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hear ye, hear ye, all satsanghers... to Jelke

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Jelke Wispelwey <wispj




Thanks Madhya. One question (which I hope is not too strident!): How

come you know so much without being a jnani? :-) (Did you ever notice

the similarity of 'k n o w' and 'j n a n a'?)




Oh, Jelke--- haven't you heard? I'm... I'm... JNANA-CHALLENGED!!!!!!!


Yes, it's a truism. Tragic, but truism. I was born without an innate


for jnana! I think I was switched at birth!


No, It's My Parent's Fault!!


They had lousy genes!


After all, they were both Bhaktaholics!


I was born with Toxic Ajnana Syndrome!


((Do I Get A Handicapped Sticker For T.A.S.?))





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Madhya Nandi wrote:

> Oh, Jelke--- haven't you heard? I'm... I'm... JNANA-CHALLENGED!!!!!!!


> Yes, it's a truism. Tragic, but truism. I was born without an innate

> propensity

> for jnana! I think I was switched at birth!


> No, It's My Parent's Fault!!


> They had lousy genes!


> After all, they were both Bhaktaholics!


> I was born with Toxic Ajnana Syndrome!


> ((Do I Get A Handicapped Sticker For T.A.S.?))


> Madhya


Would an a-jnani 'know' what to do with it, where to put it? ;-)


Seriously, I still can't see how you can 'know' anything without having

at least a modicum of 'jnana'. Can one walk without legs?!

Actually, you are much closer to Ramana Maharshi's outlook than you

probably realize. You just use different words for the same experience

or put the emphasis in a different place. He never really said that he

was an advaita vedantin or whatever. Others noticed the similarities

with Sankara. Whatever he said was based on his own personal experience:

before his 'realization' he had never read anything of Hindu philosophy.

He went to a Christian missionary school and knew more about the bible

than his own people's beliefs! He had to learn those from his followers!




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