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a note of appreciation

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I remember saying last week that

I felt as if I had entered the

eye of a hurricane temporarily, and

that I could see the other half of the

storm coming.


I knew I was not 'finished', had

not moved deeply enough into my

core issues.


Yesterday, I began to feel the storm

again. A storm whose time has come.


It's yet another opportunity to walk

into the lion's den and face my greatest



I pray I have the courage and stamina

to remain this time, until the work is

done. But if not, I know I'll be given

another chance...and another...and... <s>


I want to say how greatful I am for the

public and private notes. I'm printing

them all out as I write this note. Since

I live in a rural, conservative area, I'm

rather on my own with this process. I know

from my previous practice as a hypnotherapist,

and in the group work I've participated...

how beneficial it is to have a 'midwife'

present. Since I don't, I will use each

of your notes to me...to facilitate the

process....looking for body clues...and

then allowing the body to tell it's story.

(Bypassing the mind)....as a means to finding

the resolution of these traumas and memories

that continue to plague me. My sense is

to simply open, expand upon and follow the

images and feelings where ever they take me.


It's all that I know how to do. I'm certainly

open to learn of other modalities, if this

one doesn't 'get me there'.


I'm so greatful to these forums, and for

your presence in my life.


in gratitude,



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