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>Bruce Morgen <editor


> JnanaBanana....

>Thu, Jun 10, 1999, 4:54 PM




You know, Bruce, I am sharing an ancient, and much beloved Nondual

Realization that has been presented in marvelous scriptures and by some of

the world's greatest Sages such Abhinavagupta, Ksemaraja and Swami

Lakshmanjoo Maharaj. I find it absolutely amazing that you could be so

utterly close-minded and unenlightened as to cast negative aspersion on my

own capacity to experience truth and my capacity to communicate that truth.


Not once in this Satsangh have I EVER characterized Ramana Maharshi or

Shankara in a pejorative light. Critiqued, yes. Argued loopholes, yes.

But, NEVER, have I condemned or made fun of another member's hearfelt

convictions regarding the matter of their faith in their system of

belief/realization. In fact, the opposite has occured. I have supported

MANY members of this list in their expressions of Realization without regard

to my own Experiences.


Am I demanding when it comes to reading ill-thought out arguments and

unjustified criticsms? Yes, absolutely. But have I ever characterized any

person on this list as being spiritually inept in any way? No. AND, my

arguments and viewpoints are nearly ALWAYS qualified by the fact that they

are MY OWN perspective. I challenge you, friend Bruce, to examine the

archives and see that this is nearly always so. Even in our recent

exchange, sir, on not one occasion did I critique ANYTHING other than the

quality of your arguments, NEVER your spiritual nature.


Bruce, get off your high horse. Advaita Vedanta and Vedantic Jnana possess

no corner on the Experience of Truth.


If you would like to offer intelligent, insightful comments on Shaiva

Nondualism, or my quality of presentation of Nondualism, then please do so.

If, however, your behavior can conceive of nothing better to occupy itself

than shallow, disrespectul sarcasm directed at my careful and

experience-guided presentation of Nondual Self-Realization, then I must

seriously question the quality of your commitment to Truth and Spirituality.




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Madhya Nandi wrote:

> "Madhya Nandi" <madhya


> ----------

> >Bruce Morgen <editor

> >

> > JnanaBanana....

> >Thu, Jun 10, 1999, 4:54 PM

> >


> You know, Bruce, I am sharing an ancient, and much beloved Nondual

> Realization that has been presented in marvelous scriptures and by some of

> the world's greatest Sages such Abhinavagupta, Ksemaraja and Swami

> Lakshmanjoo Maharaj. I find it absolutely amazing that you could be so

> utterly close-minded and unenlightened as to cast negative aspersion on my

> own capacity to experience truth and my capacity to communicate that truth.


> Not once in this Satsangh have I EVER characterized Ramana Maharshi or

> Shankara in a pejorative light. Critiqued, yes. Argued loopholes, yes.

> But, NEVER, have I condemned or made fun of another member's hearfelt

> convictions regarding the matter of their faith in their system of

> belief/realization. In fact, the opposite has occured. I have supported

> MANY members of this list in their expressions of Realization without regard

> to my own Experiences.


> Am I demanding when it comes to reading ill-thought out arguments and

> unjustified criticsms? Yes, absolutely. But have I ever characterized any

> person on this list as being spiritually inept in any way? No. AND, my

> arguments and viewpoints are nearly ALWAYS qualified by the fact that they

> are MY OWN perspective. I challenge you, friend Bruce, to examine the

> archives and see that this is nearly always so. Even in our recent

> exchange, sir, on not one occasion did I critique ANYTHING other than the

> quality of your arguments, NEVER your spiritual nature.


> Bruce, get off your high horse. Advaita Vedanta and Vedantic Jnana possess

> no corner on the Experience of Truth.


> If you would like to offer intelligent, insightful comments on Shaiva

> Nondualism, or my quality of presentation of Nondualism, then please do so.

> If, however, your behavior can conceive of nothing better to occupy itself

> than shallow, disrespectul sarcasm directed at my careful and

> experience-guided presentation of Nondual Self-Realization, then I must

> seriously question the quality of your commitment to Truth and Spirituality.


