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Nondual Digest: June 25

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Hi! This selection of posts from June 25 edition of Nonduality Salon is

lengthy and rich. It starts off with a few links. And this Digest

includes a guest post from the Donmeh list, introduced by Melody.


An easy way to get in touch with both Melody and me is to send mail to

nondualdigest-owner . And remember, we each get a copy of

your letter.


I'm sending a copy of this Digest to the Nonduality Salon and to

list as well. To to this Nondual Digest, please

go to




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I know it's a band-aid, but

it's certainly harmless and

won't cost you dime one.



>From all appearances it's

entirely legitimate and

tithes those who can best

afford it.






The Nonduality website may now be accessed through the following URL:







Just in case any of you have tried to pull up my Aphorisms, if your

browser did not show the title as a link, the URL is:




OM shantih,


Bob B.





Photos of some of the people you have come to know here, are at the

following web page:






....reminds me of a conversation I read about between the

Dalhai Lama and a monk who had been in Tibet all these years.

The monk mentioned that he had experienced 'dangers.'

The D.L. asked what dangers he meant. The monk said, "The danger of

losing compassion for the Chinese."










from Wake up and Roar


Question: "When I am concentrated on no-thought the ego

is not there, but when I return to thought the latent ego



Papaji: "In this particular case, when you entered into this thoughtless

state (from ego to egoless state) you made an effort. To arrive into

egolessness, to Self, to light, you have fastened yourself with a rope,

with the ego, by making an effort. This rope, the ego, will pull you

back. Now don’t tie. No effort and no rope. Then enter into this

effortlessness. It is already there! There is no entrance and no exit



Exist and entrance are the past and the future. So I say, break the link

with this past and future. And how will you come out? Everything is

truth. Who will call you back?


There is no ego. Ego has been dumped on you by someone else. Your

parent, society and the church. That’s all. There is no ego.

Egolessness, freedom is your birthright. It is your inheritance of

happiness. This is why you seek it. Everything that you do, you do for

happiness, peace, and love."






from Marcia:


People who have gone ahead on the road within can lend

me a compass and a road map. Granted the map is not the

territory but it doesn't hurt does it? I have to travel the road

myself. No one can do that for me.


Five days......


The first day I went down the road and fell in a pothole

and couldn't get out. A friend came along and helped

me out.


The second day I went down the road and fell in a pothole

and thrashed around and remembered to call for help.


The third day I went down the road and fell in the pothole

and thrashed around and remembered how to get out

by myself.


The fourth day I went down the road and saw the pothole

ahead of time and avoided falling in it.


The fifth day I took a different road altogether.





Forget the roads. Stay Home. Home is where the Heart is.







Well if it doesn't make any difference to you, then it doesn't.

But what I am saying is that hopefully sometime something will make

a difference to you and you will decide to do something about it. And

until such time, it is all just intellectual. As Da has put it, sooner

or later your life and the teaching coincide. It becomes more than just

a hobby. It's knowing that you have really come to the end of your ropes

and you have no alternatives. As long as you can get up and walk around

the room, you will do it. Some day it will become important enough to

you that walking around the room is out of the question. So until such

time, keep walking around the room doing whatever it is that you are









The major part of expectations is implicit; one isn't aware of their

existence. When waking up the next day in an igloo at the North pole

instead of in your bed, you 'll know what that means. The "default"

expectation is for "life as usual" to continue. When confronted with

discontinuity, disappointment or grief follows. Living "now" means to be

aware, as opposed to "life as usual". Habit mind is tricky...


Be aware,







Indeed, the numerous perceptions here

at NDS, and perhaps metaphysical and

religious thought generally, may

reduce to:


1.) Neti-neti, the reductionists, having

logical conclusion in nihilism.


2.) "Yeti-yeti" <g>, the inclusionists, having

logical conclusion in radical pantheism.




3.) The abiders; towards harmonious balance

of all perception.









My friend has a t shirt. On one side it says:


All of the Above


and on the other side it says:


None of the Above





The thing I like about the inclusive rather than

the exclusive is... it makes it much harder to

step on 'an ant', kill 'a spider' or eat 'a cow',

not to mention how much harder it makes it

to harm 'another'... 'human being'.






If we need to be practicing something, I'm in a world of shit. :-)







Truth is ...


You can 'know' your own partial aspect of Truth ..


Truth is fluid, continuous, everchanging ...


The moment you put words around fluid Truth you impose a boundary, a

separation of Truth from itself

.... and so you have thought ...


Thought is not Truth ... for every thought there is opposite thought ...

for all knowledge there is a lack of knowledge ...


Learning is the aquisition of thought ...


The thought process is scientifically measureable


Truth is not measureable ... because the measurement process involves

the projection of thought which will influence that being measured ...


