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the Goddess is here

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Hello everyone,

I am new to this list and the reason I suscribed is, that I wanted to

let you know of the living walking Goddess that is here with us. Her name is

Mata Amritanandamayi, She is from a hindue background, but she is embraced

by people of all faiths. Rather it is she who embraces people of all faiths,

Evey day for the past few decades she has spent everymoment serving the

people of the world,

She gives her blessings to all that come to her, she sits in a chair and

hugs each and everyone that comes to her. I have sat and watched her hug

more then 17 thousand people in one sitting, with the same smile and power

radiating from her, and after a few hours break between programs begin again

and bless another 10 thousand people, Of course these size crowds have not

yet formed in the west these are the programs in india. Many people beleive

her to be a divine incarnation come to uplift humanity. Many people see her

as Kali the goddess who destroys our ignorance and returns us to our true

divine nature, Others see reflected in her the love and compassion of

buddha,jesus,krishna,mary,GOD,light,love, and peace.


All I can say is until I met the goddess in human form there wasnt much

point in life. The bliss and love that I have felt in the precense of this

great being is absoulutely undiscribable, It is complete ecstacy,pure divine

love. Have you ever been completly in love with another person, you know

that feeling when you are with them after being seperated for sometime, How

time seems to stop and you want that moment to never end, you are perfectly

content to just be with that person in that powerful energy of love, Well

multiply that by a thousandfold and that comes a little closer to the

feeling I and millions of others around the world have felt in the presance

of this divine saint. Please do not beleive anything I say you must (If you

havent allready) go and experiance mother for yourself. Everyones experiance

will be unique, You may not even feel a difference but I tell you this

truthfully I have seen many grown men walk away with tears of complete joy

running down there face, and women and children also who refuse to leave her


The reason I send this mail to you is, I have discovered, or rather it

is she who has discovered me, the Divine embodiment of love walking here

with ud today and I want all to share this, for we are all one, you are a

part of me and I of you, Each one of us who takes one step closer to the

light and truth is taking a step for all of us.


there is no catch involved with this if you go and see her there isnt

going to be anyone at the door collecting money, in fact all of her public

programs are free and there is no one trying to get you to join an

organization. In fact there is no organization to join in fact sometimes the

programs are rather unorganized (hee hee hee) So if you do come to see her

please bring your heart and some patience, All the workers are volunteers

and are sometimes a bit tired, trying to keep up with the divine mother who

never stops her work can be a bit immpossible, seens how she barely ever

sleeps if she does at all.

The miricales I have experianced and seen in her divine presence

are amazing, but the greatest miricacle I have felt and seen in others is

the way she is opening everyone to pure Love, even the hardest of egos I

have seen her love melt.

The compassion of mother is boundless she accepts all that come to her

seeing us as part of herself, SO please no matter who you are I promise her

unconditional love will flow to you and if you allow yourself to open to it,

you will be set free. Every saint was a sinner and evey sinner will be a

saint, is a saying I think of once in a while.

So if you are interested in seeing mother all her tour info and some of

who she is can be obtained at her web site WWW.AMMACHI.ORG

She has just begun her U.S.A tour, starting in seattle and she will work her

way to boston. SO for her current schedule check out her web pageOur time in

life is short we should use it to attain the highest, we are all divine

beings, our true nature is Love,Light,Bliss(god), we should use this life to

realize this and become enternaly free, This is the person the Goddess amma

has come to bring us home to the place we all have come, It is time to

awaken from this illusory dream that is filled with suffering and return to

where we all have come. Mother has not come here to say look at me I am god

and you are not, she has come to show us through her example what we all

will be, In truth We are no different then her, we have just forgotten and

she is here to remind us of the way home that we forgot somewhere along the

way. It is time my brothers and sisters lets return to the source.


I do not plan to stay suscribed to this list because I allready receive

to many other mails, so unfortunately I will not see the results of this

message. but if anyone would like to reply or ask questions or just say hi

My E-mail is Amriteshw


I send my love to all of the children of the divine, Welcome Home to who

you truly are.


Love,peace, and Light






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