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FW: [NondualitySalon] Deconstructing the Mountain.

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"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar

<NondualitySalon >, < >

Re: [NondualitySalon] Deconstructing the Mountain.

Thu, Jun 10, 1999, 10:12 AM




Harsha: Thanks for this Jerry. I was thinking about the notion of mountains

a few hours ago but not the mist angle. So let us boil this down Jerry. I

don't climb mountains, and I don't see mist, and I don't see mountains. I am

the Mountain. And I have swallowed the Whole Mountain. Don't ask me how

:--). In fact, earlier today in my short morning walk such thoughts were

passing through me. I don't experience enlightenment. I am Enlightenment. I

am not steadfast in any wisdom, or any spiritual state of clarity. I am It

Self the Supreme Clarity. I am the laughter of the Universe, rippling

through everywhere (especially in my office). I am the Silence of the

Essence. I am the Heavenly Embrace. My Smile is Whole, Perfect, Complete and

Everywhere. I am going to go have a salad now. Now which salad dressing?





Enjoy the dressing--whichever you choose, it will also be YOU! You'll be

eating the salad of yourself dressed by yourself as dressing!


Of course, really, you are not you, Harshaji--you are ME! Yes, it is true!

I am everyone and everything! This is all M



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Harsha: Thanks for this Jerry. I was thinking about the notion of mountains

a few hours ago but not the mist angle. So let us boil this down Jerry. I

don't climb mountains, and I don't see mist, and I don't see mountains. I am

the Mountain. And I have swallowed the Whole Mountain. Don't ask me how

:--). In fact, earlier today in my short morning walk such thoughts were

passing through me. I don't experience enlightenment. I am Enlightenment. I

am not steadfast in any wisdom, or any spiritual state of clarity. I am It

Self the Supreme Clarity. I am the laughter of the Universe, rippling

through everywhere (especially in my office). I am the Silence of the

Essence. I am the Heavenly Embrace. My Smile is Whole, Perfect, Complete and

Everywhere. I am going to go have a salad now. Now which salad dressing?





Enjoy the dressing--whichever you choose, it will also be YOU! You'll be

eating the salad of yourself dressed by yourself as dressing!





Harsha: Thank you Madhyaji. That is a point of view. I do not hold on to any

point of views, except the ones that I hold on to. To truly enjoy a Salad in

its original essence, it should be eaten as it is. Adding the dressing

changes the taste. The taste is not less enjoyable but it is different. So I

often ponder; which dressing? Which taste? Too many layers of dressing can

be confusing so the taste of the original food is not recognized. To See the

Self, perhaps one has to become interested in undressing. All the different

paths are only about undressing. Undressing so that the Essential Naked

Being is Recognized as the Supreme Clarity It Self. How one undresses is

left to one's own preferences.

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>"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar

>< >

>Re: FW: [NondualitySalon]

Deconstructing the Mountain.

>Thu, Jun 10, 1999, 11:32 AM


>All the different

>paths are only about undressing.





"All the different paths...?" Why must I undress to recognize that I am

fully clothed? Can't I just look around myself, recognize that everything

everywhere everywhen is me and recognize that I am transcendentally,

vibrantly, immanently, absolutely alive and that I am the creator of this

all out of my own Universal Consciousness? Can I not be both Shiva and

Shakti--each equally real and equally Me? Isn't this a very healthy,

all-inclusive, non-exclusive Realization? Am I truly guilty of experiencing

a blasphemous Enlightenment?



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At 12:33 PM 6/10/99 -0700, Madhya Nandi wrote:

>>All the different

>>paths are only about undressing.





>"All the different paths...?" Why must I undress to recognize that I am

>fully clothed? Can't I just look around myself, recognize that everything

>everywhere everywhen is me and recognize that I am transcendentally,

>vibrantly, immanently, absolutely alive and that I am the creator of this

>all out of my own Universal Consciousness? Can I not be both Shiva and

>Shakti--each equally real and equally Me? Isn't this a very healthy,

>all-inclusive, non-exclusive Realization? Am I truly guilty of experiencing

>a blasphemous Enlightenment?




