and frustrating journey on the k

path, l have been forced to conclude there is no such thing as an

expert whose advice is appropriate for everyone, so you're in good

company. Your modesty does you credit.

Because of the effect of the energy on my stomach for many

years now, l have been forced to eat primarily cooked foods -- my

system can't handle raw foods. But just to show you how opinions

differ, a reknowned swami from Rishikesh who's supposed to be quite

an expert on k told me years ago that the diet he prescribed for his

k yogis consisted almost totally of cooked foods and he advised

against a raw foods diet. l don't know who's right other than what

has been appropriate for me. Aside from that, l've been on an

extremely healthy vegetarian diet for 25 years now, although the

effects of k have prevented me from following my former diet as l'd

like to.

l got a lengthy consultation with this swami, and overall his

diagnosis made sense to me. He said l had a healthy rising through

Sushumna -- that this had occurred in a past life and that l was born

with a classic throat chakra blockage -- that the spiritual practice l

did in my 40's activated the previously risen k. He said that l never

would have had problems but for the fact that l'd gotten poor

guidance from the teachers l'd seen, and he said that with time my

problems should resolve themselves, so long as l avoided doing

anything further to worsen the problem. Unfortunately, l think the

acupuncture did just that.

Thank you for your prayers. Light but fervent prayer is about

all l feel l can do myself.



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fewtch wrote:


> , "texasbg2000" <bgbbyg@a...> wrote:


> > I wish I could tell you how much this has helped me in the last

> > three years. I suppose the technique came out of my belief that in

> > the mental world what one REALLY believes is happening to oneself

> > is what happens.


> That's true -- and also why, when (through surrender) beliefs drop

> off, "nothing is happening" anymore. "Oneself" is also a belief,

> the "external" world is a collection of beliefs and imaginings.


> It isn't possible to "get rid of" beliefs -- and disbelief isn't the

> answer either :-). Beyond that is surrender, the 'golden key'. No

> hope or hopelessness required.


> Namaste,


> Tim



I don't remember who once said "reality is what doesn't go away when you stop

believing in it."



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On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 18:02:23 -0400 andrew macnab

<a.macnab writes:

> fewtch wrote:

> >

> > , "texasbg2000" <bgbbyg@a...> wrote:

> >

> > > I wish I could tell you how much this has helped me in the last

> > > three years. I suppose the technique came out of my belief that

> in

> > > the mental world what one REALLY believes is happening to

> oneself

> > > is what happens.

> >

> > That's true -- and also why, when (through surrender) beliefs

> drop

> > off, "nothing is happening" anymore. "Oneself" is also a belief,

> > the "external" world is a collection of beliefs and imaginings.

> >

> > It isn't possible to "get rid of" beliefs -- and disbelief isn't

> the

> > answer either :-). Beyond that is surrender, the 'golden key'.

> No

> > hope or hopelessness required.

> >

> > Namaste,

> >

> > Tim

> >


> I don't remember who once said "reality is what doesn't go away when

> you stop believing in it."


Eccentric science fiction

genius Phillip K. Dick.

Ironically, Dick was

apparently mentally ill

-- his personal demons

never quite went away.










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On 2/21/02 at 12:17 PM GCWein1111 (AT) aol (DOT) com wrote:

In a message dated 2/20/02 4:36:27 PM Pacific Standard Time, janb (AT) axarnet (DOT) com writes:

Once i came across a Rosicrucian writing, stating that activeK. and

acupuncture treatments are a recipe for disaster,with the potential

to disrupt the chakra system.

Hi Jan, Why is it we always get these warnings when it's

too late? :) God knows, my reaction so far qualifies as a huge

disaster -- total disruption of the chakra system sounds like what's

happened -- but l'm still hoping it's something else. l think it

depends a great deal on the skill of the acupuncturist and on what is

done. l'd had acupuncture previously with very little effect, but the

guy last year stuck needles in everywhere, much more than l'd

expected, which made me feel uneasy from the beginning. l realized

afterward that this guy didn't have nearly enough skill to work with

someone in my situation. l needed some Chinese master , not a western


Hi Jerry,

Quite often, it isn't too late but a warning to be more cautious

(aware). A phenomenon not mentioned in 'ordinary' acupuncture

practice is the possibility of transferring what are called 'auric

components' from

the healer to the patient. Hence the requirement to be selective regarding the choice of healers.

And indeed it is likely, the third center is most involved as it is notorious for making trouble.

That moods strongly influence both appetite and digestion is well known too.

The mind-body has strong powers of recuperation but they only reveal when triggered.

For the body that is called fasting and for the mind, self-surrender although a borderline

between the two can't be drawn. Perhaps you can find an acupuncturist with knowledge

of K., as such a one could know how to deal with your problem by experience..



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