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In a message dated 6/13/99 10:17:41 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

gurcharan writes:

> I apologize for such a silly question,but I am fairly new to the concept of

non-dualism and can't seem to find the answer.Can it be said that once one

realizes the Self and sees only reality, that not only the world disappears

but also karma , rebirth and even dharma?


This is sort of a trick question Gurcharan! Once one realizes the Self,

yes, the world does disappear along with everything while in this

realization. There is no world! Realizing Self does not automatically let

go of karma, rebirth, or dharma. But the realizing itself does help shorten

the timeline that may have taken literally 1000's of years to (un)do.

>So would it be correct to say that in reality there is no rebirth or karma

because there is only one Self ?


In reality, nothing exists except light and peace that extends forever.

Every thing and every one is exactly the same. There are no perceptions but

these, so therefore nothing else could exist. Like Linda said, the challenge

comes after realization. Taking those *real* perceptions into this world

that seemingly exists, and living them.


When realization of the one Self comes while in this (consciousness of this)

world, it is impossible to harm another. Why would you want to hurt

yourself? You can only extend kindness and peace.


Rebirth, karma, and dharma can occur after these realizations, but it may not

be as you saw it before. It is when we realize we have no dharma, that the

story and this dreamworld ends.


Until then, we do the best we can do for what we know or can remember.


Much Love,


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Hari Om !

I apologize for such a silly question,but I am fairly new to the concept of

non-dualism and can't

seem to find the answer.Can it be said that once one realizes the Self and

sees only reality,

that not only the world disappears but also karma , rebirth and even dharma

? So would it

be correct to say that in reality there is no rebirth or karma because there

is only one Self ?

Again I apologize for my lack of understanding and improper use of

terminology. Please

forgive my ignorance.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti !

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Gurcharan wrote:


> "Gurcharan" <gurcharan


> Hari Om !

> I apologize for such a silly question,but I am fairly new to the concept of

> non-dualism and can't

> seem to find the answer.Can it be said that once one realizes the Self and

> sees only reality,

> that not only the world disappears but also karma , rebirth and even dharma

> ? So would it

> be correct to say that in reality there is no rebirth or karma because there

> is only one Self ?

> Again I apologize for my lack of understanding and improper use of

> terminology. Please

> forgive my ignorance.

> Om Shanti Shanti Shanti !


Hello Gurcharan,


I'm just an ignorant in such things. But from my "experience", to use a

word, you are more than correct in saying that there is no rebirth, no

karma, etc... As for the reason why, i am sure that more knowledgeable

person on this wonderful list will be able to answer your question.


In all humility,



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--- Antoine <carrea wrote:

> Antoine <carrea


> Gurcharan wrote:

> >

> > "Gurcharan" <gurcharan

> >

> > Hari Om !

> > I apologize for such a silly question,but I am

> fairly new to the concept of

> > non-dualism and can't

> > seem to find the answer.Can it be said that once

> one realizes the Self and

> > sees only reality,

> > that not only the world disappears but also karma

> , rebirth and even dharma

> > ? So would it

> > be correct to say that in reality there is no

> rebirth or karma because there

> > is only one Self ?

> > Again I apologize for my lack of understanding and

> improper use of

> > terminology. Please

> > forgive my ignorance.

> > Om Shanti Shanti Shanti !


> Hello Gurcharan,


> I'm just an ignorant in such things. But from my

> "experience", to use a

> word, you are more than correct in saying that there

> is no rebirth,


am i not a spirit gaining and shedding bodies, living

out the cosmic adventure to the rhythm of endless

alphas and omegas? i do gain and shed bodies, being

truly who i am, and the process is commonly

dichotomized into a death and a rebirth. death is

just the start of the rebirthing process. it is one

process but it IS a process and it does happen and

though i know my soul to be eternal, i know that this

rebirthing WILL occur. of course birth as an

initiating of the life process is an illusion. that

is the flaw of causal thinking, linear causality to be

more specific. there will be no end because there

never was a beginning. no first cause. hi. i'm new




> karma, etc...


karma is a collective result of the actions that you

have participated in creating for yourself to live in.

if you are going to be here for a million lifetimes,

you might be just a little more aware of what you do

because you are not going to escape the outcomes of

your campaigns through the illusion of death. you

will be back and it's all a matter of whether or not

you are going to leave a mess for yourself or a bounty

because of wisely planted seeds.


do we want to survive in spite of our karma of thrive

because of it?




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Hello Gurcharan:


Welcome. There are no silly questions though we human beings often give

silly answers :). If by 'realize' you mean that one has achieved union with

the Self then one is beyond karma, rebirth and even dharma. The challenge

of course, lies in the space between knowing the Self and being the Self.

Until one becomes completely the Self the challenges of karma etc. will

continue to play out on the journey.





Hari Om !

I apologize for such a silly question,but I am fairly new to the concept of

non-dualism and can't

seem to find the answer.Can it be said that once one realizes the Self and

sees only reality,

that not only the world disappears but also karma , rebirth and even dharma

? So would it

be correct to say that in reality there is no rebirth or karma because there

is only one Self ?

Again I apologize for my lack of understanding and improper use of

terminology. Please

forgive my ignorance.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti !





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Gurcharan wrote:

> Can it be said that once one realizes the Self and

> sees only reality,

> that not only the world disappears but also karma , rebirth and even dharma

> ? So would it

> be correct to say that in reality there is no rebirth or karma because there

> is only one Self ?