One must be very careful when making statements in or about the first

person, it *can* lead to attachment to certain ideas/ideals. There's a

difference between the "I" or "me" as body/mind, and the "I" or "me"


Consciousness. This can be seen in the difference between:


I am Shiva. (can be prone to misunderstanding)


Shiva is me. (less prone to misunderstanding)


If we take the "I" to be the body/mind/intellect, then "I am Shiva," could

be the same as "I (the body/mind) am Napoleon." If we think we are Shiva

more than we think we are anything else (like the cockroach in the gutter),

then it's a pretty good sign that we are using "I" as the

body/mind/intellect. Because the for the "I" that is Consciousness, there

is nothing that It is not.


But even if we take the "I" to be the body/mind/intellect, saying "Shiva is

me" is less prone to aggrandizement because it says that the sum and

substance of everything I take myself to be even in the worst moments is

nothing but Shiva.


Funny thing about the first person pronoun, with the emphasis we've had

from Self-inquiry teachings. Two stories.


There are several popular teachers such as Nisargadatta and Byron Katie,

who often speak from the Absolute (e.g., "In my world nothing goes wrong,"

or "Honey, I am appearing as you!"), and who have given rise to a whole new

style of "advaita talk" that is taken up by advaitic seekers.


One of the disciples of Papaji of Lucknow, India, now himself a teacher,

told me this: to avoid the appearance of identification with the ego, some

of Papaji's disciples go into linguistic contortions to avoid using the

first person pronoun. It has become known as the "Lucknow Disease." You

can't even discuss a movie without the disease striking. This happened

recently: Some of us in our weekly satsang were discussing movies.

Someone said, "THE 13TH FLOOR was great." I said "I really loved THREE

SEASONS." A friend said, "WHO loved it?" His girlfriend (not a Papaji

follower) kicked him, saying "Honey!!" I asked him, "Who wants to know?"





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>"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar

>All the different

>paths are only about undressing.





"All the different paths...?" Why must I undress to recognize that I am

fully clothed? Can't I just look around myself, recognize that everything

everywhere everywhen is me and recognize that I am transcendentally,

vibrantly, immanently, absolutely alive and that I am the creator of this

all out of my own Universal Consciousness?



Harshaji: Madhyaji, there are no differences here except in the imagination.

You can do as you please. You must allow others the same courtesy.


Madhya: Can I not be both Shiva and

Shakti--each equally real and equally Me?


Harsha: Certainly. You can be whatever you like. Sri Bruceji Maharaj and

others have noted that there are many ways to come to the Truth. No one is

discouraging you from your way. You are not being challenged. You are free

to express in the way that you like. Others have to be given the same

benefit. Modes of expressions are bound to differ among people from

different backgrounds. There has to be a reasonable tolerance for that or

else every statement some one makes which you are not comfortable with will

be viewed as a personal challenge.


Madhya: Isn't this a very healthy,

all-inclusive, non-exclusive Realization? Am I truly guilty of experiencing

a blasphemous Enlightenment?


Harsha: I do not feel you are guilty of anything. Why do you pose such a


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I love it!! "All the different paths are only about undressing."


I'm gonna save this one... I know I'll use it again and again. :)


Thanks mucho.

>To See the

>Self, perhaps one has to become interested in undressing. All the different

>paths are only about undressing. Undressing so that the Essential Naked

>Being is Recognized as the Supreme Clarity It Self. How one undresses is

>left to one's own preferences.

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Hello Harsha:


Your post below brings an awareness of how weary one can become of words

trying to describe what can not be described adequately. Being in an

observant mode for these past few weeks my mind has noticed how differently

the same thing is stated and how easily the intellect is engaged and how

quickly the ego wants to be right. The vastness of ideas and words can

almost seem to demean the spiritual unification.


In another post you gently reminded all of us being a community in satsang

and while not participating just wanted to let you know that some of us sit

silently within the truth of the seeking.







Harshaji: Madhyaji, there are no differences here except in the imagination.

You can do as you please. You must allow others the same courtesy.


Madhya: Can I not be both Shiva and

Shakti--each equally real and equally Me?


Harsha: Certainly. You can be whatever you like. Sri Bruceji Maharaj and

others have noted that there are many ways to come to the Truth. No one is

discouraging you from your way. You are not being challenged. You are free

to express in the way that you like. Others have to be given the same

benefit. Modes of expressions are bound to differ among people from

different backgrounds. There has to be a reasonable tolerance for that or

else every statement some one makes which you are not comfortable with will

be viewed as a personal challenge.


Madhya: Isn't this a very healthy,

all-inclusive, non-exclusive Realization? Am I truly guilty of experiencing

a blasphemous Enlightenment?


Harsha: I do not feel you are guilty of anything. Why do you pose such a






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