Study will bias thought with the interpretative filters of the student

.... words will create perceptual barriers according to the learned

meanings of the words ... the word is the expression of Thought...


Truth is ...


Man created God ... from thought ...


If you had the thought ... does the thought have you ...?


The Truth always is, was, and shall be for ever more ... constant yet

changing ...


The door that needs a key is an illusion ...

>From one came two, from two came three, from three came ten thousand

other things ... (Tao)







Like a finger pointing to the moon,

concepts of God-Realization may

indeed be helpful, until one is ready

to drop away all conceptualizing.


I'm beginning to realize the essence

of the Judeo-Christian *concept* of

God-Realization, and the extent it

speaks to me.


To me, the J-C concept (and perhaps

even Gnostic?) is that there is a seed

of God implanted within each of us.

(Tho 'details' of how this happens



It is then the 'work' of a spiritual

aspirant to find that seed (or spark)of God

within, to nurture it and focus upon it such,

that it grows and expands beyond our 'imaginings',

and until we surrender life as we know it, to

that Presence radiating 'thru us'...which we

recognize to be greater than us, individually.


And for those who dare to go further, there

is the recognition that the Presence simply IS,

as identification with self falls away.


Allowing myself to simply 'sink into' this

conceptualization, which resonates so well

inwardly, I have been delighting in reading

many of Yakov Leibs postings of the Donmeh

concerning God Realization. (Many of which I

never bothered then to read, but simply filed

away. <s>)


Now as I read them, I read them much like one

who is reading a great novel....sitting on the

edge of my seat waiting for the next chapter

to begin. :-)


Currently on the Donmeh list, he is beginning another

series called, "Impediments to Knowing God."


As a background, he sent this reposting of an

earlier offering. I found it rather fascinating,

which parallels my own experience thus far:






[DONMEH] Opening the Window to the Tree of Life


Dear Chaverim,


There is a window between the Psyche and the Ego that is shut:


THE FIRST REASON the window remains shut is because the Ego does not

know that it is there. This is the condition of MALKHUT, the 10th

Sefirah of the Tree of Life.


THE SECOND REASON the window remains shut is because the Ego, even

knowing that it is there, does not wish to open it. This is the

condition of YESOD, the 9th Sefirah of the Tree of Life.


THE THIRD REASON the window remains shut is because the Ego, knowing it

is there and wishing to open it, does not know how to do so. This is the

condition of HOD, the 8th Sefirah of the Tree of Life.


THE FOURTH REASON the window remains shut is because the Ego -- knowing

it is there, wishing to open it, and knowing how -- is too large to pass

through to the other side. This is the condition of NETZACH, the 7th

Sefirah of the Tree of Life.


THE FIFTH REASON the window remains shut is because the Ego -- knowing

it is there, wishing to open it, knowing how, and being small enough to

pass through to the other side -- is too weak to withstand the forces it

will encounter there. This is the condition of TIFERET, the 6th Sefirah

of the Tree of Life.


THE SIXTH REASON the window remains shut is because the Ego -- knowing

it is there, wishing to open it, knowing how, being small enough to pass

through, and having the strength to withstand the forces it will

encounter on the other side -- does not know where to turn when gets

there. This is the condition of GEBURAH, the 5th Sefirah of the Tree of



THE SEVENTH REASON the window remains shut is because the Ego -- knowing

it is there, wishing to open it, knowing how, being small enough to pass

through, having the strength to withstand the forces it will encounter

on the other side, and knowing where to turn when it gets there -- has

not informed the Others of its arrival. This is the condition of CHESED,

the 4th Sefirah of the Tree of Life.


THE EIGHTH REASON the window remains shut is because the Ego -- knowing

it is there, wishing to open it, knowing how, being small enough to pass

through, having the strength to withstand the forces it will encounter

on the other side, knowing where to turn when it gets there, and having

informed the Others of its arrival -- doubts that it is really there.

This is the condition of BINAH, the 3rd Sefirah of the Tree of Life.


THE NINTH REASON the window remains shut is because the Ego -- knowing

it is there, wishing to open it, knowing how, being small enough to pass

through, having the strength to withstand the forces it will encounter

on the other side, knowing where to turn when it gets there, having

informed the Others of its arrival, and having no doubts that it is

there -- hesitates to come before the Throne of Glory. This is the

condition of CHOKMAH, the 2nd Sefirah of the Tree of Life.


THE TENTH REASON the window remains shut is because the Ego -- knowing

it is there, wishing to open it, knowing how, being small enough to pass

through, having the strength to withstand the forces it will encounter

on the other side, knowing where to turn when it gets there, having

informed the Others of its arrival, having no doubts that it is there,

and coming before the Throne of Glory -- has not yet been called by the

Holy King, blessed be He. This is the condition of KETER, the 1st

Sefirah of the Tree of Life.


Omain v'Omain,


Yakov Leib haKohain, Ph.D.






