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Responce to astral & five body sheaths long

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This is kind of a hard thing to understand but from my perspective they are

very different light bodies. The astral is for only one stage of the

process, This is how the Hebrew text teaches it which is really aligns well

with the eastern teaching, I will be interested in hearing some of you

share what comes to you on this.


The electromagnetic body is the outer body sheath which codes the physical

body directly into other consciousness regions, other dimensions We learn

to fine tune this body so that the other energy bodies can be utilized to

free us to become cosmic travelers, in a real sense we build this body

through rebirth which often comes to people in dreams as being reborn and

then if others have the experience as I have, initiations at night time in

these very bodies. My training spiritually has been in getting out and

around away from the body, and to do this in a way that you can be released

even while wide awake. This is an unusual experience which happened to me

when driving in Europe. I was perfectly fine driving but I was also with my

partner here in Reno. She saw me come to her bed like on a cloud, we talked

and then I told her I would see her in a few days. Since this was a

conscious experience on my part, one we came together and discussed, it was

obviously a light body since I was driving, its pretty certain that it is

another body that does this, since I was perfectly fine driving that night

in Spain.


Like I said the electromagnetic body aligns itself with the will of the

Supreme Creator how ever you deal with this info on God, and this aligns

with the will of the light sheaths. (Obviously it is important to

understand the nature of the will) In the above situation that I shared

Pam was going through something and I assisted her, so it was the will body

that alligned and did this, not the conscious body. The next body they call

Epikinetic. This is the body used for teleportation and projection within

the physical universe. So this would be the one we use to move about like I

told you in the above paragraph.


The next body they call the Eka body, which is the higher consciousness

body utilized for time travel and moving out of this dimension, it is

pretty obvious that this can go on without effecting the normal condition

of the mental body since I've had many experiences on this level. This

also involves tuning with will and with the two higher vehicles. I have had

this experience everytime I go into the hospital, without exception. I

have also had the experience of watching my surgery from the ceiling of the

hospital and listening to the doctors talk about riding motorcycles. I

will have people come to me and I will talk and be fine, but there is no

memory of these conversations, this time is always blank with me. I will

tell my husband all kinds of strange things and mostly I am not even on

drugs with this since it continues after I go home. I normally need very

little medication after surgery because of this, I always appear to be the

model patient happy and talking to other patients, but there is absolutely

no memory of any of this. At one point for two weeks I was in this state, I

appear very happy and pain free, even chattering, but I'm not there at

least not the conscious part of me. This is why I have never had a problem

going into a hospital, I know I'm leaving and will be very different when I

return. This is obviously another body that has left, I will come back with

memories of the away from the body experience but nothing of being in the



When I have entered this body, it is like getting propelled out in space by

going through geometric patterns, really fast, like a fire ball.. when

coming back in, its quite different. I have total consciousness of this

process when it happens, what is interesting when I'm coming back it is

like slowing down the light body, as it slows down the consciousness of

dropping and slowing happens until what I call the fourth dimension tunnel

appears, then it becomes flying, this is always very much the same. Then

when you drop down from the tunnel there is a restricted area that you fly

through before entering the body. It is as though the body is pure light

going out and when it returns it takes on parts of the conscious mind.. if

that makes sense, the memory and all seem to be intact during this coming

back but going out is very very different.


This is the inner Gematrian body or the light geometry body. This body

frees creative life from slavery to the flesh and offers a positive point

of connection with the Overself. I relate to this being the one that you

move through to go to the other side which reads or assimilates energy

forms through patterns. I also will toss out something that has come to me

while in this, it is how the crop circles appear when Divine Will is

creating a situation to drop through a pattern for soul/spirits who are

able to do this travel. I have participated in creating crop circles and

it appears to happen from a group of conscious beings coming together

through Divine Will to communicate to the Higher Mind of the People. This

by passes the mass mind but gives the information to the spiritly aware

which appear to be instructions.


They describe these four aligning with the Zohar body which is called the

mantle of many colors, or Zohar body. It is transcendental bodily vehicle

designed to carry a person beyond the boundaries of immediate relativity

into the higher dimensions of the higher heavens or what in Hebrew they

call the Heavenly Jerusalem.


This is the first time I have shared a lot of this other then in my second

book when I touch on it, but what appears to me to happen while working

with the chakra balancing, providing the individual is working consistantly

with Divine Will and letting go and alignment as a way of life. These

bodies are being electrified or radiated so that the individual will gain

access to the Oversoul, or The Christ Body and then be made free of the

many restrictions put on the soul out of body. As long as one is still

locked into physical mind pictures while away from the body the

restrictions are very strong. When these mental pictures evaporate and the

individual is then is what we call non-dual or in union with what is. Then

the bodies are all enlightened and ready to release the individual from the

binds of the body/mind and finally able to participate in the Christ Body.

This is all about working in the body of God as beings of awareness,

individual but whole. Gloria


Tony O'Clery wrote:

> Tony O'Clery <aoclery


> Namaste Brothers and Sisters,


> We have five sheaths and these are in the three bodies. So what does

> Astral mean? Does it mean the vital, associated with the body----a

> double, or are we talking about other sheaths and subsheaths as well?

> I think many people use the word Astral for both the vital and the

> entire subtle body. One is beneath the second death the other beyond

> it. The doppelganger vital not being the true vital and disintegrating

> after death rather quickly in many cases. Energy is everywhere it feeds

> down not up, does it not?


> Also is not the big I of Saguna Brahman an illusion also, it being the

> Universal Mahat? Only Nirguna Brahman is beyond illusion.


> Love Tony.


> ===

> Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri!


> "God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

> you have to give up identification with the body."

> "There is only one Soul and that is God." Sai Baba.

> _______


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Enter The Silence to know God...and...accept life as the teacher.


Gloria Joy Greco

e-mail me at:lodpress visit my homepage & internet retreat



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