> Madhya



Hello Madhya. Perhaps I am dense or have missed a post or something. If so,

forgive me. I do not believe Bruce was trying to make fun of you in his

JnanaBanana post. We have to relax a bit and carefully examine what is going on

here. It seems to me that you are viewing Advaita Vedanta as an adversary of

Advaita Shiva. The great Sages in both these traditions have not seen each other

as adversaries but have respected each other. The 64 Shaiva saints were

favorites of Ramana Maharshi as a young boy before his Realization. He often

told stories of the Shaiva saints and choked up with emotion as he told them.

Perhaps you are not aware, but there are people on this list who have spend most

of their life in contemplation, meditation, enquiry, yoga, etc. There is no need

for anyone to question the quality of someone's commitment to Truth and

Spirituality. This is a satsangha. People are here because they wish to be in

fellowship. Being in a group as diverse as this, we need to respect differing

ways of expressing views. And let us not be oversensitive. What do we have to

gain or lose? I am about to go to bed. Let us just take it easy with each other.




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On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 19:53:58 -0700 "Madhya Nandi" <madhya


>"Madhya Nandi" <madhya


>>Bruce Morgen <editor


>> JnanaBanana....

>>Thu, Jun 10, 1999, 4:54 PM


>You know, Bruce, I am sharing an ancient, and much beloved Nondual

>Realization that has been presented in marvelous scriptures and by

>some of

>the world's greatest Sages such Abhinavagupta, Ksemaraja and Swami

>Lakshmanjoo Maharaj. I find it absolutely amazing that you could be


>utterly close-minded and unenlightened as to cast negative aspersion

>on my

>own capacity to experience truth and my capacity to communicate that



Madhyaji, the only appropriate

response to such a bevy of

assertions is silence, in order

that your own words may speak

unimpeded and uninterpreted for


>Not once in this Satsangh have I EVER characterized Ramana Maharshi


>Shankara in a pejorative light. Critiqued, yes. Argued loopholes,


>But, NEVER, have I condemned or made fun of another member's hearfelt

>convictions regarding the matter of their faith in their system of

>belief/realization. In fact, the opposite has occured. I have


>MANY members of this list in their expressions of Realization without

>regard to my own Experiences.


I'm sure this is true and

I do not in any way contend


>Am I demanding when it comes to reading ill-thought out arguments and

>unjustified criticsms? Yes, absolutely. But have I ever

>characterized any

>person on this list as being spiritually inept in any way? No. AND,


>arguments and viewpoints are nearly ALWAYS qualified by the fact that


>are MY OWN perspective. I challenge you, friend Bruce, to examine


>archives and see that this is nearly always so. Even in our recent

>exchange, sir, on not one occasion did I critique ANYTHING other than

>the quality of your arguments, NEVER your spiritual nature.


Others can characterize

"spiritual nature," yours

or anyone else's, I have

not and will not do so. I

do recall my observation

regarding you and the

jnana approach in a

previous dialogue-- as I

remember, *you* used the

term "jnana-impaired" to

capsulize that observation

-- as being of your own,

self-admitted lack of an

attraction or "propensity"

for the very particular

approach of jnana yoga.

This in no way implies an

actual impairment in the

sense of a defect or

shortcoming, if indeed

there is any such thing.

>Bruce, get off your high horse.


My sandaled feet rest on

threadbare red carpeting.

>Advaita Vedanta and Vedantic Jnana

>possess no corner on the Experience of Truth.


I couldn't agree more and

have never asserted


>If you would like to offer intelligent, insightful comments on Shaiva

>Nondualism, or my quality of presentation of Nondualism, then please

>do so.


Thank you for the

invitation, I see your

discourse and presence as

speaking quite effectively

for themselves with no

further comment from here.

>If, however, your behavior can conceive of nothing better to occupy

>itself than shallow, disrespectul sarcasm directed at my careful and

>experience-guided presentation of Nondual Self-Realization,


With all due respect,

Madhyaji, do you actually

see my whimsical

"JnanaBanana" posting as

having anything to do with

you or your activity? I

admit to being inspired by

the clever subject line of

your post "JnanaMe," but

that is my post's only and

very offhanded relation to

you or your obviously

"careful and experience-

guided" expression. I

sincerely regret that you

inferred anything beyond

that, it was certainly

neither intended nor

implied in my whimsy.

>then I

>must seriously question the quality of your commitment to Truth and



You are more than welcome

to do so, on whatever

basis and via any means

you see as appropriate.





m(_ _)m




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