Hi Gurcharan,


Imagine going to sleep and having a dream where each character in your dream is

simply a manifestation or a fragment of who you really are. The sun rises and

you wake up; where do all your dream characters go? (including the one you

thought was you)



(dream character)

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Hi Gurcharan,


Your question is far from being silly. For someone Self-realized, the

analogy of karma is seeing a molehill so you won't stumble over it, whereas

someone not Self-realized doesn't see the molehill and is likely to stumble

repeatedly. When Self-realized, forget dharma as the "road" will lead to

moksha and on attainment rebirth ends, as does karma, with the exception of

the karma of one's present life (that can only affect the body). From a

nondual perspective, it is right to say there is only Self and world as

"just world" does not exist. A perspective is a perspective and nothing

else; when Self-realized no more perspective is needed.



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> Hi Gurcharan,


> Imagine going to sleep and having a dream where each

> character in your dream is

> simply a manifestation or a fragment of who you

> really are. The sun rises and

> you wake up; where do all your dream characters go?

> (including the one you

> thought was you)


> David

> (dream character)



i always loved this idea. i think if i ever get

smacked by a bus i'm going to just awaken as someone i

forgot that i was and say something like "whew - it

seemed so real"




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On Mon, 14 Jun 1999, Ethan Stuart wrote:


> i always loved this idea. i think if i ever get

> smacked by a bus i'm going to just awaken as someone i

> forgot that i was and say something like "whew - it

> seemed so real"



After you go 'OH SH********%'......... ;)

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At 10:17 AM 6/13/99 -0400, Gurcharan wrote:

>"Gurcharan" <gurcharan


>Hari Om !

>I apologize for such a silly question,but I am fairly new to the concept of

>non-dualism and can't seem to find the answer.Can it be said that once one

>realizes the Self and sees only reality, that not only the world disappears

>but also karma , rebirth and even dharma ? So would it

>be correct to say that in reality there is no rebirth or karma

>because there is only one Self ?

>Again I apologize for my lack of understanding and improper use of

>terminology. Please forgive my ignorance.


Your question is quite welcome, it's really a blessing to hear sincere

questions. We all learn from each other. Besides lively discussions,

sincere questions are the main life-blood of these lists!


Towards a way of looking at your question. Here's one way to think of it.

Think of your true nature as the mirror. Think of the physical body/mind

apparatus as an object reflected in the mirror. IF your question is "What

happens to ME after death?" then this is like, "What happens to the mirror

if one of the objects is no longer reflected there?"


Another way: If your question is more "What happens to karma and

reincarnation?" there are two ways to look at them. (1) WHAT is it that

reincarnates? It is not the mirror that reincarnates, so in that sense YOU

don't reincarnate. (2) After "realization," whatever disappears is not

special, and in an ultimate sense not different from anything else. Karma

and reincarnation n that sense are not different from schoolbusses and

psychology. Not every non-dual teaching entails karma/reincarnation. Cf.

Nisargadatta's I AM THAT, for example.


Greetings, and welcome to the list!!



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Ethan Stuart wrote:

> i always loved this idea. i think if i ever get

> smacked by a bus i'm going to just awaken as someone i

> forgot that i was and say something like "whew - it

> seemed so real"


One one level we don't necessarily have to wait to get smashed by a bus.

Are you familiar with lucid dreaming?


Practicing devotion to awareness could be likened to lucid dreaming while



Sweet Dreams,


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--- Greg Goode <goode wrote:

> Greg Goode <goode


> At 08:34 AM 6/14/99 -0700, Ethan Stuart wrote:


> >i always loved this idea. i think if i ever get

> >smacked by a bus i'm going to just awaken as

> someone i

> >forgot that i was and say something like "whew - it

> >seemed so real"


> You don't know that this isn't happening now....


actually, i strongly suspect that it is. every time i

feel i have awakened from some sort of sleep i must be

sure to come around to the fact that this, too, is a

dream, lest i stop awakening.





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--- "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01 wrote:

> "Debora A. Orf" <dorf01


> On Mon, 14 Jun 1999, Ethan Stuart wrote:

> >

> > i always loved this idea. i think if i ever get

> > smacked by a bus i'm going to just awaken as

> someone i

> > forgot that i was and say something like "whew -

> it

> > seemed so real"

> >


> After you go 'OH SH********%'......... ;)



yeah. i'll probably start my day with more vigor than

usual, as a result. not bad i guess for just having

died. :)




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--- David Bozzi <david.bozzi wrote:

> David Bozzi <david.bozzi


> Ethan Stuart wrote:


> > i always loved this idea. i think if i ever get

> > smacked by a bus i'm going to just awaken as

> someone i

> > forgot that i was and say something like "whew -

> it

> > seemed so real"


> One one level we don't necessarily have to wait to

> get smashed by a bus.

> Are you familiar with lucid dreaming?



i am familiar with lucidity, though it usually happens

to me while 'awake'


these episodes have come in all shapes and sizes but i

do not usually dream in this way - a few times.




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Ethan Stuart wrote:

> Ethan Stuart <sensuant


> --- Greg Goode <goode wrote:

> > Greg Goode <goode

> >

> > At 08:34 AM 6/14/99 -0700, Ethan Stuart wrote:

> >

> > >i always loved this idea. i think if i ever get

> > >smacked by a bus i'm going to just awaken as

> > someone i

> > >forgot that i was and say something like "whew - it

> > >seemed so real"

> >

> > You don't know that this isn't happening now....


> actually, i strongly suspect that it is. every time i

> feel i have awakened from some sort of sleep i must be

> sure to come around to the fact that this, too, is a

> dream, lest i stop awakening.



It's quite likely that everything that could possibly happen happens, all


time. That reality is continuously expanding like the mandlebrot set .

With us ordinary mortals only able to experience an infinitely small

part of it because at every juncture we take only one path. Whereas

the path has always been wildly dividing and redividing.



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