To cross a wide, flowing river an ant had

climbed onto the back of a water buffalo.

Half-way across the ant thought, "I don't like

having to be dependent." So he jumped off

into the swiftly moving water.


Non-dual theorists may tell you there is no river to cross,

but I am a pragmatist, not a theorist. I will do whatever

works to transform my awareness back to its natural

original condition.


The question is, what do you want? If you want to

awaken to the wholeness of yourself you will welcome

whatever comes to you for that. If you want to main-

tain an identity that you are dependent or independent,

then that is the loop in which you will remain.


If you're not sure which of the people, practices, etc.

showing up for you now will take you there, stop trying

to figure it out and rest in your heart. The songs all say it,

your heart does lead rightly.








This is how I see it: Nonduality doesn't exist. It's just a way of

accepting that there is something rather than nothing. It's an "as-if" -

the highest ethic. When I finally come to terms w/the fact that there's

a 'me' out there, & people & things, & women to dance with - when

I surrender, Nonduality happily gives way for the most unnoticed

creature & the most meaningless event that comes my way.






Thank you for saying this Toon. I smiled and felt happy when I read it.

I GUESS - it may depend on whether one is coming to or going from

nonduality...and once you can give up everything else for

nonduality..you may then easily give up the "official nonduality

position" for anything that comes along.... I have no idea if this

is close to what you meant, but my mind started humming along to the

tune of "I got plenty of nothing ..and nothing's plenty for me.." It's a

catchy tune and I like it, tho perhaps totally meaningless. It certainly

requires nor expects any particular response.







Neti-neti has to be pursued until no further reduction is possible. This

means even a name like Self differs from the "real", because Self can

only make sense if there is a no-self. If a name has to be used, the

"Unnamable" is as close as one can get; I remember it from some Gnostic


>From another perspective, excluding all could be an effort to paint a

picture of nirvikalpa samadhi whereas including all could be the effort

to paint a picture of sahaja samadhi. Yet these pictures are wrong,

because in nirvikalpa samadhi there isn't any thought and in sahaja

samadhi the thought of "I" won't arise; "I" is only used due to the

constraints of language. The point is, even if the pictures are "right"

from the perspective of "realizers", they can induce false concepts,

raise expectations etc.


Another way to convey this is that if everything is included, the

consequence must be that "everything included" has lost its meaning so

"inclusion" no longer exists. There is no longer a possibility to

verify; this possibility now is included as well. Likewise, when

everything is excluded, the possibility to verify this is excluded so

exclusion doesn't exist. Again, this shows both the danger and the

relative uselessness of descriptions.





The following exchanged is repeated from yesterday, and expanded upon by



It was stated:


....objective reality is demonstratable from the perspective of

relationship. For example, if you gather together a thousand people, and

they all observe a tree and agree that the tree is there, it can be

surmised that at the very least SOMETHING is there. In fact, that is

how human beings come by their idea of objective reality -- through

relationship with others. Without that relationship, all would be




Andrew responded:


This is not objectivity, it's inter-subjectivity, and there are

fundamental assumptions underlying it. -Reality is assumed to present

itself to the individual such that the individual and the observed

object are distinct and separate. However, the experience of many is

that on deeper examination this subject object distinction fades away.

-It is also assumed that underlying this apparent reality, there is a

purely abstract rational construct, which is then called 'reality' and

what is perceived is called 'appearance', then if many individuals agree

about appearance it is assumed to reflect reality.


Also there is group pressure, we learn to see things as others see them,

and anyone who does not is considered crazy or lost in fantasy or

hopelessly romantic and ignored. There is no logical basis for saying

that because all agree on a thing it is any less subjective than if only

one perceives it.



Dan responds:


When doing research from an intersubjective perspective, it is

considered very useful to gather data from diverse perspectives of a

situation. This kind of "objectivity" is called "triangulation,"

probably because the process is similar to taking measurements from

three perspectives to determine a position. The goal of this

triangulation isn't to try to say what is "really there," but to form a

more comprehensive picture of the multiple realities inherent in a

situation. The researcher or researchers then integrate these data into

a hopefully useful research perspective.


Thus, intersubjectivity does have its own kind of "objectivity."

Subjectivity and objectivity arise in relation to each other. Consensus

plays a part in "reality formation," as does the purely individual

subjectivity and its "reality formation." If there were no consensus

about Ramana Maharshi, none of his views would have been transmitted and

no one would be discussing him. For me, relationship is indeed an

important aspect of reality formation, and Relationship and One are

not-two. I don't take any of these relationally formed realities as

ultimate "Reality," to me collective or individual, and objective or

subjective - reality perceptions are always "the past." Yet, without

the past, we would not be having this discussion, so "the past" has its

uses, just as illusion expresses creativity of One.




There is only one day!

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